CEO's Foolish and Sweet Wife

CEO's Foolish and Sweet Wife



Xin Lou, she has two identities— First, she is the second young lady of the Haicheng's prestigious Lou family, second, she is the only plump heiress among all the famous ladies in Haicheng! At the age of eighteen, she did something that shocked everyone: she hid a 'man' in her luxurious house! Everyone said that Xin Lou, because of her overweight, couldn't find a man to love her, so she resorted to this plan of raising a male gold-digger. Little did they know, she was willing to give everything for Ruiheng Ji, yet, what she received in return was his continuous betrayal and heartlessness. "Miss Lou, do you just know to humiliate me with money? Take a look at yourself in the mirror, even if I fall in love with a pig, I won't fall in love with you!" Until, Ruiheng Ji cunningly sent her to the bed of a man twelve years older than her — He Xuan Ling, this successful businessman who is the center of attention in Haicheng, the big shot who strategies the world. Her unrequited love, finally came to an end.
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Night, the Royal Regency was in full swing.

"Qingqing, the guest in the diamond booth specially requested for you. I guess you can sell a lot of wine this time."

In the staff lounge, Xia Wanqing was about to change out of her uniform to get off work. Hearing her manager's words, she stopped moving, feeling somewhat troubled.

"Sister Annie, it's already very late..."

Annie interrupted her, "I know you have to care for those two little munchkins every night. But you also need to earn more money so that your babies can live better, right? Here's what we'll do, a maximum of one hour. Once time's up, even if they don’t let you leave, I'll find a way to get you out, okay?"

Xia Wanqing was not untempted. If her sales were good, the money she made from selling wine every night could cover a third of her rent. Indeed, she had two little ones to feed.

"Sister Annie, please tell the guest that I'll be there right away."

Standing in front of the diamond booth, Xia Wanqing adjusted herself slightly, took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and prepared to enter.

She had been working at the Royal Regency for half a year and had already grown accustomed to its extravagant atmosphere. This entertainment centre was different from others, its grade and level were much higher, and all the guests who came here were members, with a membership fee of up to one million. As you can imagine, almost all the rich and affluent elites of the entire Seacity gathered here. The guests here were wealthy and often powerful, so they couldn't be offended and were too formidable to offend.

She had learned many ways to deal with clients, but whenever she encountered those who wanted to take advantage and were difficult male guests, Xia Wanqing still felt somewhat awkward.

"Come on, since you want to sell more wine to us, of course you have to drink more with us. Qingqing, I know about your tolerance. If you don't drink this glass, it's like you're not giving me, Director Wang, face."

The middle-aged man was obviously drunk, with a red face and an oily sheen. He continuously pushed the wine glass to Xia Wanqing's lips, squinting his eyes and staring at her cherry-colored tender lips with an indescribably lewd expression.

Xia Wanqing knew well about her own alcohol tolerance. If she drank more, she would worry about getting drunk, while also considering Director Wang's feelings. Especially tonight, she always felt particularly uncomfortable in this booth, as if someone was always staring at her.

Seeing that she was still not drinking, Director Wang gradually looked unhappy and his tone became strict, "Qingqing, don't forget who has always been supporting you. If you don't drink again, I'm going to ask Madam to replace you."

"Director Wang, I... Uh!" Before Xia Wanqing could open her mouth, a large glass of foreign wine was poured into her mouth, the light brown liquid trickled down her lips, glided past her fair collarbone, and finally disappeared into her chest...

Director Wang's eyes were practically bulging out of his head, almost drooling—

Suddenly, with a loud thud!

In the corner, someone placed a wine glass heavily on the tea table, causing an abrupt noise.

Xia Wanqing coughed a few times and couldn't help but follow the sound.

The private room was dim to begin with, and she had been constantly pestered by Director Wang, so she hadn't noticed the man in the corner at all.

He suddenly rose and walked towards Xia Wanqing. Before she could react, he was standing in front of her, towering like a giant, forcing her to look up at him.

His face was dark and indistinguishable, only the corners of his mouth were taut, revealing a hint of anger.

He suddenly bent down and grabbed Xia Wanqing's wrist, pulling her up from the sofa, "Come with me!"

Xia Wanqing couldn't resist the man's strength. She was pulled along, dragged out of the room. Until the door closed, the awkward shout of Director Wang could still be heard from inside, "Mr. Wen, where are you going??"


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