Godly Weapons in the City

Godly Weapons in the City


Realistic Urban

Once the world's number one super soldier, lost in a world full of color, he stepped on all the prodigal sons, charmed all the beauties, charging forward fearlessly, and established a dynasty of his own. Brother Qi's motto is—The world once trembled because of me, now, let it submit under my feet!
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West Beijing!

Deep within the mountains!

Base Number 1 with the code Jia!

This is a coordinate that's not found on any map, undetectable to any satellite.

A top-secret project has been going on here secretly for three years.

Today, a special day.

A state secret, costing tens of billions, combining today's most advanced biological technology and China's most mysterious ancient martial skills to create a Super Soldier project, will be unveiled today.

This project, codenamed Dragon Sting!

At exactly ten o'clock in the morning.

A convoy with strict security measures, through a confidential underground passage, arrived in front of the only dark-green, three-story building on the ground base.

Three fully-armed reinforcement battalions directly sealed off a radius of ten kilometers, these three reinforcement battalions belong to the capital's garrison, with the strongest military strength.

Above the base, fighter jets from the same direct garrison took off and landed every three minutes, all with missiles on board, forming an impregnable encirclement. Together with the four military satellites in outer space, they turned this base into a fortress.

The ground building is just a camouflage. Within the secret underground lab three hundred meters down, six generals, each wearing three gleaming golden stars on their shoulders, stood solemnly behind an old man dressed in grey.

In front of them was a massive transparent glass window.

Behind this old man and generals was a group of scientists in white coats, all focused on the lab within the glass window.

Inside the laboratory, seven of the world's most advanced NMR

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

machines lay quietly, each with a young man lying bare-bodied on them.

On the left arm of each man, there was a clear tattoo.

A military blade wrapped around by a vividly lifelike coiled dragon.

An elder in a traditional Chinese Zhongshan suit silently observed the seven young men. He gently coughed, then decisively said,


As his words fell, dozens of scientists in the huge control room behind him immediately sprang into action.

The young man numbered "One" was slowly positioned into the NMR machine, and data reports instantly began to echo throughout the hall.

"Muscle structure completion, ninety-seven percent, excellent!"

"Skeletal structure completion, hundred percent, perfect!"

"Meridian structure completion, ninety percent, excellent!"

"Maximum strength peak, two thousand five hundred kilos, satisfactory!"

"Body activity level, twenty times the standard human, excellent!"

"Healing recovery rate, fifty times the standard human, excellent!"

"Mental activity level, five percent below standard, satisfactory!"

"Evaluation of the 'Number One' test subject overall, excellent!"

As each set of data came in, the faces of the six generals showed satisfying smiles. The elderly man in the middle even had two bright lights gleaming in his eyes, decisively announced:

"Good! Dragon Sting Group! Officially established today!"

The last young man, identified as number seven, was gently pushed in. The data before him had already been deemed excellent, but just as the final set of numbers came out, an ear-piercing alarm went off:

"Warning! Warning! The mental activity of number seven is abnormal, peaking at 70% above the standard value! Warning! Warning!"

The entire lab was thrown into a state of chaos, and the complexions of the six generals turned very unsightly. The elderly man strode over to an aging scientist, his face showing deep concern:

"Old Xia, what is happening here?"

The old scientist, sweating profusely, scrutinized all the data, looking even more upset than if he were crying:

"Number seven's all data are remarkably better than the prior six, but he has abnormally high mental activity!"

The elder implored directly:

"What is this mental activity data? What's its use? What does it mean?"

The expression on the scientist's face was akin to swallowing a huge pile of manure:

"Sigh, as the super soldiers protecting our nation, special forces can't have excessively high mental activity. The standard value we set is actually a combination of obedience, loyalty, honor, IQ, and EQ. If it's higher than this standard value, no matter how stellar the other data is, it's useless. The higher the mental activity, the higher the chance of the super soldier losing control in the future."

At this point, the elderly scientist gulped, stuttering:

"This lad's... mental activity... it's actually 70% over the standard value, his EQ, IQ... they've been triggered too high. This... this... this guy definitely won't obediently carry out his tasks, anyway, this... lad is a... genius, with such a person, if in the future any errors occur, this is... an unprecedented super killer!"

The face of the elderly man suddenly became solemn, he waved his hand and turned to leave the lab, while the faces of the six generals were left in shock. They exchanged a glance, then silently followed along.

The meeting room next door had held a top-secret conference all night long, but there was no result in sight.

The entire wall of the conference room was made of glass which allowed views from inside to the outside, but not the other way around.

Seven young soldiers, each with an average height of 1.8 meters and well-proportioned, stood upright in only their camouflage underwear, remaining perfectly still.

