Pretty Liar

Chapter 2

About five days ago, Mrs Amber Mendoza and Mr Rean Mendoza had been pacing in the sitting room of their heavily furnished mansion as they called every single person they knew, which was not much because not many people knew they were back after such a long time and the few that knew, were not one of the people they wanted to confide in about their present predicament. The Cardosos, for example.

Clara Mendoza was missing. The family had not noticed until early that morning and she seemed to have been gone longer, like a full day before. The couple snapped at each other for not having noticed that their child, the only one they had at that, was missing... for almost two days. And they had a meeting with the Cardosos the coming week to discuss her marriage with their son.

The household help had no idea where she could have gone, neither did her parents. Apparently, Clara had blocked her parents' lines and so they couldn't reach her. The argument moved from each couple not noticing that their only child was missing for about two days to who was responsible for spoiling her the most; who had condoned her excesses to the point where she could take decisions like this.

Yes, there was the small fear that she could have been kidnapped, but the couple knew her all too well. This was not the first time she would run away from the house because she wasn't having her way.

Mid arguing, Clara's parents received a visitor, Alyssa Namero who followed the butler as he guided her inside to meet them.

"Sir, ma'am, she asked to see you two urgently," the butler announced on reaching them. "It's about Clara, she said."

The couple turned to Alyssa.

"Excuse us," Mr Rean Mendoza told the butler quickly. He turned to Alyssa. "Please sit. Sit."

Alyssa sat down quietly as the butler made his way out. "Thank you."

Three seconds passed. "I don't know where your daughter is," Alyssa announced. Both mother and father turned in her direction. That was not what they expected her to say given that she'd premised her visit on Clara Mendoza, or at least, information regarding her. "It's not like she'll tell me, anyways. I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Alyssa Namero, the woman your daughter hired to impersonate her."

"Clara did what?" Mr Mendoza asked, his countenance incredulous.

"Yes, I know a replacement daughter is a lot to take in, seeing all the stress that you both are currently going through, looking for her," Alyssa continued calmly, "but don't worry, you won't have to deal with me a lot of the time, just mostly social occasions. I understand that Clara is in an unfavorable position, facing an arranged marriage with someone she is not disposed to romantically and so she decided to flee. That was why she got in touch with me. That is why I am here, to replace her."

Mr and Mrs Mendoza assimilated this information with bewildered annoyance, realizing that their daughter had once again acted childishly and irresponsibly. Yes, she'd not been positively disposed to the thought of marriage with Neil Cardoso as soon as they arrived, fresh from Malta where they'd moved to; where she'd lived the greater part of her life.

In fact, she'd been opposed to coming back here after the family established contact with the Cardosos and talks of the marriage were underway. The couple had thought her dissent was temporary and would dissipate with time. Apparently not.

With her disappearance, her parents had dreaded losing face with the Cardosos.

Not only did she do a disappearing act, but found someone to replace her, her parents realized. And this woman had nothing in common with her but her hair color. Not her restlessness or irresponsibility as contrasted by this woman's obvious calm; not her small, petite body that her parents- people who worried a lot for her- had feared would never transition with puberty.

In fact, it seemed, Clara had gone to bring a woman straight out of a fashion model magazine to replace her.

"Where did she meet you?" Mrs Mendoza asked. "How did she find you? My goodness, we had no idea she was planning something as stupid and ill-thought out as this."

"Mrs Mendoza, I understand that this is going to be a bit to take in," Alyssa said. "But trust me, my client is an adult and to the best of my knowledge, she seems to know what she's doing. I know you have qualms about how successful this will be, but I assure you, that we've been taking the necessary steps before now. I am aware that for the past fifteen years, the Mendozas have not seen Clara and that she used to be childhood friends with Neil Cardoso, part of the reason this marriage is proposed. I have necessary information about each member of that family down to their age and hobbies. Clara has also intimated me with information pertaining to her and we will stay in communication throughout the length of time for the job. I am experienced and skilled at what I do, so you don't have to worry-"

Mrs Amber Mendoza sat down heavily on a couch tapping her index finger on the side table next to the couch while her husband muttered under his breath.

"This is madness!" He said. "Clara has gone too far. She has gone mad! This- she has no idea what she's doing." He turned abruptly to his wife. "You spoiled her too much. The enormity- I cannot believe she would even think this up; think to do this."

His wife ignored this, as she leaned back on her chair and sank into thought. A few seconds later, she turned to Alyssa. "You have no idea where she is presently?" She asked.

"No. She did not disclose."

"But you're in communication, aren't you?" Rean Mendoza said quickly. "Get her on the line. I would like to speak to her. Someone has to knock some sense into her."

Alyssa pulled out her phone and dialed Clara Mendoza's number.

It rang two times and Clara picked on the third ring. Alyssa put the call on loudspeaker. "Hey, Alyssa, have you met them yet?"

"Clara Antonia Mendoza. What is the meaning of this impetuosity?" Mr Mendoza snapped into the phone. "You got yourself an impostor?"

"Hey….Dad," Clara said finally.

"Where are you?"

No response.

"Where are you?" Mr Mendoza snapped, angrier.

"Where are you, my child?" Mrs Mendoza said, rushing for the phone. "Just tell us where you are and we'll come get you."

"I...I eloped."

"You what?" Mother and father chorused.

"With who?" Mr Mendoza thundered on the line. "Certainly not that rascal you keep talking about. What is wrong with you? I ask you to come back home, right now!"

"I'm not," Clara told them. "No chance. I'm not marrying into that family. I already told you I was in love with someone else and you still went ahead and fixed my marriage to that man. I'm tired of not being listened to. Am I merely a thing to be exchanged for your business interests? Am I not worth more, Dad? I left and I'm not coming back."

"Don't be stupid." It was Mrs Mendoza's turn to snap at her daughter. "Come back home and we can discuss this. This behaviour is unbecoming of someone of our status. Haven't you learned anything from us?"

"Say hello to Alyssa for me," Clara said, ready to hang up.

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