Raelynn smiled to herself at how serious Mr Theodore seemed about it.
He was such a man who exaggerated everything but that never brought any harm to Raelynn or her company. He just really loved to drag people's interest into what he wanted to say. That was one of his habits. Raelynn leaned in and placed her hands crossed on the table.
"I'm listening", she said making Mr Theodore prop up in his seat.
"There's this huge company named HighWalk Productions. They are a worldwide music company but strangely, their ownership and management have been secretive." He said.
"...and?" She asked asking him to complete.
"So they are producing a whole new music album with music videos for each song and they are looking for a fashion house to collaborate with. That's our chance. They have a huge budget and if you somehow manage to get the deal, Veronica Fashion House will be world known," Mr Theodore spoke with great determination in his eyes.
Even though he was not officially a part of Raelynn's company, but he mentored her since she came to London. He's a person who always looked out for Raelynn. On the other hand, she also considered him a part of them by paying him as a mediator.
"Yes, I know there would be a lot of other larger companies lining up but guess what? It's worth a try. If you want, I would set up a meeting with them. What do you say?" He completed.
Raelynn thought about it for a while. Of course, it was worth a try, she thought to herself. And from what Mr Theodore was saying, it did sound like an opportunity of a lifetime.
"If you could set up a meeting, that'd be great. It'd be very useful. Where is the company located?" She said.
"Oh? Is that a way of complimenting me?" He laughed proudly of himself. "It's located in the US and they wanted to increase their reach by connecting with companies all over the world. Maybe that's why they are keen to work with companies even from other countries."
Raelynn was suddenly alerted. The US, her home country, went round and round in her head. This was such a big opportunity for her but at the same time, it was almost like a nightmare.
What added to her fears was that, even though Zayn was a superstar singer, he also owned a worldwide music company. Raelynn took a deep breath as questions started rising in her mind. But HighWalk Productions wasn't Zayn's music company's name so that calmed her down a little. She thought that there was no way she would ever meet him in such a big country. And there was no way HighWalk Productions has to be situated in Los Angeles. She was just overthinking, she told herself.
"Okay. Let's work on it then." Raelynn said handing out her hand to shake hands with Mr Theodore, to be formal. He shrugged a little with a smile and shook her hand.
Even though Jake asked her to come over once she was done, after work, Raelynn drove her car straight to her own house. She parked her car and then rang the doorbell to her house. Her mother opened the door with a huge smile on her face. Raelynn wished her mother and then her father, who sat on the living room couch watching TV and murmuring things to himself. That was his habit, he sometimes got too worked up watching the news that he would end up yelling at the TV and then her mother would yell at him.
"Mom, where's Joe?" Raelynn asked placing her purse down on the couch.
"She's sleeping in her room. She has turned really naughty these days. I had to lie to her to make her sleep," her mother said with guilt. Raelynn frowned, not seriously.
"What'd you say to her?" She said.
"I said you would take her out on a vacation." Her mother said with her head shook down. Raelynn looked away.
"Mom, don't give her false hopes. I am really busy, you know how it is for me." She sighed and her mother looked at her apologetically.
Raelynn walked up the stairs and opened the door to the room. A little girl of about 3 years was walking around the room with a bag and a plastic wagon in her hand. Raelynn smiles to herself and walks to the baby. When the baby noticed Raelynn, she got very excited.
"Mommy!" She shrieked and ran to her mother and hugged her. Raelynn kneeled in front of her and hugged her back.
"What are you doing, Joe?" She asked adoringly. That's when Joe backed off her mother and ran to pick up her little bag and toy.
"I'm packing, mom. We are going on a trip," Joe said with extreme happiness on her face. That broke Raelynn's heart at how serious she was about it. But she didn't want to make Joe upset.
"Are you sure you can pack everything in that little bag?" She asked. Joe looked down at her bag and then dropped it on the floor, realising.
"Oh, no. What do I do now?" Joe said adorably and slapped her forehead with her hand in disappointment. Raelynn laughed watching her as she tried to control her tears. She pulled Joe to her and cuddled her.
Joelynn Taylor, who was nicknamed Joe by everyone, was Raelynn's daughter. That's when Raelynn's messed up past makes an appearance. Even if she wanted to, Raelynn couldn't remove her past from her life because her past was what gave her the biggest gift in her life. Raelynn's past gave her Joe, the person she loved the most.
Four years ago, one day, Raelynn stole some cash when her parents were sleeping and ran away from Hampshire to settle in Los Angeles. She left everything behind in order to pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer because her parents were against it. The first job she got was at Zayn's music company, The Direction Musics. She started working as a bring and take an assistant.
When Zayn and Raelynn got to know each other, both of them were attracted. But constant hurdles and problems drifted them apart. Mostly because of Zayn's girlfriend, Ashley Piper. But eventually, the day Zayn and Raelynn kissed marked the start of their relationship.
But their relationship was short-lived. Zayn broke her heart several times but the last time, he destroyed Raelynn. Not even a week into their relationship, Zayn decided to marry Ashley in 2 days for reasons Raelynn never knew. She was heartbroken and ruined when she heard about it. That's when she decided to run away and continue chasing her dreams.
Raelynn sent out her CV to a lot of fashion companies hoping to get at least one call from them. She planned to run away from Los Angeles before Zayn's wedding so she didn't have to face him anymore. And luckily, she got a call from a company who wanted to hire someone urgently and she agreed to it. The only problem was, the company was in London, UK.
Raelynn booked the flight tickets back to Hampshire and then decided that she had unfinished business with Zayn. So she took an impulsive decision, took a cab to Zayn's house and knocked on his door late at night.
When he let her in, she asked him to repay her for the hurt he has given her. And the repay was to spend a night with her. So, the night before Raelynn ran away, she and Zayn spend it together as a one night stand. And just the next morning, Raelynn fled from Los Angeles back to her own house, while Zayn got married to Ashley.
Raelynn reached her home, Hampshire, and stayed there for a few days and then decided to move to London together with her parents and start a new life altogether by forgetting her past.
But what she didn't know was, that she was pregnant. That night, she got pregnant unknowingly. And even if she wanted to, she couldn't erase her past.
Joe was Zayn and Raelynn's daughter, about whom Zayn never knew. Raelynn kept Joe a secret since she was born to avoid questions of people about who her father was. Because no one would believe Raelynn if she said Joe was the superstar singer Zayn's daughter. That's what she thought.
But then, she met Jake. Jake became very close to Raelynn as a friend and Raelynn also confided in Jake as a close friend. She decided to tell Jake about her past after thinking a lot. But after that, Raelynn was happy because of how Jake trusted and supported her even after knowing her story. Jake never forced or even asked Raelynn who the person was, to respect her privacy. That's why when Jake confessed to her, Raelynn accepted him as her boyfriend.
Jake also took the responsibility of Joe which was why Raelynn was comfortable and almost at ease in her life because she knew Joe had Jake who cared for her as a father. She no longer kept Joe, a secret.
Raelynn thought about everything one by one as she was driving her car to Jake's house.
She entered his house and started spending time with each other till they sat together at the dining table to have dinner together.
"I have to give it to you. You have improved a lot in cooking," Raelynn said, actually impressed with the food.
"I wish I could say that about you." Jake laughed and Raelynn joined in the laughter. They continued eating and talking to each other.
"So, did you think about where you want to go for the vacation?" Jake asked with excitement.
"Did you get the deal?" She said stuffing herself with food.
"Of course. They almost gave me the deal." Jake said smiling. "Where do you want to go?"
"US," she said, "I want to go back to the US."