Raine‘s little Liar-F.R Black

Chapter 2

A pickle?!

This guy nuts?! I am about to die! "Help," I wheeze. "I'm am s—stabbed."

Why is he happy? Smiling?!

The man frowns suddenly and steps back as if not to dirty his shoes with my pooling blood. "Sorry, these are my favorite shoes," he says, apologetically making my mouth drop open. He studies at me with his hands in his suit pockets, making me think he might have been at the same party as me. Maybe he knows what we did, a detective, perhaps. "I know that you are confused, and honestly, this has not been your night. Am I right?"

I can't say anything.

He looks around then back at me. "Well, Camila, your luck is about to change. I have an offer for you, and the fact that you're dying might alter our mission, and we can't have that. When Fate picks us a girl, we take that very seriously." He gives me a pointed look. "The Universe depends on you...maybe. You have like a one and five chance, actually. But, still."


I must be hallucinating.

I am waiting for him to say, "AND WELCOME TO HELL!" As fire explodes behind him and he turns into something horrific.

"I'm dying, call 911!" I plead, seeing my vision spot with black dots.

I really don't want to die. I want revenge.

And this man is a lunatic!

He shakes his head. "No point. You have lost too much blood for that, I'm afraid. By the time you would arrive at the hospital, your body would be a cold corpse." He tilts his head. "So you must listen carefully. I have a job for you, and if you sign this contract," he is now holding a glittering piece of paper, making me think I may have died already. "I will save your life."

"Am I dead?" I whisper.

"Well, not yet," he continues, "I'm trying to prevent that if you have not noticed."

My hands and feet feel numb as I stare at him. "You can save m—me?"

He smiles and studies me. "Of course I can. I just need you to sign your name, my dear. Fairy Godmother Inc. would like to employ you. We are the keepers of balance, sustaining the universe by true love's kiss."

I stare at him.

He is serious.

Did he say Fairy Godmother Inc?

I am good at reading people, er—until tonight, that is. Maybe he is a doctor? A billionaire with a chopper on one of the Skyscrapers nearby. Flight for life. "I—I'll sign."

I know this is ridiculous, but beggars can't be choosers.

This is my only hope.

He holds the glowing letter right in front of me and it looks real. Like, real, real. I know I am dying, but something tells me that I'm really seeing this. My eyes trace over my full name that is written on the first line.

No one knows my real name.

No one.

I look up at the man, my breathing labored, my lungs stinging. "Who are you?" I whisper in awe.

He grabs a pin from out of his perfect suit and holds it out to me. "This is your lucky day, Camila."

I reach to grab the pin, but my arm will not move.

The man leans closer and grabs my limp arm, lifting it. It's strange, but I can smell the spice of his cologne. "Do I have your permission to help you sign?"

"Yes," I rasp.

He places the pin in my limp fingers and guides it to the glowing letter, making me sign my name on the dotted line at the bottom. It's messy, blood dripping on the magical contract, but it's done. I look up at him, waiting for him to call for help.

To do anything.

He stands up quickly and touches his ear as if he is wired, confusing me. "Randy, I need extraction now. This is a code triple X— Medical staff on stand—by." He looks at me. "Camila. I want to formally welcome you to, Fairy Godmother Inc."

I think I am frowning.

Maybe he is a nutbag.

"Welcome, Camila."

I was about to sputter curse words at him, then something strange happens to my person. My whole body feels prickly and fuzzy, and before I can panic...

Everything goes utterly BLACK with the last image of that strange man winking at me.


"Camila?" the sound echoes beautifully in my mind. I can hear the voice, and it sounds like an angel.

I have died.

I realize.

"Earth to Camila!"

That's odd.

Why would God be using that harsh tone?

Am I in trouble!?

Panic hits me.

"I do not mean to be insensitive, but we do have to keep a schedule. Can you hear me, child!?"


That's... not God.

More of a bossy female.

I open my eyes, and sparkles of light seep through, resembling the diamonds that I once had in my possession.

Can we still want revenge even after death? Will I be eternally tormented with Lucus's betrayal?! Walking the city's alleyways, howling with the wind on the eve of my brutal death?! Naive teenagers will dress up as me for Halloween, draped in the stolen jewels with a knife sticking out of their stomachs? Fake blood everywhere. It would catch on like fire, the new fascination of my death. Then Hollywood would catch wind of the shocking legend and want to monopolize on the gold mine. My sad life suddenly becomes a blockbuster hit, gaining me the ultimate fame I always wanted!!

What irony.

"Any slower, and she'd be dead."

I blink, seeing faces looking down at me.

What. The. Hell.

Am I in Hell?

My brain is misfiring.

"Ahh, there she is. You see? She is not braindead like you'd thought." Came the voice of that MAN.

The man from the alleyway.

That means I am not...dead, I think.

I look at a lovely woman with silver hair, scowling at me. "You sure? She looks a little slow. I'd run the brian scans again."

"Excuse me?" I get out as my voice breaks. "I am not dead, right?"

Where the hell am I?

The man from the alley helps me sit up, and I look around. My head is dizzy. I'm in some sterile hospital, everything almost blinding white with virtual technology. I hear a beautiful electronic woman's voice talk in the background. I glance at the man and notice his bright blue eyes as they regard me, studying me. "Where am I?" I whisper, my heart thudding.

I'm breathing.

I am I alive, then?

"Great question," he says and removes something from his shoulder, then glances back at me. "You were just in surgery, and it went very well." He winks at me. "We cut it close."

I immediately grab my stomach, where the knife was sticking out.

No pain.

"You were a doctor?"

He laughs and nods to the woman standing next to him. "I think we are ready for briefing, her scans are clear. I will meet you and the girls in five."

The woman sighs and glances at me with a sly smile and turns to leave with three men in black following her. "We are a day late, and I hate being late," she says over her shoulder.

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