Miracle Planet The Crystal Elements Power

Miracle Planet The Crystal Elements Power

Author:Nayko Ayasame



She is an ordinary high schooler girl with an ordinary life, her daily activity is something that she always does and repeat everyday that makes she slowly feel bored with her life. She want to find something new in her life and her wish come true when someday she find an unique crystal near the big tree in the middle of creepy empty garden. Her life was completely change when the crystal lead her entering the other world, other planet in the other dimension, but she never knew that she has a big fate when she meets the prince with his knights. She never knew that her ordinary life will completely change from the start she decide to take the crystal. How could an ordinary high schooler play a role as a heroine to save a whole planet??
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It is already dark now, the sun is already gone, it"s light is no where to be found. Among the crowd of Seoul city, the noise of horn and machine from transportation, the bright lamps which illuminating the street view and a crowd of people passing by, there are two teenager who are walking together silently. Those two students walks leisurely among the bustle around them.

A short girl of 1,6 m walk together with a young guy of 1,87 who is busy playing a game on his cellphone. The long-haired girl act as his guide to prevent the young guy for falling or accidentally hit anything that he passed by. The high schooler girl blow her cute bang in annoyance, she really want to hit her boyfriend who doesn't take any attention toward her. Instead he is too focus on his game.

"Kyung-ah...." she call out his boyfriend. He respond him with a short answer. Just to indicating that he is listening to her.

"we are going to our separate way here...." she inform him an looking at the tall young guy with a flat expression.

Baek Kyung lift his head and looking around. They are usually going home together after the school time and parted on the last three section street to goes toward their own home. He realizes that they are at the last three section now after he looked around.

"oh.... You are right." He put his phone inside his pocket then kiss her a goodbye on forehead. Kyung needs to lower his body a little in order to be able to land a kiss on her crown head. Their height difference is too far.

"see you tomorrow Eun Dan Oh..." he says his goodbye toward the girlfriend. She gives him a small smile, she is not really in a good spirit now. He shows his teeth and flashing his best smile. He lift his hand and stroking her hair before leave her alone and parted with his petite girlfriend.

Dan Oh sighs heavely. Somehow she doesn't really excited over his kiss nor his smile. She is gazing at his back whose is going further from her. She turn around and walk toward the direction of her own house.

The 17-year-old girl appeared to be walking lazily in the middle of excited crowded. She was carrying a heavy backpack containing school supplies as well as a white uniform suit that she used to practice extracurricular martial arts at her school. Well.... She is a pretty excellent member Who hold a black belt on karate. Meanwhile, Baek Kyung the student who has just parted ways with her is more interested in following the basketball exorcs and becomes the captain of his team. The beautiful little schoolgirl appeared several times to sigh softly while walking and observing the surroundings that were so crowded.

"this city is too noisy..." she mumbles to her self in a low voice.

The girl began to get bored with her daily activities. Every day she just goes around Between her school and her house. Study, practice and sometime go to a date with Kyung. She wanted to take a vacation somewhere far from the hustle and bustle of Seoul society, the farthest place. But because of the busy schedule she has as a high school student, she is absolutely impossible to be able to do as she pleases on taking vacation wherever she wants. She is obviously wouldn't get a permission from both of her parents

"Look at here.... it is very difficult to see the stars from this place because the inferiority from these annoying lights" she lamented annoyingly while looking at the dark night sky above her.

She keep walking then entered a small alley that looked deserted. Every day the girl passed through this little alley to get to reach her house. This road is an alternative road which she favors. She continued walking until she reached a park that was so quiet. It really seems to have a different atmosphere from the surrounding of the city.

There was a large towering tree that always attracted this girl's attention as she passed through the park. The park is quite large but anyone rarely visits it. In the vast garden there are some large trees that are still show these natural grand vibe. But in the atmosphere of the night as it is today, the park that only has an irradiation lamp at the front of the entrance gives the impression that make it looks creepy.

