Realms Unite

Realms Unite




The prophecy of the world's end have come. The Gods have forsaken the existing realms and now are determined to bestow annihilation to their creations along with death to those who are living. For the pass 1000 years the realms of Earth, Abyss, and Nether have been in conflict but when the dark prophecy have come their news the rulers have the same mind in salvation, to unite the battling realms and save their lands, they will barricade the Gods' will and raise defense.
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"Run for your lives!"


"Leave now!"

Shouting and screaming are intense in the atmosphere of a small village... where I live. Invaders have come to raid our village and we are not prepared.

I was just only eight years old and I don't know what to do, I just watch in horror seeing my mom get stabbed in the neck causing her death.

They figured that I froze in fear so they didn't mind me and started taking our valueble items and pouring clear liquid with an awful smell that can set fire in seconds.

But before they could toss a match my father abruptly came with two of my older siblings. He's holding an axe and continuously chop the masked man's head in anger, as a result blood was splattered everywhere.

He stopped and cried upon seeing my mother laying on a pool of roses, cold and lifeless.

Then before I know it, my sister suddenly scoop me up in her arms. I notice that she was crying then tears also escape my eyes.

"Sis!" My brother called out, tears are also evident in his face and also anger, "we need to go now."

We immediately got out of the house, and with my vision, I saw an unforgiving scene of hell.

"This way!" My father lead the way and we followed.

Then an arrow was suddenly shot right through his heart and he fell to the ground, dead.

"Father!" I called out but he is already gone.

Arrows fired at us once again but luckily my brother is quick to act and shielded us with a wooden plank.

With my sister's lead we turned to an alleyway and didn't stop running 'till we reach the forest.

A horse with a wagon is already in there, my sister first put me in the wagon and covered me with a blanket.

"It's gonna be alright, Dave." He assured me with a forced smile.

"Your turn, Aren." Sister told my brother as she walk towards the horse.

My brother nodded and walk towards me but before he could ride the wagon, we heard a shout.

"There are still survivors here!"

My brother quickly grabbed his knife as arrows started firing at us, no one got hit but it still terrified me.

"Aren, what are you doing?!" I heard my sister called out, "Get in the wagon right now."

"No, they will pursue us, Stella." He replied, "I will hold them right here." He bravely said.

"What?! Are you crazy." My sister shouted in fury, "You will die, get in the wagon now there's no time."

"No! I will hold them right here, go on without me."

Another group of arrow fired at us and the sounds of roaring men have gotten closer.

"Go now! Go!" My brother shouted, she knows that she couldn't change his mind, as brave and stubborn he is so she have no choice but to urge the horse and flee for my sake.

"Brother!" I called out but he just smiled at me with tears as he fade out of view.

Dusk came and we need to camp for the night. Luckily, there is already food and water in the wagon so their is no need to fear our resources but the darkness of the woods have deep anxiety to be buried.

"Sis, why did they kill our family?" I asked with quivering lips as I stared at the fire.

I can feel my sisters body tense as she hugged me tight, it took a while but she finally answered.

"They are thieves and murderers, they kill innocent people for fun and stole their treasures."

"Is mother, father, and brother ever gonna come back?"

I felt a warm tear drop in my forehead then came her answer, "No... they will never come back."

We fell into silence again and the night sky offered us no light nor stars to view. It was like we where completely in the dark, surrounded by gloom and sadness.

As silence go on between us, a rustling in a near bush suddenly made us jump and next is a strange growl of an animal that shivered my spine.

"Savage demon..." My sister whispered beneath her breath.

I have heard about those creatures before, they are demons from the Nether that came to earth. They are named 'Savage Demons' because of their savage and mindless behavior, they are bloodlust and very dangerous, like an animal.

With my sister's trembling hands she then quickly grabbed a map, and opened it up infront of me.

"This is where we are," she pointed our location, "You must continue to travel north and find this village." She trace her fingertips in the route and marked the said village.

