Countryside Spooky Tales

Countryside Spooky Tales



My family members told me that on the night of my birth, an old beggar woman came to my grandfather's house. Upon seeing me, she lunged without a word, clutching at my neck. Not until my grandfather's tragic death did I learn the truth and swear to fulfil his last wishes in this lifetime!
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My name is Fang Zheng, with "Fang" as in ‘square’ and "Zheng" as in ‘upright’, I was born in a village located in Xiàxià town, Qingdao city. My father died in a car accident before I was born, leaving this world behind.

My pregnant mother returned to my grandparents' home.

Growing up, I heard from my mother that my grandfather was a fortune teller. On the night I was born, my grandfather went to the village committee to collect a birth subsidy. At that point, our house was visited by an old woman, who no one recognized.

This old woman was dressed in a black padded jacket embroidered with white flowers. Her face was ashen, her lips were blood red, and the corners of her mouth tilted upwards like she was constantly smiling. Her hair seemed like it hadn't been cleaned for years, all matted together.

After coming into our yard, the old woman didn't speak, she tiptoed along the wall with her body closely attached.

Upon seeing her, my grandmother went up to find out where she had come from and whom she was visiting.

The old woman looked at my grandmother and said,

"I'm a beggar and I haven't eaten for two days. I'm starving. I came to your home to ask for some food. Could you kindly help me out? Good people will have good returns."

As it was a joyous day, the day I was born, my grandmother was feeling generous and agreed right away. She went into the kitchen to get some bread.

In the meantime, the old woman took advantage of the situation and slipped into the house. As soon as she saw me lying on the bed, she reached out her hand and seized my throat.

Her face was distorted in anger, full of murderous intent, and she kept yelling, "I'll kill you. I want to wipe out the lineage of the Fang family!"

My mother, lying by my side, at first wondered who this woman was. But at the sight of her grabbing my throat, my mother was struck in terror.

She tried to intervene, calling out for my grandmother while yanking at the old woman's arm. However, despite her fragile and frail appearance, the old woman had a surprising amount of strength. My mother, despite her efforts, couldn't loosen the woman's grip from my neck due to her own weakness after giving birth.

Just as I was about to succumb, my grandfather, holding a sickle, rushed in from outside. Without saying a word and barely hesitating, he gritted his teeth and chopped off his left index finger!

Blood splattered everywhere!

My mother had a very deep impression of this event. She clearly remembered my grandfather's eyes turning blood-red. He didn't even glance at the severed finger that fell on the ground. Instead, he fixed his gaze on the old woman and said just one sentence, which saved my life.

He said: 'Either let go immediately, or die together!'

Upon hearing my grandfather's words, the old lady released her grip from my neck. She didn't even dare to look at my grandfather once, and walked away without looking back...

Sometimes I would curiously ask my mother, who exactly was that old woman? Why did she want to choke me to death?

However, my mom would just shake her head, unwilling to tell me anything else. She only warned me never to speak to unfamiliar old women in the future.

A few days after that old woman left, my grandfather brought home two black dogs to raise.

Ever since then, except for when he had to go out for errands, he never left my side. From starting school, he would personally drop off and pick me up every day.

Whether it was busy farming season, rain or wind, he never missed a day.

One more thing was that since I can remember, my grandfather repeatedly and incessantly warned me: 'Never, ever go to the reservoir on the east side of the village!'

Every time I was about to step out of our house, he would repeat this to me. Most parents tell their children to come home early when they go out. But, what I always heard was: 'Never go to the reservoir!'

When I was young and didn't know better, I assumed my grandfather didn't want me to go to the reservoir because he was afraid I would fall in and drown. But an event that occurred when I was twelve gave me an incomparable fear of that place!

I remember once during the summer vacation, my grandfather and grandmother went to water the fields. My mom went to bring them lunch at noon, and I was at home alone doing my homework. A schoolmate from my village, Jianye, came to find me to play.

