Given To The Elemental Alpha

Given To The Elemental Alpha

Author:Sophie Slade



Amara As the Princess of the Aethelclaw Warriors Pack in Lycandor, the Land of the Wolves, and the only child of the Alpha and Luna, you’d think I’d be the next one in line for the throne. Think again. Since women are not allowed to claim the position of Alpha and King in my Pack, I must choose a Mate who will ultimately become the Alpha and King. However, my heart belongs to another. Logan As the Alpha of the Fenrir Guardians Pack, I’ve searched all my life for my Mate, but to no avail. In addition to being a powerful Alpha, I’m the last Elemental Wolf left in existence. I’ll turn three thousand years old this year, and if I don’t find my soon, I will die, leaving my Pack without an Alpha. Then, my Pack Witch tells me that my Mate is in the Aethelclaw Pack. Come to find out, there was a reason I hadn’t found her… she had yet to be born. But I will risk everything to claim Amara as my Mate. She just doesn’t know it yet. Centuries ago, my forefathers made a pact with Dark Shadow of the shadow realm to preserve our Elemental Wolves. Now, my lineage is cursed. It’s up to me to sever the deal my forefathers made so many centuries ago. Easier said than done. Now, we’re battling dark forces that want more than our Packs… they want our very souls. Soon, we realize that we must ban together and fight for something bigger than ourselves… the very existence of our world. Our fate will be decided. Is our love strong enough to survive? Or are we doomed before we even began?
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“Father, I can’t agree to that!” There was no way I was going to agree to throw the Royal Tournament just to appease a man’s ego so he’ll marry me. “If a man is to marry me and become Alpha of the Aethelclaw Warriors Pack, then he will have to earn it! I will not hand over my birthright so easily!”

“Watch your tone, young lady!” Cassandra, my mother, shot me a warning look, but I wouldn’t back down. Not about this.

“Mother,” I began again, my tone a bit softer but just as serious. “We’re talking about the survival of the Pack and the next Alpha and King here!”

“I’m well aware, daughter.” Mother proudly lifted her chin. “And it’s time you choose a Mate.”

“Mother, why can’t I rule the Pack?”

“Enough!” My father, Alpha Kellem, King of the Aethelclaw Warriors Pack, slammed his fist down hard onto the armrest of his wooden throne, nearly breaking it. “It’s preposterous that a woman could one day rule the Aethelclaw Warriors Pack! We will not be like the Valkyrior Warriors Pack, where a woman is now the Alpha! Never! So get that out of your mind!” He leaned closer, nearly falling out of his throne, lowering his voice. “This is your twenty-first birthday. Now, you will choose a Mate, or I will choose one for you.”

“Father, you can’t—”

“Oh, I can… and I will.” Father bit his lower lip in an effort to calm himself. “So, choose a Mate soon or there will be serious consequences… consequences you may not like.”

I squared my shoulders, my eyes never leaving his. “Then the man I choose will have to best me in the Royal Tournament. But Goddess help anyone who does.” With that, I turned on my heel and headed toward the door, keeping my head held high.

“I’m not through with you yet, daughter!” my father yelled behind me, slamming his fist down on this throne chair again, the sound reverberating throughout the room.

“Now, dear,” mother cooed behind me, “you know Amara. She’ll get it out of her system and then she’ll choose. Give her a chance—”

“She’s had more than enough chances!” Father’s booming voice followed me into the hallway when I walked out of the throne room and headed outside.

Does he really think that anyone else will win the tournament? I scoffed, shaking my head. I’d won every year since the tournament’s inception. And each year, I spend my time training hard in order to ensure my victory the following year.

I ran out of the palace and into the woods, nearly knocking over a few guards in my haste. The wind blew across my face as the scent of pine filled my lungs. I was tempted to shift into my wolf, but I had duties to see to and a dinner to attend tonight. But I made a silent vow to go later.

Picking up speed, I easily darted through the ember, alder, oak, and pine trees on my way to who knew where. I just needed to run, stretch my legs, and forget my lot in life.

Three years ago, I had created the rules of the tournament at my father’s insistence that I find a suitable Mate and Alpha for the Pack. The winner takes my hand. But so far, now one has been able to best me.

“Why can’t I inherit the throne?” I asked the wind, picking up speed. But it wasn’t my fate. My fate was to be the Queen and Luna to the next Alpha… and it was up to me to find him.

Hot, angry tears coursed down my cheeks as his face appeared in my Mind’s Eye. He was the other reason why I hadn’t taken a Mate… Blaze.

Three years ago, Blaze had left the kingdom to study at Central Academy, at my father’s insistence. I guessed he suspected that there was more between Blaze and me than friendship.

And he would be right.

After Blaze was sent away, my parents sent me to every Pack in Lycandor for the sole purpose of finding a Mate. But it wasn’t going to happen. I had already found him.

Blaze and I had been childhood sweethearts. We were perfectly matched sparing partners and lovers. We would sneak away whenever we could and make love under the stars, dreaming of one day being able to claim each other officially as Mates.

Who knows? Maybe this will be the year that Blaze returns. It’s my twenty-first birthday, after all. Maybe he would come back, get down on one knee, and propose to me before my father and the entire Pack.

A smile lit my lips, brightening at the fantasy.

Knowing I didn’t have much time to get ready, I headed back, feeling much better than I did when left.

When I neared the palace, I darted past the guards again. But this time, they stood back out of my way. Inside, I headed up the stairs, taking two at a time, not in the mood to take the stairs.

