Beast Shattering the Sky

Beast Shattering the Sky



A destitute scion of a noble family, a gaggle of women with diverse personalities, an indomitable war history. A young man owning a magical warbeast, defying destiny, step by step reaching the zenith, winning the hearts of countless beautiful women, and wrestling with fate? What right does fate have to fight with me?
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Flame Dragon Continent, Temple of Ares, Cang City.

Cang City, situated in the south of the Temple of Ares, is one of the six main cities of the territory and the domain of the Ye Family, one of the five major families of the Temple of Ares.

Now, as autumn has deepened, even Cang City in the south feels a tinge of cold.

On the main street in front of the mansion of the city lord, a young man in blue hurriedly appears. About fifteen or sixteen years old, his handsome face filled with an urgent chill, he carries two bags of medicine with blatant disregard for the astonished expressions of the bystanders, heading directly to the city lord's mansion.

"Mother, Mother, Light Frost has brought you medicine, you will definitely get better..."

The youngster walked while muttering to himself, with his pace quickening at the sight of the two colossal stone lions in front of the city lord's mansion.

Standing in front of the city lord's residence were eight robust guards adorned in armored uniforms. These eight were fierce and intimidating figures, standing erect with stern expressions, resembling a legion of imposing doormen, commanding with authority and strength.

Though their position required door guarding – an often unglamorous job that invited comparisons to a certain class of gatekeeping creatures – they showed no signs of care. In fact, smears of pride could be traced on their solemn faces, for the gate they guarded was of the Ye Family, the ruling power of the southern Temple of Ares, which was one of the five major families. Thus, the honor associated with this duty did compensate for the vanity of subordinates in certain aspects.

The eight guards felt immense pride in their job and held a significant status. As they surveyed the streets and pedestrians, their sights were filled with both conceit and a taste of condescension.

Shah, Shah!

Uh-oh! Someone's approaching!

At the gradual increase in the footstep sounds, the guards immediately felt a sense of urgency. Considering this was the city lord’s residence, ordinary people were neither allowed nor dared approach the gate. Hence, the incoming individual was undoubtedly no ordinary person. Consequently, the guards straightened their backs, the corners of their mouth raised in a gentle smile as they looked in the direction of the sound.

However, their expressions froze and then promptly changed back to the previous stern and authoritative look as they caught sight of a handsome, blue-clothed boy carrying a medicine bag. Their rapid change of face was impressive.

"Who would it have been? As it turns out, it's the good-for-nothing Seventh Young Master who even has to do minor errands like buying medicine himself..."

One of the guards murmured with an expressive sneer, a contemptuous look in his eyes.

"Old Six, don't say too much. No matter what, he's a young master. If the clan knows, there will be punishment... Eh! What is that? Everyone, get ready, the Second Young Master is returning home!"

The hearts of the eight people tightened once again as they watched the luxurious carriage racing towards them from a distance, their gazes softening instantly. However, when their eyes rested on the black flag atop the carriage - under the imposing character "Ye" was a smaller one "Leisure" - their eyes softened even more, with a slight hint of charm.

"Welcome back, Second Young Master!"

Eight loud voices rang out in unison, startling the passerby. There was a young man dressed in green with a medicine bag in his hand, who was also taken aback. He took a quick look at the luxurious carriage and the eight charming faces, then let out a self-deprecating smile, and continued towards the gate.


Ye Qianxian didn't have a good mood. As the second young master of the Ye family, a core descendant of the clan. He always thought that few things in this world could make him angry and unsettled. But... the whore at the Drunken Smoke Pavilion last night, managed to make him angry and upset in a real sense.

Who is he? He is the second young master of the Ye family, Ye Qianxian!

What is the Ye family? The Ye family is one of the five major families under the rule of the War God mansion, the real power rulers of the southern territory. This woman dared to refuse him? Pure maiden! Pure maiden! A pure maiden in the first brothel, Drunken Smoke Pavilion, in the Cang city? Artistic but not for sale? Who goes there for the art?

"Hmm! If it weren't for fear of the family's law enforcement hall knowing, if it weren't for many celebrities in Cang city being there last night, if it weren't for wanting to maintain my good manners, if it weren't for... I would have definitely torn down the damn Drunken Smoke Pavilion."

Ye Qianxian jumped down from the carriage, quickly walked towards the main gate, looking gloomy, but in his heart, he was constantly comforting himself. As his gaze swept towards the gate and saw the eight pairs of charm-filled eyes, his feelings, which had been off for a while, improved... these eight people were truly "loving". It was hard to imagine that these eight giant men, looking like killing gods, could have such a charming smile.

