Urban Technical Tycoon

Urban Technical Tycoon



Unexpectedly reborn in a parallel universe, Yang Zhe inexplicably found himself married to a queen who he got on the cheap. Luckily, he wasn't alone in this new world, he had a system called "Super Film Black Technology" by his side. From then on, Yang Zhe relied on various superpowers, and embarked on a life peak filled with endless joy from matching wits with his queenly wife.
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"Where am I?"

Rubbing his still somewhat tired eyes, Yang Zhe began to carefully observe the layout of his surroundings. It was a meticulously decorated room that shone brightly with gold, like a palace.

He remembered having a few drinks with some close friends before returning home to sleep.

Despite being a little tipsy, there was no way he was so drunk as to end up sleeping in the wrong place, in the wrong bed.

Just as he was feeling puzzled, a voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Super Movie Tech System has detected its host, running compatibility test, please wait…"

"Compatibility test completed, starting system binding 1%...5%...15%..."

Upon hearing the voice in his head, Yang Zhe's eyes widened in shock.

"A system? Have I traveled to another timeline?"

As a die-hard homebody, Yang Zhe had a fondness for all sorts of web novels, including time travel ones. Having a system is an essential perk for a time traveler.

Although he still wasn’t sure which world he had traveled to, it wasn’t important at the moment. He calmly waited for the system binding to complete.

Because he knew, all his doubts would be dispelled soon.

"Hurry up... hurry up... faster!"

At this moment, Yang Zhe was mentally urging the system to move faster.

"System binding has been completed, congratulations to the host on binding with this system!"

With the completion of the system binding, the originally mechanical voice turned into a clear and ethereal female voice, which was quite soothing to the ears.

It was at this moment that a surge of vast information flooded into Yang Zhe's mind.

Only then did he understand what kind of world he had crossed into.

It was a parallel world similar to Earth, although the technological level might be about 3 to 5 years ahead of Earth, there was essentially no other difference.

His current location was not his familiar Huaguo, but a small country called Poluo.

In Yang Zhe's original world, there was no such country as Poluo.

Still, those were not the most surprising things to him. What really astonished him was the fact that he actually had a wife.

As a monarchist country, the queen was the absolute number one figure in Poluo.

And his wife, Chen Ruoxue, was the queen of this country.

Yang Zhe's original status was not too bad, he was the son of Yang clan, one of the six big families in Poluo.

By rights, a spendthrift second generation like Yang Zhe should not have been eligible to marry the queen.

This involved some associations with the older generation. Under the influence of the elders, Yang Zhe and Chen Ruoxue underwent a childhood arranged marriage.

Of course, according to public opinion, it led to Yang Zhe becoming the infamous gigolo and laughstock of the country.

His reputation was irreparable now, but this royal consort's position hadn't brought any significant improvements to his life.

Apart from others addressing him as Prince Yang in reverence, there wasn't much else.

What Yang Zhe found even more unacceptable was the fact that after he had crossed over; this unlucky soul, originally the only heir from one of the six great families, in theory, could have lived his life freely even without relying on this "title in name only".

However, the predecessor was indeed a carefree one, splurging on eating, drinking, and entertaining. Brothels and gambling dens were frequented, in short, he did anything and everything to squander his fortune.

Jst as expected, he quickly burnt through the fortune left by his ancestors in the Yang family and even racked up a mount of gambling debts.

"Darn...does it have to be this miserable?"

Witnessing the tragic experiences of his predecessor, Yang Zhe couldn't help but repeat muttered.

He had never come across such a hopeless case before.

"Never mind. Let's just accept this bad luck and see what's up with this system."

Just as Yang Zhe was planning to investigate further into the system tied to him...

The door to the room, a grandiose show of antique-heavy and luxurious decor, was pushed open from the outside.

A beautifully-dressed, young woman, leading a team of men in suits, walked into the room.

From his memories, Yang Zhe knew that this woman was his wife, Chen Ruoxue.

And he had to admit, Chen Ruoxue's beauty was striking. Her figure and demeanor were undoubtedly impeccable. The only downside was her constantly cold expression, which was rather unpleasant to look at.

Although they had been married for quite some time, Chen Ruoxue didn't even allow him to touch her, which was indeed rather miserable.

"You're here. Do you need anything?"

When Yang Zhe asked this, Chen Ruoxue obviously seemed taken aback, but she quickly returned to her perennially icy demeanor.

She made a gesture, and a bodyguard from behind brought over a chair.

Chen Ruoxue took a seat beside Yang Zhe's bed.

"You really know how to stir up trouble. You take a look... 300 million! I don't know where you got your confidence from."

Taking the invoice handed over by Chen Ruoxue, Yang Zhe carefully read it and realized, that his ex had lost money again.

"With the massive amount you've lost, I can completely force you to do things you wouldn't want to do to pay off this debt."

"Threatening me…"

From the words of this bargain of a queen wife, Yang Zhe discerned ulterior motives.

If she really wanted to force him to do something, she definitely wouldn't talk like this. Moreover, it appears she has already paid off this amount. If she is speaking this way now, there must be something else.

As expected, nothing caught Yang Zhe by surprise.

"You wouldn't be able to repay this money even in three lifetimes. So, if you agree to do one thing for me, I will wipe off all the money you owe me. Moreover... I will reward you with a considerable sum to settle down and comfortably live out your life."

Indeed, a person fit to be a king. Although young, she skillfully plays these royal games.

"What's the matter?"

"On the Independence Day, three months from now, I want you to announce a declaration, formally ending our marriage."

Only now did Yang Zhe understand, his bargain of a queen wife, intended to seize this opportunity to divorce him.

As the number one figure in this country, every action garners the attention of the public. The king's divorce naturally needs to be announced to the world.

If this matter was placed in front of his predecessor, he would surely die of shame and refuse to agree at all costs. But Yang Zhe is Yang Zhe, no longer the freeloader he was before.

"Of course, I know you ..."

"Is that all there's to it? Fine, I agree!"

"What? You agreed?"

Chen Ruoxue's icy countenance suddenly showed a hint of difference.


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