Eun Dan Oh, the high school girl's name. She find a bright ray that pierced through the leaves of the large tree from the sky. She walked over entering the garden and stopped under a shady tree. Dan Oh raised her head to the sky through the leaves of the tree and look at the moon which is shining so brightly. The moon appeared brighter and bigger than usual. The stars also clearly twinkled - flickered visible from the garden that lacked lighting.

"waaaah..... It's so beautiful, this place is amazing..." Dan Oh smiled happily. The girl had already decided that this huge tree would be her favorite silent spot. This girl loves everything related to the sky. Seeing the sky full of stars and looking so far away made her feel like she was in another world, far from the hustle and bustle of this earth

Eun Dan Oh looks around the not-so-bright garden because it's only gets the irradiation from a moonlight. She was not yet aware that the state of the moon tonight seemed so bright and large because it was at the closest point to the earth. This moon is often called as "supermoon". Dan Oh caught a shiny object reflecting the moonlight among the tall grasses around the huge tree. She come closer to the object then found a beautiful diamond-shaped blue crystal. Dan Oh took a unique crystal that was as big as the grasp of her hand

"What's this? Is this a valuable thing?" she asked her self.

Dan Oh is curious, while she is standing she twirled the thing with her fingers. There's a little bit of soil attached to that crystal. The schoolgirl stroked the diamond to remove the soil stains that were attached and blew it so that the dust around the crystal could completely gone.

Suddenly the crystal gave rise to a light from within which is so dazzling to the eyes. In an instant the beam grew bigger and pierced out the diamond that she was holding. The light immediately shone on the entire garden with a blue light that blinded the eyes. It is so bright that it was able to reach the Seoul night sky. Dan Oh closed her eyes with her left hand because she couldn't bear to see the crystal light.

After about a minute, the dazzling light disappeared. Dan Oh wiped her eyes to remove the glare from the rays that felt still filled her vision. Her eyes felt cloudy. The girl felt pain around her tailbone. It seemed like she had just fallen sitting on a grassy ground.

Dan Oh opened her eyes widely and found a very different scene from her surroundings before. The surroundings turned bright, the sun was standing upright in the high sky. It is clearly not a night.

Dan Oh looked around and found herself is sitting in front of a small lake that had a beautiful purplish blue luster. There are huge towering green trees appear in front of her. The girl was shocked, she had just been in the park near her house, but now she was in the middle of the forest some where she never know. Due to the immerse of her shock the girl shifted backwards jerkly in her sitting position, but yet she felt something so hard hit her little body all of sudden.

She turned her head and found a huge mega tree in front of her. The size and height of the tree really didn't make any sense. The height of the tree penetrated the clouds and the diameter reached 1 km. The little girl looked like a little ant underneath the tree. She was shocked by the sight in front of him

" Tap tap tap dug dug dug" she didn't even regain her self from the previous shock with the thing that she saw, but Then Dan Oh was again surprised by the strange sound that come to approach her. Suddenly there was a loud dusting on the ground that was getting closer. This sound sounded like there were an incredible number of hordes of footsteps running towards her direction.

Eun Dan Oh get panicked, she immediately stood up from her sitting position. Her sudden movements made her head slightly disded.

"ommo! Ommo! What sound is this?" the girl looked around in panic, her heart pounding so loudly

"captain!! We found it!" there was a huge, formless voice that suddenly appeared from behind a tree in Dan Oh's right row. The girl turned her head and immediately took a step back. The sound of the foot is getting closer and makes her heart beat even faster. It seemed that she would soon be besieged by an army of soldiers with large bodies

"That's it!!" the big voice sounded again, this time in the form of its owner. Several creatures with slime-filled bodies emerged from behind the trees. The color of their skin is dark brown black, some are bluish in color.

They have a human-like body shape with a large and tall that is almost twice that of Dan Oh's body. Some of them have horns and tails, some others have claws and fangs. Some have two eyes, some have one big eye in the middle of their face. They are definitely not human, but they are able to walk and run like humans. They are able to speak a slightly strange language but Dan Oh can still understand it.