So, he stretched out his hand and patted one of them on the shoulder as a gesture that they did a good job. He laughed softly and walked in with his head held high.

However, his good mood lasted only for a few seconds, and then went downhill completely.

Suddenly, a young man in a blue robe walked quickly from the side of the gate. The young man, holding two medicine bags in his hand, looking anxious, was hastily stepping towards the gate. Maybe because he was walking too fast or maybe because he was too anxious, he didn't see Ye Qianxian in front of him and bumped into him from behind.


Even though Ye Qianxian didn't like cultivating and let his bad mood out on several women last night, which made him a bit shaky when walking, he was still a core member of his clan with high control over his body. Struck suddenly by the young man in blue, he only staggered forward a few steps before stabilizing himself. He was quite shocked and turned around bewildered, wondering what had just happened.

When he saw the youth dressed in blue, his pale face displaying a hint of shame and guilt, the man's face darkened. His mood, which had been clear, turned cloudy. Opening his mouth, he yelled:

"Ye Qianhan, you bastard, are you blind?"

"I’m...I'm sorry, I was walking too fast." The youth named Ye Qianhan seemed quite ashamed, his face a bit panicked and insecure.

"Sorry? If sorry was enough, people in the Flame Dragon Continent wouldn't have to die every day!" Ye Qianhan laughed coldly, thinking of the prostitute at the Drunken Smoke Pavilion last night who had also apologized to him with the same tone. It worsened his mood, and he cursed more fiercely, "What's the rush? Are you running to mourn for your mother?"

"You...Ye Qianhan, I've already said sorry for bumping into you...don't be too excessive, my mother is, after all, your elder." Ye Qianhan originally felt a bit guilty, but upon hearing Ye Qianhan's last sentence, his anger flared up as he glared back with his not-so-big eyes.

"An elder?" Seeing Ye Qianhan's slightly angry expression, Ye Qianhan felt a bit pleased, but it seemed not enough. He continued to tease: "I don't have an elder who used to be... a prostitute."

"Ye Qianhan!" Spotting the subtle amusement in the eyes of the eight Gods of the Door standing by, Ye Qianhan completely lost it, arguing and roaring loudly: "My mother was a courtesan, not a prostitute, you insult my mother again, don't blame me for being impolite."

"Ha, rubbish!"

Hearing the word courtesan again, Ye Qianhan suddenly saw the beautiful face from last night and the cold rejection. He immediately red and screamed, "A courtesan? I hooked up with a courtesan last night. What can an insult do to you? A garbage! You are garbage, born from a prostitute. What, you want to fight me?"

"You..." As the words “garbage” and “prostitute” echoed, Ye Qianhan completely lost it. Placing the medicine pouch in his hand on the ground, and with a push of his back leg, he charged towards Ye Qianhan like a sharp sword.

"Ye Qianhan, I challenge you to a duel... left hook!"

"What's wrong? What's happening?"

The commotion here had long alerted the countless servants of the lord's mansion. Seeing them about to fight, everyone quickly gathered round, standing beside the eight Gods of the Door, began asking.

"Oh! That’s it... I was wondering why the usually quiet seventh young master would challenge the second young master to a duel! It turns out the second young master insulted his mother."

"Hmph! So what if I cursed her? His mother was nothing but a courtesan. After his father died, Night Cold's house was left with him as its sole heir, a cultivation failure. I predict it won't be long before they're driven out of the City Lord's Mansion..."

"Shh, keep your voice down. Let's not discuss these matters. If the punitive hall hears us, we'll be punished. Let's bet on how many moves Night Cold can last under the second young master."

"Pfft, Night Cold, that waste, is only a level one elite. The second young master may be playful, but he is naturally gifted. Being a level one in the commanding realm versus a level one in the elite realm – the difference is a full three levels. I say he will knock him down within three moves."

"Look! The second young master punched the seventh master and sent him flying..."

Everyone stopped chattering and turned to look. They saw Night Cold being thrown into the air.


Night Cold aggressively hit the ground without raising any dust. The City Lord Mansion's gate was an important place, cleaned several times a day, so how could there be dust?

"You all saw it. This is a duel proposed by Night Cold himself. I formally declare my agreement to duel with him... If he wants to bring the matter to the punitive hall in the future, you all need to witness for me." Night Leisure cleanly clapped his hands, carelessly speaking. As for Night Cold, a level one elite waste, he could easily take down seven or eight of them. Of course, when he was in a bad mood, and someone came to vent his anger, he was more than happy.

"Ugh!" Night Cold massaged his knee, gave a low groan, and focused his eyes on the triumphant Night Leisure. Pushing off with his rear leg, he quickly pounced again: "Left hook!"