"Do you understand, Dave?" She asked and I nodded.

"You must find Uncle Brian, he's a blacksmith remember?"

"Yes, we visited him once."

She smiled but I could see the sadness and fear in her eyes, "I want you to tell everything that have happened."

She then put out the fire, woke up the horses and let me ride on the front of the wagon.

"Won't you come with me, sis?" I asked.

Even though her back is turned against me, I know that's she's crying again in the way she sniffs.

"I won't." She said, her words are breaking, "I can't."

"Why?!" I raise my voice then a roar suddenly echoed throughout the woods... and it's near.

She then ran towards me, "Listen, Dave, there are demons in this forest and if I don't act now they will kill us both, I need you to live." She whispered.

"No, why do I must live? While you all die for my sake." My eyes started to water and I grabbed her wrist with all my strength not wanting to let her go.

"Because we love you." Came her reply with her sweet smile.

"But I also love you, stay with me we will run together. I already lose mother, father and brother, I can't also lose you too." My heart is aching in pain and I am not gonna let her go, no matter what. "Please... stay with me, sis."

My sister then hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead, "Silly one, you didn't lose us, we will always be with you even if we are gone."

"We will forever watch you from the stars." She then left, her wrist slip from my hand like the wind. I tried so hard to grab her again and again but I can no longer reach.

"Please... come with me, sis, we will outrun this demon together!" I shouted desperately trying to change her mind.

"As your big sister I must protect you so don't let our sacrifice be in vain, Dave, live for us and for yourself." She then urge the horse to run faster, leaving her behind.

And just like brother she also smiled at me with tears.

I watch from behind as the horse keep running, then I saw a wild disfigured beast of the shadow with a drooling mouth and sharp teeth, it creep out from the bush as my sister wounded her hand to let the smell of blood draw its attentions from me.

I look away and then came her agonizing scream.

Days pass by that I look after myself and cry myself to bed. My head keep repeating my experience even in my dreams. And finally, I reached the said village and found my uncle, I told him what happened and he took me in.

After the knights investigated our village, they brought back mother and father's corpse. I don't know why but they never recovered my siblings' bodies.

Nevertheless, we made them a proper burial and right at that time I came to a realization that I don't want anyone to experience what I have been through, I don't want them to lose their love ones because of such ruthlessness and unjust.

So I draw a sword and learned to fight, I decided that I will be as brave as my brother and as kind as my sister. With this resolution, I then became a warrior.

"My King we have arrived." I informed his majesty through his carriage.

We have been traveling for days just to reach this powerful tower of beauty and magic that stand in the wasteland like a beacon, the Tower of Worlds.

The said tower is the portal that connects the existing realms to ours, the realms have been in conflicts for the past 1000 years but this time a peace treaty will be signed between the Kings because of an upcoming dark prophecy.

A dark prophecy that the Gods have bestowed to the world not just mine but also the others.

As said the world will be crush to ashes and the darkness will stretch throughout horizon as death will come reaping lives one after another 'till life dissapeared and existence will be feared.

I escorted my King to the highest floor along with my men, when we arrived, an altar with a carving of the three realms have caught our attention.

The alter is in the center and three doors are in place by the sides. To get here we opened the door that is tainted by fresh green paint, decorated with diamonds and emeralds, resembling the Earth, the Realms of Humans, the Realm of Light and Harmony.

The next door was painted red, decorated with crimson ruby and bloodstone. A scratch mark is visible in the door's surface and a golden crowned statue of a savage demon with two long horns sat atop the door with a bloodstained mouth. This is the door leading to the Nether, the Realm of Demons, the Realm of Flames and Chaos.

The last door was painted black, decorated with soulless jewels of amethyst and obsidian. The door holds untold dimness and mystery. This the door leading to the Abyss, the Realm of Sorcerers, the Realm of Darkness and Secrets.


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