The embodiment of this creature reminds Dan Oh of the old Western fantasy film series "The lord of the Ring". Well they look like creatures called Orcs, but in a more upgraded version. Their faces were horrible and disgusting

"Orc-e?" Dan Oh muttered confusely at the creature that reminded her of a movie she had seen before

There are dozens... Not.... Hundreds of monsters emerged from behind the trees. They stopped at a distance of about three meters from where the high schooler student stood. The monster army looked confused towards Dan Oh who was wearing after school uniform and a backpack on her shoulder. They had never seen anyone ever show up and wear clothes like this girl was wearing.

"That's it is! The second crystal, mondwat!" exclaimed one of the monsters that appeared to be the leader of his army, pointing at the object in Dan Oh's palm.

"wha - what?" the girl was confused and looked at her hand. She find the blue crystal she had picked up near the tree in the garden around her house earlier. It seems like that's the thing which cause Dan Oh's arrival to this place

"kill her!!" exclaimed the leader of the army giving his command

"wa....wa....it!!" Dan Oh stutter loudly after heard the orders from the monster. What did she does wrong until the giant monster wanted to kill such a tiny innocent girl like her.

Regardless of Dan Oh's words, the monsters immediately pointed the spear and sword he was carrying towards the high school student. They began to take directions to run against her. Dan Oh walked backwards in confusion, what should she do now? She looked back, there was only a large tree that is blocking her way. She is trapped now. Although she was one of the best fighters with a black belt in her karate extracullicular, it was impossible for this little girl to be able to defeat this many armed monsters. She doesn't has any weapon to defend her self, and their size are too much for her to attack.

"swing swing swing" suddenly there is a metal shaped circle that appears from the right direction. The circle was traveling at an incredible speed. After spinning for a few seconds the slab suddenly expanded and took out a long, sharp blade that stuck around the entire side of the slab except for the part that appeared to be the handle. It spun around and hit some monsters in the front row. The sharpness of the object was able to cut off several monsters heads at once that were instantly thrown away from his body.

" Do you think that I am going to let you kill innocent creatures in a sadistic way again? Never !" suddenly a 190 cm tall man jumped from a tree and stood before Dan Oh.

The man is wearing a dark Blue navish shirt that had a belt around his waist, his sleeve only along the elbows. He also wears a sleeveless open robe along his knees that has a metallic dragon motif that surrounds his entire fabric. The hero who appeared before Dan Oh wore a long white pants equipped with leather shoes that covered his pants up to about 10 cm above his ankles.

The unnamed man ran forward while removing two long swords from behind his shoulders and holding them on both hands. The algae of his two swords was shaped like a flash of blazing flames. In one slash the man was able to directly subvert two monsters at once. There was one monster that attacked him while swinging the spear in his hand but the man was able to dodge and aim a kick at the monster. He immediately stabbing the monster from behind with his sword. The hero's sword pierced through the monster's stomach, removing black mucus dripping from the tip of his sword

There was another monster coming closer. The monster was ready to slash the man in front of him but swiftly the man swung the sword in his left hand and slashed the monster's neck until it rolled away from his body. The man stood up straight and pulled out the other sword from the monster he had stabbed

"Strike him!!" the monster commander gave a new order to attack the man who had just appeared out of nowhere

Suddenly there was a girl riding a huge black wolf that appeared and pierced through the monster army from behind. The girl carried two slabs of metal circles in her hand. It seemed that she was the weapob owner who started the initial attack on the monster army earlier

The girl looked authoritative with her long wavy brown hair. She was wearing a tight black shirt along her arm that was partially covered with a light purple knee-length robe. Just like the previous man, the robe opened on her front body and had a blue dragon motif surrounding the fabric of her robe. The black shirt covered her skin up to the neck. She also wore a long black pants covered in his bottom by leather shoes like the man before her. The girl jumped from the wolf she was riding in and attacked the monsters with two circular weapons in both of her hands. Her movements are very shrewd and agile. The attack was graceful but deadly.

