The Ultimate Abandoned Ace

The Ultimate Abandoned Ace



After being expelled from university, Xiao Feng woke up one morning to discover he possessed unrivaled powers. Beautiful campus belles, dazzling female celebrities, aloof female presidents, domineering policewomen... all began to appear before him. With his iron fists, he fought against both the tyrannical rich bully and powerful deities and demons. Even a god could not stop him, killing any in his way, including Buddhas... It was only when Xiao Feng stood at the peak that he realized that everything was just beginning...
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"Today's headline on the 'Campus Daily': Student Xiao Feng jumps into a lake due to heartbreak!"

"I thought this was a big deal, turns out he got dumped by Liu Yan, the department's heartthrob from the materials science... haha, he should take a good look at himself. He's still living in the past, thinking he remains the richest young master of Huahai city! With his current character, he's not even close to deserving our department belle!"

"After being cast out and removed from his family, he's nothing more than a poor loser, trying to seek a reversal of fate by pursuing Liu Yan, someone out of his league. Such wishful thinking is just like a toad lusting after a swan's meat! He deserved to be dumped!"

"I just don't understand how such a lowly person could even think of ending himself... haha."

Bewildered, Xiao Feng, hearing these comments, quickly opened his eyes, looked up at the vast sky and posed himself ready to ascend after overcoming the catastrophe.

But ... there is nothing within him, he could not muster up any Spirit Power.

The sky is blue, without a single cloud in sight.

Where did the thousand-year tribulation cloud go?

Did he fail the catastrophe or ascend to the immortal realm?

Looking at the people around him wearing bizarre clothes, and the cars coming and going... Xiao Feng was instantly petrified.

"What the hell is going on?"

He shook his head vigorously, only to feel a splitting headache as countless pieces of information rushed into his mind like a landslide.

After a long time, he finally digested all the information.

Xiao Feng found himself in a world called Earth, his soul was attached to a person also named Xiao Feng.

This Xiao Feng was sleazy, bullied men and abused women, was weak and incompetent. He was the young master of the first-generation family in Huahai city, the Xiao family, but for some reason, he was expelled from the family and removed from the family records.

Xiao Feng, having lost his rich young master's halo, quickly fell from his peak. Not only was he abandoned and cheated upon by several 'girlfriends', but some of his enemies even came knocking at his door to beat him up. Taking advantage of this situation, his school directly gave this troublemaker an 'extended leave of absence'.

What's more, his girlfriend, Liu Yan, invited Xiao Feng for a walk by the Emerald Lake the night before. Foolish Xiao Feng thought this was true love and went to the appointment with an excited heart. When he saw Liu Yan, he noticed that she was only wearing a white transparent camisole and a narrow skirt, dressed very sexy and enticing.

Xiao Feng was incredibly excited, thinking that he could still have some fun outdoors like before...

However, a few tattooed men rushed out of the bamboo grove by the lake. One of them, a man called "Ba Ge", kick-started the assault by kicking Xiao Feng's crotch, saying something like "Do you really think you're enough for my little Yan..."? Then, a few henchmen pinned Xiao Feng down, swiped his only bank card and even got the password out of him.

This bank card was the 'expulsion fee' given to Xiao Feng when his family ostracized him.

Afterwards, Ba Ge put on a show with Liu Yan right in front of Xiao Feng.

The sight of this performance caused Xiao Feng's blood to boil and his heart to receive such a shock that he died on the spot...

After the show was over, Ba Ge dumped Xiao Feng into the lake...

Upon quickly recalling this information, Xiao Feng shook his head unintentionally: How utterly humiliating!

Xiao Feng noticed a decent crowd of students, teachers, and idle spectators at the lakeside. Everybody was looking at Xiao Feng with bewildered eyes.

Two nurses had examined Xiao Feng's body beforehand, and after confirming his death, they lifted Xiao Feng onto a stretcher, ready to transport him to a hospital.

After performing simple body adjustments, Xiao Feng gradually regained energy, and said to the two nurses carrying the stretcher: "Hey, I'm not dead yet."

The two nurses, who were probably new to their jobs, were so scared that they dropped the stretcher and ran away.

"Darn it, you nurses are very unprofessional."