As soon as I reached my suite, I jumped into the shower, and when I stepped out I quickly dried my hair, applied makeup, and headed toward my dressing room.

When I entered, clothes for every occasion hung on racks along the perimeter of the room. But the gown I would wear was a sparkling baby blue dress that set off my dark brown hair and figure. It was fitted in the bodice to the waist with a sweetheart neckline that fell to the floor in an A-line skirt. After slipping it on, I turned this way and that, watching the dress shimmer in the light, then swept my hair up into an elegant twist, leaving a few tendrils down to frame my face. After donning my matching high heels, I headed down the stairs, ready to face the music… literally.

“My, my! Don’t you look lovely!” exclaimed a female warrior, on the arm of her husband, when I reached the first floor.

I bobbed a slight curtsy. “Thank you!”

Even though she and her husband were older, she didn’t look a day over eighteen and he didn’t look a day over twenty-five. We were wolf shifters and from the time we receive the gift of our wolves, we don’t age another day, and we live exceptionally long lives. Women usually receive their wolves at eighteen and men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five.

“There she is!” Father quickly crossed the room when I arrived and kissed both of my cheeks, as if nothing were amiss.

“Father.” I gave a curt nod, but smiled, realizing eyes were watching.

“Now, daughter….” Father tucked my arm in his as we slowly made our way to the main table, lowering his voice. “I’m going to introduce you to a few of the Alphas who came, and I want you to be on your best behavior.”

I plastered a smile across my face as my eyes met his. “Of course, Father.”

Father studied me for a moment, and then nodded. “Amara, I’m not asking this of you for myself, but for the good of the Pack.” He stopped halfway to the main table, his brow furrowed. “You understand. Don’t you?”

I sighed, giving him a genuine smile. “Yes, Father.” I knew better than to argue with him now in front of the Pack. I looked around and the main dining hall was filled with prospective Alphas, Mated Pairs, and other onlookers, all waiting with bated breath to see who I chose as my Mate.

After all, I was twenty-one and didn’t have much time. Sure, my father was in good health, but he wasn’t going to leave the matter to chance. Deep down, I knew he was also trying to protect me. If something were to happen to him before I chose a Mate, I would be left vulnerable.

“Princess.” A young Alpha with striking white hair from the Everfrost Wolves Pack gave me a slight nod, placing his hand on his chest.

“Chris.” I nodded, giving him a smile.

It continued that way as we walked, but when we drew near the table, we stopped before a handsome wolf with striking blue eyes. Then again, all wolves had blue eyes in my world. But his appeared to look into my soul. He was tall and his dark brown hair was combed to perfection.

“Logan, may I introduce my daughter, Princess Amara. Amara, this is Logan, an ore merchant from the Fenrir Pack.” Father shot me a warning look. “Daughter—”

“May I speak with you privately?” I smiled sweetly at my father, batting my eyes.

My mother rolled her eyes and took her seat, pretending not to notice.

“Yes, of course.” Father led me away from the table a short distance away.

“Father, do not use my marriage as a bargaining chip,” I warned, my voice so low that only he could hear.

“Daughter, you promised to try.”

“I promised nothing.”

“Then, I’m ordering you to.”

My head snapped up, all pretense gone. “Father, you wouldn’t dare.”

This time, he smiled sweetly. “Try me.”

I let out a deep breath, relenting. “As you wish.” As he led me back to the table, I tried to smile. “Why is he here? Logan? I thought—”

“We need the resources that his Pack would bring. And as the princess of the Pack, it’s up to you to ensure diplomacy,” Father cut me off. “Now. He is our guest, and you will treat him as such.”

“Very well, Father.”

King Kellem held my chair as I sat and then headed back to his seat and gently squeezed my mother’s hand.

I looked up and Logan was staring into my eyes—an unwelcome intrusion.

“So, how long are you here for?” I took a sip of my wine.

“For as long as it takes.”

After dinner, Logan dabbed at his lips and laid his napkin on his plate. “Princess, would you take me on a tour of the grounds? I heard the gardens here and the surrounding forest are lovely.”

“She’d love to,” Mother chimed, her eyebrows raised, hopeful.

I frowned as I shot my mother a warning look, and then my eyes shifted back to Logan. “Yes, of course.”

Logan offered me his arm, a wry smile lighting his lips. “Shall we?”

“Indeed.” I bowed slightly to my father and Logan led me from the main dining hall.

Outside, the wind was fresh, and the scent of wildflowers filled the air. It was a gorgeous night… a night filled with wonder.

“So, how’s the hunting here?” Logan asked, looking over the forest.

Even though it was night, we were wolf shifters, and our vision was impeccable. We could see just as well in the dark as we could in bright daylight.

“Good,” I replied, not wanting to encourage him.

He nodded thoughtfully as we walked farther into the forest. “And you just turned twenty-one?”


My heart fell. I thought Blaze would have shown up tonight for my twenty-first birthday. What if something had happened to him, preventing him from coming back?

Suddenly, I caught the sweet scent of something. Could it be… Blaze?

“Excuse me.” I took off running deeper into the forest, sniffing the air as I went.

“Princess?” Logan asked, following a short distance behind.

But there was no time to waste. I scented the air and yes, it was him. His scent was unmistakable. I would know it anywhere. It was the scent of my Mate, Blaze.

Elation filled me as I bounded around a corner, his scent strong. “Blaze?”

But then I froze. For lying on the ground was Blaze, groaning as he pushed into a woman I didn’t know, heavy in the throes of passion… making love to another she-wolf.


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