A Hundred Rejection

Chapter 2

After a few minutes , we are now here in the parking lot of the venue. The parking lot is full so it's hard to find a good spot for Andy's car. There are surely a lot of people are going tonight. Andy have her own car so we don't have a problem if we go home late but she should not get drunk. I don't know how to drive a car.

We finally find a parking spot and we walk toward the entrance. The smoke and crowded bar welcomed us. I look around and I saw people making out everywhere. I feel shy about my dress but there's a lot of girls almost not wearing anything so maybe the dress I am wearing now is still conservative here. I held Andy's arms and hold it.

"Don't be scared Ree! It is just normal" She shouted and laughed. The music is too loud and we could not communicate properly if we don't shout.

"Just don't leave me okay?! And don't you dare get drunk!" I shouted back.

I feel so dizzy. The people around us are dancing and they just feel like nothing happened. They are aggressively bumping me! But it's just normal here so I must keep calm.

"Okay master!" She laughed

"I'm serious Andy!" I stared her seriously

"Err, okay hehe" she said and make a peace sign.

"Andy! We need to find a spot to sit. I don't like here, I'm feeling dizzy now." I said while trying my best to stand properly.

"Okay, follow me." She said and I held her right arm.

Finally we get away in the crowded people. We walk around and finally find a good spot. There's no one's sitting here so I sitted. This spot is in very last and left side so I can finally sit here comfortably. The only people I see there walking is the staff of the bar. I know them because they are wearing the same uniform. Andy know me very well, she knows I like this kind of spot.

"I just get us drink Ree" I stared at her. We don't need to shout anymore finally.

"No alcohol Andy please" I said and she nooded. She started to walk and I speak again.

"Andy don't get drunk okay?" I said to her and she smiled and thumbs up.

After a few minutes, Andy is not yet here. Where is she? I hope she's okay. I feel so cold because of my dress. I'm hugging myself right now. Where is Andy? Is she drinking with a guy or they are... Arg never mind.

I saw a guy approaching me and I'm not in the mood to talk. I feel so cold!

"Hi milady, are you alone? It's not safe here when you're sitting alone." He said and stared at me.

He has the charm actually. He is handsome and he have the aura of a good guy but just like what they said, looks can be deceiving. But one thing I noticed is he have a weird taste of fashion. He took of his jacket and give it to me.

"Wear this jacket milady, I know you're cold." I took it without any having a second though because I am so very cold right now.

"Thanks, you can leave now." I said.

He gave me his jacket but it doesn't mean he can hit on me. And I don't want him to think that I like the idea of him, accompanying me so better get rid of him.

"Oh, you're so serious. I am not a bad guy okay?" He said while smiling.

He's so cute when he smile. Opss no he's not! What are you thinking Ree? I slapped my self

"Hey, why are you slapping yourself? Are you okay?" He said with a concern tone. He look so concern or its just my imagination.

" Ahh, there's a mosquito in my face so I slapped it. I'm okay, it doesn't hurt" I said nervously. Actually it hurts! I feel like my cheeks is burning. I'm crazy!

"Okay?" He looks unconvinced. Maybe he's thinking I'm crazy. What did you do Ree? Yes I want him to leave me alone but not like this!

"Are you alone? It's not safe here when you're sitting alone." He asked me again.

"I'm with a friend but she's not yet back so I just wait here" I said. I feel ashamed because of what I've done.

" Can I sit here with you? I just leave when you're friend gets back. Hope you don't mind" he said. He sounded worry or I'm being crazing again.

"Umm, okay" I said. I don't want to speak anymore. What I've done earlier is enough. I feel embarrassed.

He sitted half meter away from me. He's now playing with his phone. He's kinda weird. I look at his eyes and it looks tired. But overall, he looks angelic. I look at his phone and now I see in my peripheral vision that he is staring at me right now so I look at him.

" What?" I asked

" Nothing, you just really look so innocent. By the way I'm Sebastian and you are?" He offer me a handshake and I accepted it.

" Barrea" I said while looking at his eyes. He has a blue eyes and it feels comforting.

" Beautiful name for a beautiful lady. But its kinda long so can I call you Bar instead? Since we met here in bar" he smiled and I nodded. I am now smiling too.

" So friends?" He said and I stared at him after he said that.

I only have one friend and it is Andy so maybe it is okay to have one more? And he treated me right and even here to sit with me so I'll be safe. I smiled widely at him.

And that's the time when I got my second friend and it happened to be my first boy friend.

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