God of War Returns

God of War Returns


Realistic Urban

"Xinghe, I was determined to join the army and you chose to join the Shang Dynasty. Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye! Today, I came back with glory, but you have been separated forever! You died in peace, and I, Du Shaotian, am even more unwilling to die!" Du Shaotian fiercely put out the half cigarette in his hand and looked at a luxury hotel opposite him. His eyes were like lightning cutting through the dawn! The overwhelming momentum that burst out of his body was still like a sword pointing to the sky! It did not fade a little because he had withdrawn from the army. Five years ago, he was in charge of the Sword Pavilion after he fought the God Deification Ceremony. But when he came back with glory, everything had changed! What kind of bloody wind and rain would this God of War end up with?
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"Xinghe, I was determined to join the army and you chose to join the business. In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed! Today, I came back with glory, but you have been separated from me forever! You didn't die in peace, and I, Du Shaotian, am even more unwilling!"

"But don't worry. I will avenge you and avenge you! I will make the family business you worked so hard to get back under the name of your family!"

Du Shaotian fiercely put out the half cigarette in his hand and looked at a luxury hotel opposite him.

His gaze streaked across the dawn like a bolt of lightning!

The overwhelming momentum that burst out from his whole body was still like a sword pointing to the sky!

It didn't fade a little because he had withdrawn from the army.

"Sword Head, Meixiang Garden is going to hold a wedding at the Xing Han Hotel today. The target is Zhou Xinjing, whom she once colluded with."

A valiant young woman behind him reported respectfully.


The precious Myan Jade ashtray in Du Shaotian's hand was crushed into pieces by him!

"Meixiang Garden, do you really think that once Shen Xinghe dies, no one in the world will stand up for him? Do you really think that Shen Xinghe's grievance can never be recovered?"

Du Shaotian was furious!

For the sake of his brothers, he was completely enraged!

Ten years ago, when Du Shaotian saw injustice, he stood up straight and attacked. He beat a bully who bullied a girl seriously.

In the end, he caused a great disaster and died in the world. He left the Qingyuan City alone.

The only person accompanying him was Shen Xinghe, who had grown up with him since he was a child!

After Du Shaotian made up his mind to join the army, Shen Xinghe established Star River Group seven years ago with his extraordinary talent in management. His assets were over 100 million.

But when she was in her prime, she married a civilian girl, Meixiang Garden. From then on, bad luck began!

Meixiangyuan had won Shen Xinghe's absolute trust and secured the position of the chief financial officer of Xinghe Group.

Not only did she not show any gratitude, but she also colluded with outsiders.

A year ago, he had schemed to take all of Shen Xinghe's fortune!

What's more, he was forced to die a miserable death!

A business genius died just like that!

"Sword Head, it's just a small Meixiang Garden. Why do you have to do it yourself? Leave it to me. I'll make her disappear from this city in an hour!"

Feeling Du Shaotian's monstrous anger, Luo Jing hurriedly said.

The Sword Head was angry, and the Sword Pavilion was responsible!

Back then, Du Shaotian had only been in the army for five years, but he had already taken over the elite of Hua nation, the Special Warfare Battalion.

Then, he was ordered to lead 5,000 elites to attack the enemy.

After a day and a night of blood...

He fought for the Conferred God Battle!

He became the youngest guardian in Hua nation!

At that time, he was only 23 years old.

But after that battle, Du Shaotian also chose to withdraw from the military with endless vicissitudes in his heart.

Instead, he took charge of the Sword Tower!

It had been five years!

Not only had the Sword Pavilion become a real sharp sword in Hua nation, but he had also gained the title of "sword leader"!

Now that he had returned from his glory, he had suddenly heard bad news!

Naturally, Luo Jing could imagine the result of the God of War's fury...

What kind of bloody storm would it be?

"No! Star River and I are like brothers. I must take revenge for him personally! We can kill all the enemies at once! But when it comes to enemies, we should be like a cat catching a mouse. We should make it fear first, then go crazy, and then collapse in the end!"

What Du Shaotian wanted was not simple revenge for Shen Xinghe.

In that case, it would just be a matter of a few words!

What he wanted most was to see Meixiang Garden fall into the mortal world!

The situation was bleak!

It was better to die than to live!

Only in this way could he comfort his brother, Shen Xinghe.

Only in this way could he get rid of the resentment in his heart!

"I will definitely not allow them to tarnish the spirit of the galaxy! I, Du Shaotian, will not allow this wedding!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he walked straight forward.

In his steps, the domineering momentum of mountains and rivers was fully displayed!

At this time, the Star Island Hotel was decorated with lanterns and streamers, and it was full of joy.

On the thick columns on both sides of the eye-catching red "Xi" character.

It made Du Shaotian look particularly dazzling.

"Sword Head, do you want to..."

Luo Jing noticed Du Shaotian's gaze and immediately asked for instructions.

"There's no need. It's just some colorful paper."

Du Shaotian said indifferently and continued to walk into the hotel.

Luo Jing understood and did not continue to follow him.

At this time, the hall was already full of high-ranking friends. The men were dressed in suits and leather shoes, and the women were wearing gold and silver. At a glance, it was obvious that they were all social celebrities.

As soon as he entered the main entrance of the hall, he saw a huge wedding photo several meters high.

There was a charming woman on it. She was wearing a white wedding dress and high heels, wearing a silver crown. She was nestled in the arms of a young man who was in the spring breeze with a sweet expression.

Next to him were the 11 golden words "Meixiang Garden and Zhou Xinjing's wedding ceremony".

"It's so bright!"

Du Shaotian stopped. "Meixiang Garden, your wedding today will eventually become a farce. What will you do?"

Just as Du Shaotian looked away...

"Hey, the one standing over there, go and set up those tables. The wedding is about to begin. Hurry up, didn't you hear me?"

A woman's arrogant woman's voice suddenly came over.

It was a beautiful woman in her twenties.

Du Shaotian turned around.

He looked at the woman.

He didn't move at all.

"I'm here to attend the wedding!"

Du Shaotian said coldly.

"To attend the wedding? Why haven't I seen you before?"

Xin Rui looked Du Shaotian up and down a few times, and her eyes were gradually filled with contempt.

Those who attended the wedding today were all well-known figures in the city.

But this person looked unfamiliar.

Although wearing a suit could be regarded as a good-for-nothing, at first glance, he was a good-for-nothing.

"I'm afraid you're here to eat and drink!"

Xin Rui's face darkened directly. "Don't you know where it is? Be careful not to bite your teeth!"

Du Shaotian had been in the army for ten years, and he had always been proud of being neat and decent.

As for the casual clothes, they were all cut by tailors.

But today, he was treated as a beggar because of his simple clothes!

"If you dare to say one more word, I'll tear off your tongue!"

Du Shaotian's eyes were as sharp as lightning, and a sharp edge was approaching Xin Rui.

Xin Rui was so scared that her face changed greatly. She took a few steps back and instantly became angry from embarrassment.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you threaten me!"

That roaring look was like an irritated female beast!

She was the eldest daughter of the Xin family and one of the three most famous beauties in the city.

She used to be as high and mighty as a princess.

As soon as she said that, many young talents in the whole city would flock to her.

They would do their best for her!

How could this person dare to do that?

"You... you are Du Shaotian?"

Just as the two were confronting each other, a woman nearby suddenly walked over quickly. She looked at Du Shaotian in surprise and asked.

It had been ten years since they last saw each other, but now someone knew him!


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