End of Time

Chapter 2

"Sis, are you ready?" My brother asked me.

"Always," I said. Then we went inside the university.

June 16. Today is the first day of class. I"m a freshman in Autumn University, taking up AB Literature. I actually felt nervous, but at the same time I"m so excited to feel the atmosphere of college.

I hope I can make a lot of friends together with Faith.

"Sis, I"m going. See you later!"

"Okay, I"m going to wait for Faith. Bye." I waved at him and he smiled.

My brother, Calvin Zane Sison is now a third year college student in the same university I"m in. He's taking up BS Accountancy. The more he loves Math, the more I hate it. I"m the only one in the family who hates Mathematics because even my Mom loves it, in fact she worked as an accountant.

I walked to the hallway as I read my schedule. I passed by a couple then I remembered my first kiss when they kissed. I actually slapped the guy and ran away that time because I don"t really know what I could do when I stay there a little longer, I might kill him for stealing my precious first kiss.

It"s been a week since that happened. I tried to forget about that as much as possible to avoid bad vibes. I don"t really want to think about it because even if I curse that guy in my mind a million times, nothing will happen. It will never change the fact that my first kiss was stolen by someone whom I never knew at all.

So might as well I"ll forget about it. Everything happens for a reason. But I hope I don"t see that guy anymore.

I was back to my senses when Faith tapped my back. "Hey." She said while panting. She ran again. She wiped the sweat around her neck before tying her long hair.

"You"re late," I told her as she looked at her wristwatch.

"My first class starts at ten. How about you?" She asked.

"It will start at nine so we still have an hour to scan the whole place."

"Okay. Let"s go boy hunting," she giggled. Her dimple showed on both cheeks which made her cute.

I rolled my eyes but started checking out guys. Well, it"s one of the things we like to do when we"re bored.

Faith Naomi Cruz has been my best friend since I was a kid. We both grew up together and we treat each other like sisters. Sad to say, she"s taking up AB Broadcasting so we are just going to see each other during lunch or if we have some free time.

"Oh my gosh Cha, that guy is so hot." She pointed her finger in the direction of the guy. I looked at the guy who"s wearing a jersey and I think he"s a member of the basketball team. His broad shoulders were evident as he played the ball and I bet he got abs too.

"Yeah." I agreed. We watched the guy as he shot the ball to the basket and everyone, including Faith cheered for him. We stayed there for a minute until it"s time for me to go to my room.

"Just text me okay?" she nodded and we parted ways.

My room is located on the first floor of the Arts Department. I went inside and I saw some students sitting and chatting with each other. Ugh! I felt alone but I screwed up the feeling and just sat at the back and read to kill time.

I did that for a minute until a guy sat beside me. I raised an eyebrow when he smiled at me then I remembered that he is the same guy a while ago. The hot basketball guy Faith was talking about. I realized something that I didn"t notice a while ago. He"s chinito, and I so love chinito guys.

"Hi," he grinned.

I blinked. I don"t know what to say. Millions of butterflies were playing in my stomach when he smiled at me. I felt the gaze of everyone around me as if I did something wrong or maybe it"s the fact that a famous hot guy is talking to me, just a simple average girl wearing eyeglasses. Nerdy girl.

"You"re new here right?"

I nodded.

He offered his hands to me. "I"m Eros Dela Cruz."

"Uhm, hi?" I stuttered and started cursing myself at the thought.

"I"m your professor in Statistics."

Oh. So, I"ve got a very hot professor in my most hateful subject.

I"m actually going to believe that he"s my professor in Statistics when the real professor came in, Sir Cupid Dela Cruz.

I rolled my eyes to him and thought of punching his perfect jawline but eventually smiled at him when he gave me a sign of peace.

My professor started to talk about the subject but my mind is actually travelling to different places. I don"t really like Math and its branches. I felt bored until one by one my classmates started introducing themselves.

I did introduce myself and after an hour Sir dismissed us. I looked for my schedule and my next room is on the third floor. I was about to climb the stairs when someone stopped me.

"Charity!" he called. His eyes turned into a line when he smiled. "I"m sorry about that." he chuckled as he remembered his introduction a while ago.

"I"m not actually a professor but I can be your professor in Stat if you want." He winked and that made me blush.

"K." I walked away, tried to hide the butterflies in my stomach, but it grew even more when he held my hand. "Why so grumpy?" I think he pouted when he said that as he followed me upstairs. "I"m Eros Klein Natividad. E.K for short." He stopped me from climbing the stairs again.

