The Secret Of Conglomerate Heir

The Secret Of Conglomerate Heir




Harish Gilbert is a 20 year old man. When he was in elementary school, Harish's parents and older brother decided to work abroad and left him in the care of his grandmother. When his grandmother, who had cared for Harish since childhood, passed away, Harish was left to live alone in a small apartment in West Jakarta. Growing up in poverty, Harish's parents sent him only three hundred dollars a month. As a result, Harish had to work part-time to support himself in Jakarta. Despite the money sent by his parents and the income from his part-time job, Harish's life remained unchanged, unable to meet his needs. One day, on his way back to his small apartment, Harish suddenly received a notice from the bank. The message said that Harish's bank account had received a transfer of seventeen million dollars. What is Harish's next journey? If his life is about to change, who sent him the money? Let's embark on the journey of Harish's life...
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Jakarta, Indonesia.

A young man wearing a bright blue shirt and old-fashioned jeans was seen walking around the campus area of Indonesia. The young man's eyes were on the ground as if looking for something. The young man's appearance is quite good. It's just the clothes he's wearing.

His clothes look torn and it looks like they haven't been washed in a long time. Even the black spots on the edges of his arm can be seen very clearly, even with just one glance. All the students on campus who saw him looked at him with shame, as if they had just met a virus carrier.

However, this young man named Harish seems to be used to such a look. He keeps walking even though many are humiliating him.


Suddenly, I heard the ringing of the incoming message from the first release Android phone of the Samsung brand.

Harish then opened his phone and found a message from the bank saying that there was money in his account!

[Americ Bank International]. The balance in your account with serial number XXXXXXX808 has received $17 million. This has been credited to your bank account.

When I just contacted Harish, I was very surprised to see the amount of money worth 'seven million dollars' on the screen of his cell phone. "Hah?! Seventeen million dollars? I'm not hallucinating, am I? Harish can only be stunned as he stares at the screen of his cell phone.

Who sent him so much money?

Harish was very panicked and immediately contacted the bank to verify the truth of the money that had just arrived in his bank account.

Harish was confused when he received confirmation from the bank that the money that had been deposited into his personal account was for him.

Whether it's the bank or the sender who sent the money to Harish.

A few moments later, while Harish was in a state of confusion, his phone suddenly rang again, but this time the person calling Harish's phone was from another country and was trying to call his phone number.

Although Harish was reluctant to answer the call at first, he finally answered the call from an unknown number.

Because Harish is sure that the foreign phone number trying to call him is the owner of the money that went into his bank account.

"Harish, have you received the remittance from me? This is me, your brother."

Of course, Harish was even more surprised when the foreign phone number calling him was his brother.

"What is this, brother? What happened? Aren't you fighting there too? Where did you get all that money, brother?" Harish replied with a confused face and his voice sounded very panicky on the phone.

"Ehmm...! Harish. Actually, I want to keep it a secret from you for the next two years. But I don't want to, because I know that you will be treated badly because you are poor. That is why I told you in advance without my father's knowledge," Harish's brother told him over the phone. Harish's brother came back and said, "Actually our family is very rich, Harish. The Gilbert family has a big business that is international and spread over many countries. Well, it's Europe and Asia. You know, the richest man in the world right now..."

"Yes, I know. What does our family have to do with it, brother?" Harish asked his brother.

"Of course it has something to do with them, Harish! They don't have anything like the wealth of our family, Harish." Harish's brother explained earnestly.

"What?! Are you serious, brother?" Harish swallowed his spit after hearing his brother's explanation.

If 'seven million dollars' wasn't in his checking account, Harish probably wouldn't believe what his brother had just said and would think that his sister must have lied to him.

But now, with all the evidence and the money in his personal account, Harish begins to believe everything his brother says.

"I know it's hard to believe. But you have to accept it, Harish. In the beginning, I was brought up in a poor neighborhood, but as time went by, my father started giving me luxurious facilities. Oh, one more! Right now I don't know what the cost of living is in Indonesia, but don't worry. Just use the 17 million dollars I sent you."

"If the money I gave you runs out, you can call me, or I'll call you again next month to ask for more." Harish's brother said it very simply, and it seemed that the 17 million dollars didn't mean much to him.

"...O-Okay, brother." Harish replied a little nervously and listened to what his brother said quietly.

After turning off the phone, Harish still can't believe what just happened to him. Then he kicked his cheek and wanted to wake up from this dream if he was asleep.

He's always lived as a poor man, but is he really the son of a rich man?

If what his brother said is true, I mean, all this time Harish's parents and brother have been lying about those who work abroad.

Harish then contacted his parents. Of course, they will be very angry with his brother for revealing the secrets of his family's wealth without permission.

However, after Harish thought for a moment, his parents should realize that it is they who should apologize to him.

In a telephone conversation, Harish's father said that he had no choice because he wanted his son to grow up to be a humble man.

When Harish found out all the reasons, he disconnected his father's phone and thought that his father's words were reasonable, so Harish didn't bother his father any more.

Then he had no hesitation in accepting the money that went into his private bank account.

Harish then went to the nearest ATM to withdraw five hundred dollars from his account, and Harish planned to shop with the money.

Harish spent nearly half a day at the supermarket before finally deciding to go home with a few bags of groceries.

Upon arriving home, Harish immediately arranged the food she had bought in her closet and small refrigerator.

*Knock knock knock!* The hurried knock on the door came from outside.

Hearing a knock at the door, Harish immediately opened the door to her room. Standing in front of his room door was a middle-aged woman wearing black stockings and weighing almost 90 kilos.

"Oh, it turned out to be Lilian knocking at the door."

Harish said with a little laugh after meeting the middle-aged woman.

"Harish, don't talk nonsense to me! I called you but you didn't answer. When are you going to pay the rent? You've been waiting for three months!" the middle-aged woman hit him emotionally.

"Liliana, give me two more days, please?" Harish begged Liliana in a low tone.

"Two more days?" Liliana laughed cynically and then shouted, "Harish! I gave you a lot of time because I think you're still a student. You promised to pay once a month, but now you've waited three months. So you're asking for two more days? What a shame!"

Harish is completely helpless in front of Liliana.

"Liliana, I really don't have any money right now. I promise I'll pay you in two days," Harish said in a whisper.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you now. You must pay me today! Otherwise, get out of here!" the middle-aged woman cried emotionally.


Harish remained silent. The brain in his head could not think and did not know what to do.

Suddenly, Harish remembered the money his brother had just sent, and he wanted to answer it.


At that moment, the door of the room next to Harish's room opens roughly.

A beautiful girl in pajamas comes out of the room with sleepy eyes. "Why are you shouting? You're disturbing my sleep!" she cried, staring at Liliana's face.


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