"When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew."
Wildest Dreams— Taylor swift
Years ago, both the leaders of vampires and werewolves have signed a peace treaty, which states that if a wolf harms a vampire, the vampires will have full authority to punish the wolf and similarly if a vampire harms a wolf, their alpha will decide his fate.
But our systems work a little differently.
Vampires have different covens with different leaders leading them.
Wolves have different packs with alphas leading them and above all, there is the Royal Kingdom, and leading all the packs and every wolf is a King.
King Vladimir Xavier Knight.
What I find odd is that nobody calls him by his first name or last name. It's the middle name he likes to be called.
King Xavier.
I like Vladimir more.
I don't know anything about werewolves except the fact that they can shapeshift and a little about the mates and marks.
There has not been a werewolf and vampire mate for many years.
Everyone wants to be in the spotlight by striking a werewolf.
It has not been possible for years but I'll let them dream because that is all they can do.
Ugh... I wish no one bloody get a werewolf and they all sulk. Oh, how I wish that the king already found his mate and he comes here with her just to throw shade in everybody's bloody faces. That'd be some awesome ball.
"This is the gown you are going to wear at the ball."
I am busy dissing everybody in my thoughts that I don't see Mathilda entering the room with a big bag and said to me She is in for another earful if she thinks I have the urge to tolerate this foolish ball.
I stand up to protest. Well, protest with my face, because my voice and I don't have the best of the relationship.
"Shush, You haven't spoken in years don't go speaking to me now. Don't glare at me, young lady. Go and shower. I'll pamper you up."
I huff as she pushes me into the bathroom.
I will just go to the ball and come right out from the backdoor.
I hate socializing. I hate crowds. I hate people. I hate everything. I just love my bed and my books and my Night.
I forgot about him.
Double shit.
He must be worried and searching for me.
Flying shit.
Well, that means I'll have to sneak out to meet the love of my life and run away with him.
Nobody will know as I am not needed here.
Just as I come out in a towel, I am pushed on a chair and Mathilda starts her work.
I am naked for God's sake woman.
She puts something on my eyes making them go from dull blue to bright blue.
What kind of bloody magical eye shadow is that?
She does my makeup light but puts on a dark red lipstick.
She takes out stick—type things that have a switch.
She turns it on and starts going through my hair.
She turns them from straight to curly.
Oh! So it's the curler that everybody talks about.
My hair is white, like paper sheet white and they look so dull in contrast to my bright eyes. I am so pale that sometimes people think I have some sickness. But it's just my genes people. I am not sick... I think.
By curling them they look a little...not dead I think.
Then she turns towards the bag, bringing out a dark purple dress with stones all around the waist and sheer back with a low dip and turtle neck from the front with stones.
It came naturally. My mouth opens.
"Thank God, you didn't bring pink."
I am shocked. I spoke subconsciously. My lips moved and words came out. My voice came out and it was all so natural.
I feel tears in my eyes. I can speak.
She stills. The gown falls from her hand and she turns slowly with shock on her face and tears in her eyes.
She is immobile for a second until she jumps on me and hugs me tight.
"I missed your voice."She chocks out, on the verge of tears.
"I missed my voice too," I say still in shock. My voice is different.
It isn't as bratty as I remember.
Looks like the curse on my voice has lifted.
But how?
"But how is this possible?"She says still in a trance.
No way this can be this easy. Fuck you Fate! Another game?! Really?!
I wanted to say that the witch who did the spell is dead.
A thing I know about witches, Either dead or alive, their bloody magic keeps on living.
That leaves me on my second option that I don't like one bit.
"Seems like I might meet my beloved tonight."