People are looking at us, no, they are looking at him, especially girls. And, I saw envy in their eyes as E.K continued to get my attention.

"So?" I replied. "Move or I"ll kick your ass!" I warned him though I don"t have any intention of doing that. I am just saving myself from the eyes of people around us who stopped as if we are actually filming. That made me realize E.K is trouble. Imagine, being with him and having a club composed of my haters because I am not that good for E.K. Oh, I"ve read that in books and seen that in movies.

"Sure, let"s kick ass together. I am a taekwondo player."

"What belt?"


I smirked. "I am black belt."

His confidence faded away when he heard that. Well, I stopped kicking ass, but I am still pretty good at it.

"Okay. I accept my defeat." He raised both of his hands before touching his nape. Oh. He"s cute.

"Well, since I lied to you. I"ll treat you to lunch for a week."

He doesn"t need to do that because I"m not really angry about what happened a while ago. In fact, I found it very cute and unique to meet someone that way. Though, he pranked me. But since it"s free I accepted the offer and honestly I like to know him more. Should I get ready with his fans club?

"Okay." he smiled and added "Friends?"


Well, I have a new crush.

Speech Communication is our next class. I"m now sitting with E.K at the back and we were talking about each other. Everyone is really looking at us so I asked him why.

"Because I"m handsome and I"m with a beautiful lady."

It made me smile again. I feel so comfortable with him like I"ve known him before. I know I"m beautiful, I heard it a lot of times from different people. But the feeling is new when your crush says that.

"Really?" I chuckled. "Why are you so famous?"

"Am I?" he shrugged. "Maybe because I"m a member of the swimming team and I came from Autumn Academy. A lot of people here came from that school too."

"Oh." I raised my brow. "I thought you"re a member of the basketball team. I saw you playing a while ago, you had your jersey."

"No, it"s not mine," he laughed a little. "Just love to play ball with the teams."

Wow. Now, I wonder what other talent he has that would totally amaze me.

Ms. Camille, our professor came in, and started introducing herself and the subject to us. She allowed us to introduce ourselves and our achievements when we"re in high school. It's E.K"s turn and I noticed that everyone is looking at him like there"s no tomorrow. Gosh! I have a lot of rivalry.

I laughed at myself because I am also checking him out.

"Hi." He waved a little and even though he"s famous, he still looked like a shy kid. "I"m Eros Klein Natividad. I came from Autumn Academy and I graduated as the class valedictorian."

Oh. What can I say? I am crushing the right guy.

"I was the president of the Math club in my former school and also the captain of the swimming team. I"m also the president of the student council before..."

He mentioned all his achievements and I was really amazed. Everyone was feeling the same, including our professor. And, I can say he doesn"t seem arrogant, just proud of himself.

"Why did you take up AB Literature instead of a Math major course?" Ms. Camille asked him.

"Well, I want to try new things that I"m not good at."

"Can I ask?" one of the girls said with a giggle.


"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Oh." he smiled and for once I assume he answered the question for me when he said,. "I don"t have a girlfriend."

Every girl had a wide smile on their face when he said that, even me. But when he added that last statement "But my heart is already owned by someone." -- I felt broken. Ouch!

I was sad about the fact that he already likes someone but it is okay because I can talk to him and we"re friends.

It was my turn. I told them every achievement that I had when I was in high school. I also graduated as a valedictorian. I was the Literature president for three years, the student council secretary for two years and everything that I could remember.

"Whoa, I thought you"re just kidding about black belter."

I stuck my tongue out. "I"m not."

We both chuckled.

The whole day went well because E.K kept on telling me funny jokes so I laughed and laughed the whole time I"m with him.

"So, see you tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Sure. Bye."

I waved at him and he ran to the pool.

I waited for Faith and we headed home while talking about E.K.

"Gosh, I"m going to shift in your department." she excitedly said. "Introduce me to him Cha, please!" she pleaded like a baby.

I laughed. "Okay."

"Yay! Okay, I"ll see you tomorrow."

She went inside their house and I walked a few steps before I reached our home. I was about to knock when I dropped my handkerchief. As I picked it up, the door opened. I paused when I saw someone wearing my favorite slippers. It"s not my brother"s feet.

"What the hell - You?"

He looked amused.

Kiss stealer.

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