When the stretcher flipped and fell to the ground, Xiao Feng lightly stepped on the ground, skillfully evading it, and then steadied himself.

"This body is so damn weak, even a simple movement takes effort."

Xiao Feng saw the two nurses watching him warily from a distance and chuckled. He waved his hand and said, "Go back wherever you came from. There's nothing for you to do here anymore."

The two nurses promptly got into their vehicle and drove off, without so much as expressing an ounce of sympathy or showing any sign of humanistic concern...

The onlookers were apparently shocked.

"The nurse just announced that Xiao Feng was dead... How is he alive now?"

"Am I watching a TV drama?"

"Eh, it wouldn't have mattered if he was dead. He only brings trouble to society alive and lowers the overall quality of life. I really can't understand what the King of Hell is doing."


Hearing these comments, Xiao Feng was pissed off. He turned his head towards the crowd and yelled, "What are you staring at? Haven't you seen a male god before?"

"Damn, this is what you call a 'male god'?"

"I'm gonna puke..."

"No more love for this world."

Xiao Feng pointed at the three students who had spoken earlier and roared, "All of you get the hell out of my sight."

The three students wanted to respond, but Xiao Feng just started walking towards them.

His stride was steady, his gaze icy cold, exuding an essence of Chen Haonan.

The three of them were instantly silenced, imploring midway, "Don't go causing trouble, what on earth are you trying to do..."

Xiao Feng walked up to them and coldly commanded, "Scram!"

The trio was rather burly, with the one leading them being particularly robust. Although somewhat intimidated by Xiao Feng's aura, he felt too humiliated to slink away from such a public place. Gathering his courage, he retorted sharply, "Who the hell do you think you are? Let me tell you, without your father's protection, you aren't worth a fart..."

Before he could finish, he was slapped sideways by Xiao Feng, crouching on the ground, clutching his face, too pained to speak for a while.

The other two were taken aback - a man of almost 300 pounds slapped into this state?

They quietly scoffed and wisely eased to the side.

Xiao Feng kept moving forward, walking up to a beautiful woman under the watchful eyes of everyone.

She was exceedingly beautiful.

A white silk maxi dress, a casual shirt, and a diamond necklace, which added to her nobility. It deterred ordinary guys from approaching.

Beside her stood a man with tattoos, almost six feet tall, with rock-solid muscles and cold eyes, clearly a tough guy.

The beautiful woman leaned intimately into the tattooed man, her body almost entirely cocooned within his embrace.

But none of this could mask the panic in both their eyes.

They distinctly remembered tossing Xiao Feng into the lake last night and watching him drown... He had been dead all night, theoretically rigid by now, how could he possibly still be alive?

They were truly panicked!

But they were, after all, people who had seen their share of the world.

The beautiful Liu Yan spoke first: "Xiao Feng, it seems you have quite the longevity."

Xiao Feng merely smirks: "Not dead yet."

Liu Yan notices that Xiao Feng seems different, yet she couldn't pinpoint exactly how. In her panic, she started rambling, trying to mask the confusion in her eyes: "To see you okay, honestly, I am relieved. But love is a mutual affection. I had high hopes for you at first, but step by step, you buried our love yourself. There's no need for you to contemplate suicide simply because I stopped loving you. Such actions only unveil your narrow-mindedness and obsession."

Xiao Feng responds with only a faint smile, opting to remain silent.

Feeling the upper hand, Liu Yan continues: "For old times' sake, let me tell you this. You only have yourself to blame for everything. You'll no longer be a student at Huahai University, and we will no longer belong to the same world. I hope that when you step into society, you'll behave appropriately, not causing harm or bringing disgrace upon our alma mater. Ba-ge, let's go."

She links her arm through Ba-ge's and plants a gentle peck on his cheek: "From now on, you will be the one I cherish the most."

Ba-ge stands arrogantly, puffing his chest out and looming over Xiao Feng: "Consider yourself lucky this time. Be careful in the future and stop pestering Yan'er, or else, I'll send you to your grave. Hmph, a toad dreaming of eating swan meat, total daydreamer!"

As the pair turn to leave...


Xiao Feng's chilly voice rings out.


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