Meanwhile the black wolf she was riding jumped highly towards some monsters near the girl. The wolf suddenly turned into a human. A burly man with a black hair curls along his shoulders. The man was wearing a long black robe that covered both of his arms but showed the perfectly formed chest in front of his body. He was wearing a cloth pants that matched his robe. Eun Dan Oh almost drooles when she watch the body shape of a new werewolf sixpack appearing before her. The man was only slightly shorter than the first man

The werewolf was able to subvert the monster with the blow of his hand. He seems to be very strong. He was able to tear the skin of monsters with his nails and break their necks with his hands and feet. The man looked like he was carrying the metal fan which he was holding very casually. But when the fan was opened it turned out that it was a small sword attached in lined like a fan. The man was able to slash the monster's neck with a simple swing of the weapon he was holding.

It wasn't long before two other people appeared, a man and a woman. This last man wore a sleeveless top that displayed his hand muscles perfectly. He carried two axes in both of his hands as his weapon. The man had just thrown both axes at the monster that was about to attack him. The axe rightly hit the middle of the monster's head in front of him. Splitting the monster's head into two equal parts. With a nimble movement the man pulled out both of his axes and used them to slash the rest of the monsters.

The last woman had just thrown a one-and-a-half meter long boomerang towards the rows of monsters that came swarming. In one big boomerang swing it can slashes five to six monsters into two pieces. The weight and size of the boomerang seemed to be almost the same as the posture of the girl. She must have had such incredible strength that she could throw that huge boomerang with a full power. The woman was wearing an all-black shirt with a long cloth wrapped around her neck. The top of her shirt is knee-length and has a cleavage from the bottom to the waist. She was wearing matching trousers and high leather shoes

"What is this all? Is this an action drama?" Dan Oh asked herself. She is so amazed and confused to watch the live-action that happened right in front of her.

In an instant despite being outnumbered, the hero army Who just save Dan Oh's life able to wipe out all those monsters that numbered over a hundred.

Eun Dan Oh sculpts in her place. Looking in disbelief at the martial prowess of the humans she just watched. During this time she only fought on the mat in one-on-one matches. She had never witnessed a fight in real life like this before.

"Daebak!! You guys are really amazing!" Dan Oh with her furor gave a round of applause to the five people who come out of nowhere. The five of them turned their eyes to Dan Oh and looked at the high school girl from head to toe. They showed the same faces of astonishment as those monsters when they first saw her.

"Are you from Joseon era ? Did I go to the past? Hmmm... No, I don't think so... Your clothes didn't look like Joseon civilab in any drama I watched before" the high school girl guessed and thought seriously while stroking the chin with her finger

"Are you not coming from this country?" the surging brunette graceful girl approached Dan Oh and asked her. She looked at her with a serious and sharp look. Nothing that has been said by the high school student could able to make her understand.

"I don't know... Where is this?" Dan Oh turned her body and looked around. Not even any single inch of this place seemed familiar for her.

"This is the land of Hwon... One of the kingdoms on the Mirac planet." the woman who appeared more mature than her responded to Dan Oh's question

"Hwon? Mirac? Is it a planet in the Milky Way galaxy? I've never heard any of it before...". Dan Oh tilted her head while thinking.

She is confused, as long as she got astronomy lessons for years she had never heard the name of Mirac Planet. If she doesn't remember it wrong, the names of the planets in this Galaxy are simply Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. She had heard the name Pluto which is no longer considered as a planet because it is too small in size. Mirac? Has anyone ever heard of it? Or is she the only one who doesn't keep up with developments about the planet?

"The Milky Way galaxy? So that's not a myth?" the man carrying the axe walked up to Dan Oh. His facial expression seemed happy and curious. He is in amusement about the topic which Dan Oh brought.

"a myth? Of course not. I am a resident of the only inhabited planet in the galaxy, Earth. Well, there is a theory which says that the planet Mars is also inhabited. But it's still uncertain" Dan Oh gave a brief explanation about her origins.

