Chapter 2

The contract

make babies

I got up from bed really tired the next day, who wouldn't be after yesterday’s stress. My body was expected to be tired.

I got up, took some coffee and went to freshen up and get ready for today's job. I'd usually have my breakfast at home but I was so late today so I decided to grab something at work during my lunch break. May my body sustain me then I prayed.

I got to work so late and as usual, Mr. Felix was ready at the gate waiting for me. Probably to deduct another sum of money from my pay for lateness but to my utmost surprise he was cool about it.

Valerie, why are you coming by this time? Don't you know it's going to hurt today's agenda?

Then I was waiting for the regular word. “ ten thousand dollars have been deducted from your pay today” but instead I got a cool smile .

Now what are you doing standing there? Come inside get ready and get to work.

At first, I thought I was dreaming so I had to pinch myself multiple times to wake up from this dream because, to me, this was too good to be true.

I got inside and headed straight to the changing room to remove the hoodie I was wearing. When I was done a colleague of mine told me that Mr. Felix had called for an emergency meeting with all his staff.

I got changed and went straight up to his office where everyone was already gathered.

Today I would need each and every one of us here to be on their best behavior and offer the best service you have never offered in their entire life as a very important guest would be coming today to dine.

Now I understand why you were all smiley this morning.

Valerie? Do you have something to say?

Hug? Nothing nothing sir.

Good. So I thought. Now as I was saying, for the chefs, today’s meal must be exquisite, for the cleaners make sure everywhere is sparkling, for the decors, you have twenty minutes after now to make some magic and for the waitresses make sure you speak nicely with good breaths also.

I don’t want my guest running away because of some offensive odor.

You mean the one like yours. I said

Did someone say something?

No sir!


Yes sir?

You would be serving my guest for today.

Thank you so much sir, it would be a great honor for me.

Good, you’re dismissed.

Thank you sir, we all chorused as we got back to work.

Who was this mystery guest anyway, he failed to mention his or her name or is it a family? I pondered on this while I assisted in cleaning the tables.

Soon customers started arriving and the whole place became busy. But there was an abrupt stop in the atmosphere as an aura of authority filled the air, cars were packed up outside as everyone turned to see who the person was.

It turned out to be a really beautiful middle aged woman, with elegance written all over her as she walked majestically into the restaurant, Mr. Felix came out of his office with speed to welcome her and brought her to a very special table. It was then my mind flew back to what he had said earlier today.

So she was the important guest we were receiving and if I remembered clearly he assigned me personally to take her orders and do anything she wanted.

I quickly rushed to her table after Mr. Felix left to take her orders.

Good day ma’am, welcome to Felix restaurant. How can we serve you?

She was mute as her eyes were glued to her phone.

All these rich people who think they could just keep whoever they want standing for hours until they finished whatever they were doing.

Ma’am? I called out again.

Sorry dear, I have to reply to these emails, why don’t you go attend to others while I do so.

Okay ma.

Her calm voice got me wondering if this woman was real, because the other ones I’ve dealt with here would make sure I stand there for hours waiting for them to place their orders.

Some were not even up to her standards, while some were just girlfriends to rich men who were old enough to be their father, but I dare not complain to anyone if I love my job.

I went ahead to attend to other customers while she continued with whatever she was doing. I noticed her eyes glued to me as I worked with patience dealing with some arrogant customers.

Soon she sent for me as she was ready to place her orders.

Here I am ma’am.

What would you be having?

Sit with me.

Ma’am? I repeated not sure of what I just heard.

I said sit with me, don’t be scared.

I had to pinch myself really hard to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

I’m sorry ma’am but I’d like to stand instead I’m still on duty.

Well I relief you of those duties for twenty minutes I trust your boss would understand, I turned to Mr. Felix who gave me a nod it’s like she had already told him about it.

I was so nervous as I sat down with her, this was the first time a customer of her caliber would ask me to sit with them.

She ordered some burger and a pack of juice for me while she just ordered salads for herself. For that moment o felt like a queen, being served just like I served others was the best feeling.

I dug on the burger as I hadn’t had breakfast before coming to work.

So dear tell me what’s your name? She asked

Valerie ma…. Valerie Sanchez

Hmm. Nice name. So Valerie can I ask you a few questions? And I need you to be really honest with me.

For a woman I’m just meeting for the first time wanting to ask me questions sounds strange but I had to give in anyway.

Yes ma’am sure I’d be honest.

Okay, where are you from?

I’m from Ohio ma.

Do you have any family?

No ma’am it’s just me, I lost my parents and only sibling on a ghastly car accident years back.

Are you single? Or married?

I’m single ma.

Why would a beautiful girl like you be single?

Well, I’d say it’s because I have to work hard to fend for myself so I could meet up with my bills. So I really wouldn’t have time for relationships.

Well, I want to offer you a contract.

What contract ma’am?

I want you to get married to my son and produce heirs for my family, he’s the only child I have and I wouldn’t want our name to be dragged to the mud because of his refusal to get married.

I’m a dying woman, I’m battling with cancer and I have just one year left for me and I wouldn’t want him to be unmarried while I leave this earth.

I’m ready to pay you five hundred thousand dollars monthly

500,000 USD

for staying with my son and a million dollars when you produce an heir.


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