Night Leisure laughed scornfully, slightly dodging the fist coming straight at him. His right leg went up, his left fist rapidly swung towards Night Cold's belly.


Night Cold fell back again, curled up with his belly, but after struggling for a moment, he stood up again, pushed off with his rear leg, and pounced again.

"Left hook!"


"Still a left hook!"




Looking at Ye Qianhan, who kept rushing forward and then flying back time and time again, the onlooking servants and guards couldn't help but feel some pity for him. However...This seventh young master was quite underwhelming, he wasn't a match for the second young master at all. And does he only know one move? While his left hook was not bad, all he ever does is left hook, left hook. It's not exhausting for you, but it's exhausting for us to watch.

"Haha, little bastard, can you still hold up? If not, I will have to leave. Tonight, I'll find another pretty girl to serve me, haha ..."

Not far away, Ye Qianhan was curled up on the ground, his brows furrowed in pain. His face was smeared with blood and bruises, not a single piece of it was unharmed. Yet upon hearing Ye Qianxian's taunts again, he roared in fury, his hands madly scraping the ground as he struggled to stand. His face twisted in a ferocious grimace, he roared angrily:

"Ye Qianxian, I'll make this a day you'll never forget!"

As he finished speaking, Ye Qianhan transformed into a furious bear, raising his left fist high, and then launched it at Ye Qianxian like a cannonball.

"Haha, I'll make this a day to remember!"

Ye Qianxian laughed heartily, everyone can talk big, but with your pathetic left hook, I can knock you flying even with my eyes closed. Hmm! This time I should use a heavy hand to end this boring game. As enjoyable as it is to bully people, the events of last night with numerous girls had drained much of his physical and mental energy. It's time to go home and take a nap...

"Left hook..."

Watching the rapidly approaching Ye Qianhan and his raised left hook, Ye Qianxian squinted his eyes. Hearing the familiar shout of "Left hook," he gave a cold smile, his body instinctively quickly turned to the right, then his right leg lifted, and his left fist rapidly swung out.

Huh? Why didn't it land? Ye Qianxian looked up in confusion, only to see a sneering face and a large brick.

"Left right brick!"


The heavy stone brick slammed down, and Ye Qingxian felt a sharp pain in his head. Then his vision quickly darkened, and he fell into unconsciousness. However, just before he blacked out, he was still pondering, "Why isn't it a left hook anymore? How did it change to a right stone brick? How can a person be so shameless?"


Looking at the slowly falling second young master and the seventh young master with a ferocious look on his face, holding a stone brick, the onlookers were dumbfounded. At this moment, an unprecedented silence enveloped the scene. A first-grade elite warrior had actually knocked out a first-grade commander warrior. This completely subverted their previous understanding of warriors. Although the seventh young master's means of sneakily striking was somewhat despicable, he won, didn't he? The one standing on the ground was him, wasn't it? Being able to sneak attack, knowing how to sneak attack, isn't that a kind of strength in itself?

But what happened next shocked them even more. The normally quiet and shy seventh young master tossed away the brick, straddled atop the second young master, and began punching with both fists, relentlessly aiming for Ye Qingxian's handsome face.

"I told you to make today unforgettable for you..."

"Seventh young master, stop hitting him. There will be trouble!"

Seeing this, the crowd at the side grew anxious. Two of the eight guardian deities quickly took a step forward, one of them spoke.

"Stop!" Ye Qinghan turned around with a harsh gaze and shouted, "What? You wish to defy your superiors? You wish for an exile of three thousand miles? This is my duel with Ye Qingxian! Although the position of my second household is humble, I am still a young master. If you don't want to be exiled tomorrow, then just watch!"

The eight guardian deities immediately remained still. The rules of the Ye Family were very clear. They wouldn't dare to openly defy, we were just standing anxiously saying: "Er, we certainly aren't trying to defy our superiors. We just want to dissuade the seventh young master since if something happens, it would not be good."

"Humph!" Ye Qinghan smirked coldly, swung his fist again in a fierce punch, resentfully stood up, dusted off his hands, and walked over to pick up the medicine bag on the ground.


And at that moment, a young girl in a white dress hurriedly approached from a distance. The tears in her eyes, stumbling as she moved, were tremblings of grief, and she called out while walking, her yell full of sadness, full of dismay.

"Eh?" Ye Qinghan sensed the gloomy scent in the sound and looked over. Seeing the hurrying young girl in the distance, he felt an inexplicable sense of unease in his heart.

"Brother, mother, mother is dead..."

Thunk! The medicine bag he had just picked up fell heavily to the ground, its paper shell cracked open, and herbs like tree roots were scattered all over the place...


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