"awesome! I guess it's all just a myth, our ancestors once mentioned that in another dimension there is another galaxy that is called as the Milky Way" the man enthusiastically patted Dan Oh on the shoulder.

He treated the schoolgirl as if she was something he always wanted to prove about the real exsistance. And now he seemed so happy because what he had been thinking all along time turned out to be true. A Milky Ways is not a myth. And the girl in front of him is the prove.

"Another dimension? So what dimension is this? Fourth dimension? Fifth?" Dan Oh looked at the man holding her shoulders with a ridiculous look. She took the man's hand off from her shoulder

"For us there is only one dimension" the werewolf said. His voice sounded so deep and drowning. Dan Oh glanced at him hoping that she would be able to see that male sixpack line again. But it's a shame that the man has covered his shirt perfectly. Dan Oh's seemingly enthusiastic expression gradually became a disappointed reaction.

"Is it the mondwat crystal that brought you here?" the man carrying the two swords asked her.

He had just inserted both of his swords and put them into the sword sheath which attached behind his back.

"Do you mean this?" Dan Oh asked while showing the crystal she had been holding since then. The man who looked like a noble member nodded slowly.

"I don't know," the schoolgirl shrugged her shoulders and expressed her confusion. She also didn't know why, how and what made her come to this place. The five friends glanced at each other over her answer.

"What's your name?" the girl who had a big boomerang asked Dan Oh when she noticed the name board above the right pocket of her uniform.

"My name is Eun Dan Oh, what about you guys?" the schoolgirl introduced herself and hoped that the five strangers in front of her would do the same.

"You can call me Key..." The boomerang-owner girl reached out her hand to shake Dan Oh's hands. The students certainly welcomed her with a joy.

"I'm Siera..." The woman who looked like a princess also introduced her name. But it seems that she is not friendly enough to invite Dan Oh to shake her hands.

"Gwi..." The werewolf mentioned his name when Dan Oh looked at him. He looked awkward, occasionally looking towards Siera who didn't really pay attention to him.

"Hi the human of the earth! You can call me Ryu" The burly cheerful man carrying the axe resuscitated his heavy arm on Dan Oh's shoulder. It seemed that this male level of friendliness was at the highest level compared to his other colleagues.

"What are you doing! You made Dan Oh uncomfortable!" Key nags on Ryu. She pulls Ryu's hand hardly and twisted it backwards. Ryu screamed in pain. He protested to Key because the girl twisted his hands too hard. Ryu seemed sullenly accepting Key's cruel attitude toward him.

Dan Oh chuckles at the two funny people, then her eyes turn to the only person who hasn't introduced himself. The man looked at her closely, the two of them had been in eye contact for quite some time. But suddenly the man turned his back and walked away when he saw Dan Oh's lips about to move to tell him something.

"You?" was the thing Dan Oh said when the man had turned away.

Siera watched the movements of the two person silently. The girl then sighed deeply.

"He is Woon, my little brother..." The girl representing her brother to make a self-introduction to Dan Oh. She turned her eyes back to the high school student

"From today onward, you are a part of our team. Welcome" this time Siera wants to extend her hand. All their focus except Woon's is on Dan Oh. Woon was still busy turning his eyes to the lake in front of him. Thinking about whatever's on his mind seriously by his self.

"me? Why?" the high school girl didn't understand.

"Because you are the chosen one destined for the mondwat crystal. You have a great destiny to save our country. Ah no! But the planet... Mirac from its destruction" Siera explained without pulling her hand. The girl was still busy with her thoughts and ignored Siera's hand which was still waiting for her handshake.

Gwi with his fast movement grabbed Dan Oh's hand and forced her to make a handshake with Siera. The girl gave Gwi a light smile. The high school student only winced her eyebrows after hearing Siera's explanation. She hadn't even realized that at this moment she had done a handshake with the authoritative girl before her.

"what? Saving the planet? A planet I don't even know its origins about? What she mean by great destiny? Even now I haven't even graduated from high school yet!" the only inhabitant of the earth who strayed into that dimension was fighting with her self in her mind.


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