As the conference carried on throughout the night, they, too, stood the entire time.

High-definition cameras from all angles captured every minute detail of these seven young soldiers and projected them into the conference room.

From the moment they started standing, the six young soldiers from number one to number six, didn’t even blink once, completely like a human statue.

However, the last one, coded as soldier number seven, had a face tanned like wheat yet his eyes were lively and vibrant. Just like the other six, his body remained absolutely still, the only difference lied in his constantly darting eyes.

His prominent and straight nose kept twitching slightly. At a casual glance, it appeared as if he was breathing, when in fact, it was akin to a mischievous twitch.

Judging by his eyes, this soldier number seven seemed somewhat cynical. However, his straight brows, sharp as blades, carried a fierce aura that didn't align at all with his lighthearted demeanor.

"Such a headache! This guy, blinking his eyes three thousand seven hundred and fifty-nine times, twitching his nose nine thousand four hundred and twenty-seven times!” the old man in the Zhongshan suit exclaimed, sharing an understanding gaze with the other six generals.

What is the definition of trouble?

This is what you call trouble.

"Alright, I'll make the final decision on this matter. Soldiers number one to six, proceed with the original plan to form the Dragon Spikes squad. As for soldier number seven… Leave him to me. If any problem arises, I will take full responsibility. All base files, thoroughly destroyed, carry out immediately!”

Having given his orders, the senior man in the Zhongshan suit turned to his confidential secretary behind him to say:

"Go, bring Number Seven to my car, we're leaving now!"

Six generals glanced at each other, but they dared not defy the old man's command, immediately stood up, and saluted the old man in unison before leaving the meeting room.

Half an hour later, the old man, under the escort of a group of bodyguards in black suits, got into the car.

In the back seat that originally belonged to him, a young man was cocking his legs, half of his body leaning on the seat as if he was suffering from a bone disorder.

Seeing the old man getting into the car, the young man did not stand but let out a weak hum:

"Old man, what do you mean by this?"

The old man sat opposite this young man; even though he hadn't slept all night, he still looked full of energy, meticulously combing his gray-white hair back, with deep wrinkles on his face. He sternly looked at the young man and said solemnly:

"You are fired!"

The young man had an indifferent expression on his face:

"I knew this was coming! What a load of nonsense that Dragon Stab is!"

The old man's face twitched in anger, seeing the old man genuinely angry, the young man sat up from the seat immediately, revealing a flattering smile:

"Grandfather, you can't blame me for this, I am a human being, not a killing machine. That damned data can at most be used as a reference, you can't beat me to death over it, can you?"

The old man coldly looked at the young man, as if he was trying to see right through him:

"Do you know what the consequences of your actions are?"

The young man shuddered, he seemed to realize that something bad was about to happen:

"What... What is it?"

A flash of sharp light appeared in the old man's eyes, as he coldly stated:

"After the modification, you are no longer who you used to be. If you were to do evil, who in this world could control you? Thus, we unanimously decided, either we keep you locked up for life, or we end you humanely!"

Suddenly, the young man sprang up from his seat, his head directly hitting the roof of the vehicle, producing a loud thud. The bulletproof top was actually dented from the impact.

The convoy came to a halt, everyone on edge except for the old man who sighed softly and pushed his communicator:

"It's fine, let's go."

The convoy resumed its journey, leaving a wave of silence in the vehicle.

The old man gazed at the young man, not uttering a word. After a while, he sighed once again and said:

"Kid, you can go."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about?"

The young man almost jumped up again as a hint of nostalgia appeared in the old man's eyes:

"Although you are not my biological grandson, I raised you with my own hands. Your biological grandfather has once saved my life, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed his only descendant."

Hearing what the old man had said, the young man argued discontentedly:

"Why can't I stay in the army? The nonsense experimental modification you speak of is utterly ridiculous!"

A sharp look flashed in the old man's eyes. He stared unblinkingly at the young man, his tone utterly serious as he said:

"You should leave the army. Some things are not as simple as you think. From now on, you need to hide your identity, change your appearance. When the time is right, I'll have you brought back."

"What should I do now?"

The old man snorted coldly, casually taking out a yellow kraft paper bag from a secret box beside him, and threw it onto the young man's hand.

The young man directly opened the kraft bag. Inside were thirty thousand dollars and a brand new ID card.

His picture was on the ID card.

"Long Qi

Dragon Seven

? Old man, isn't this name a bit too straightforward and crude?"

The old man coldly snorted again, commanded the convoy to stop, and said:

"Remember your identity. In a few days, I will arrange a job for you. Get out of the car now, off you go!"

The convoy abandoned Long Qi in the strictly guarded deep mountains and drove away.


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