I was almost finished with my homework, so I locked the house and went out to play with him.

Throughout the journey, I asked Jian Ye where he planned to go, and Jian Ye looked at me and said,

"I am planning to go to the Xie Shan Reservoir for fun, and thought you might join me."

Upon hearing the four characters of Xie Shan Reservoir, I immediately stopped and shook my head, saying,

"No can do, I can't go there with you. My grandfather has told me since I was young not to go to Xie Shan Reservoir."

When Jian Ye heard what I said, he didn't seem to mind and said to me,

"Fang Zheng, my parents also told me not to go there. Today, we are just planning to play at the 'Big Well' near the reservoir where there is no water. We won't go near the reservoir itself, so it should be fine."

"That's also no good. I don't want to go there. How about we head to Fu An Village instead?" I've always obeyed my grandfather's words, so I absolutely do not wish to go to places he advised against.

Jian Ye approached and grabbed my arm, saying,

"Fang Zheng, how can you be so timid? We're not exactly going to the Xie Shan Reservoir; we're not going to swim either. We're just going there to roast some grasshoppers below the Big Well. How come you're not joining us? If you remain like this, I don't want to invite you out for fun in the future."

"Fine, I'll go. But, I'll only play around the Big Well." Although the Big Well is near the Xie Shan Reservoir, it is not part of the reservoir. And we neither cross over it nor swim there. We'll just play around and come home; nothing would happen.

My grandfather's worry is likely that I might fall into the reservoir.

So, we both joyfully headed towards the Big Well.

Below the Big Well, we had a whale of a time. Jian Ye was responsible for catching the grasshoppers, while I was in charge of lighting the fire and grilling.

We played until Jian Ye's mother came to call him home for homework. After he left, I was the only one cleaning up the embers. As I carefully extinguished the flame with soil, I couldn’t help noticing that the surroundings were getting darker and windier.

Seeing this change in weather, I quickly climbed up from underneath the Big Well, ready to head home.

On my way home, I happened across an elderly woman who was sitting by the side of the road, cupping her legs and moaning softly under her breath.

Being young at that time and seeing the pitiable state of the old woman didn't give me much thought as I walked over and asked her what happened.

"Granny, what's wrong? Did you hurt your leg?"

The old woman was dressed in black and wrapped in a headscarf. Upon hearing my words, she lifted her head slightly. I saw her deep-set eyes, full of murkiness. She opened her mouth and said to me,

"Yes, I fell while walking and now I can't get up. Ah, I'm old and no longer as strong..."

Sympathetic, I offered,

"Granny, shall I assist you back home?"

Upon hearing my words, her face lit up.

"Thank you, child. You have such a kind heart. You'll be blessed in return. By the way, who's child are you?"

"My grandfather's name is Fang Weining" I replied, as I extended my hand to help her.

"So you're a child of the Fang family. Such a kind-hearted boy..." As she was holding my arm, I noticed her wizened, bony hands, shriveled like dried twigs.

"Granny, you don't seem to be from our Liu Jia village, are you?" I asked as I helped her up. I didn't recall seeing her in our village before.

She nodded slightly,

"Yes, I am from the smithy village up ahead."

As I was helping her along the road towards the smithy village, the sky grew darker to the point where I could hardly see the path.

At that moment, the old lady turned her head to look at me and asked:

"Child, what is your name?"

"Fang Zheng." I replied.

"Fang Zheng, I’ll remember it. It's a good name." After the old lady said this, she didn't speak for the rest of the journey.

The old lady would occasionally emit a very faint laugh along the way, which made me feel a bit creeped out.

As we continued to walk, I suddenly realized that something was off about this road. It did not seem to be leading us towards Blacksmith Village. Rather, it looked as if … it was leading towards the Slanted Sond Reservoir!

Once I recognized the path, I was immediately startled. I was clearly leading this old lady towards Blacksmith Village, the directions were completely reversed. How could we end up on this path?


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