Chasing His Wife Busily

Chasing His Wife Busily



"Woman, don't delude yourself into thinking that you can marry another man with my child." This is Lin, the domineering and coldhearted tycoon who rocks the business world. "Sir, do we know each other?" She is Chu Xia, a megastar of film, television, and music, currently offering a flirtatiously seductive smile. With a turn, goodbye, breaking off her emotions, she laughs bewilderingly. Who would have thought that when she sees him again, her heart is still throbbing in pain? Five years ago, a crazy contract turned her into his toy, becoming the puppet of his vengeance. When she got lost in his domineering tenderness, he abandoned her in the abyss, leaving her in a state worse than death. Five years later, she returns as a megastar, with a little bun accompanying her. This little bun blinked its eyes, looking at Lin. "He's so ugly, nothing like my daddy at all!"
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The thunderous boom of thunder, just like exploding at one’s ear, and the lightning in the clouds ceaselessly roils. Silver, snake-like electric arcs wildly dance across the dark screen of the sky.

The massive electrical current illuminated the entire night sky, and though it was only for a moment, it still made the man sitting by the window flinch.

“This contract…”

On the deluxe genuine leather couch sat a man in his forties who squinted at the white paper with black print in his hand. Even though there was resentment in his eyes, he dared not reveal it before others.

“Why? Not satisfied with the conditions I've set for you?”

A pair of long legs clad in linen-colored suit pants were impolitely crossed, not regarding at all the person who was supposedly his senior.

The sky blue dress shirt outlined the man's slender yet well-built inverted triangle figure, with a faceline that is clearly resolute.

With his sexy thin lips and cold mocking smile, his dark eyes casually glance at the discontented man, contemptuous of his defeated subordinate who dared to negotiate terms with him.

“But raising her was no easy task. You’re well aware, Mr. Lin, that there are more than just you who want my daughter.”

Despite fear in Gong Jingxian's eye, that has the cunning gleam of an old fox, there was even more certainty.

That daughter of his, the beautiful Gong Xuerou who every man in the world desires, is his only trump card, and could revive his failing company from its deathbed.

Before him, Lin Kaio is one of the ideal investors in his heart. The mystery of his background, the overwhelming economical strength, even his bad reputation from the outside do not bother him at all because, after all, he doesn't really have any deep feelings for Gong Xuerou.

"Do you think there will be others who will offer a higher price?"

Lin Kaio stood up, indifferent and laughing coldly. His towering height cast a shadow instantly. The oppressive aura made Gong Jingxian seem even shorter. His excessively handsome face was at this moment, disdainful as ice. The invasive aura was like a beast, giving Gong Jingxian absolutely no room for negotiation.

"Whether you sign or not, it’s up to you. However, you better make up your mind, your deadline is tomorrow. If you still can’t come up with 50 million, then your company…"

"I'll sign! I'll sign right now, but what about Xueruo..."

In Lin Kaiou's eyes, a touch of pleasure from revenge was revealed. He disgustingly looked at the man before him, acting ruthlessly, pushing him into a corner.

"Your daughter or your company, choose one."

Gritting his teeth, though still somewhat unwilling, Gong Jingxian didn't have time to find another suitable investor. Moreover, Gong Xueruo was just a burden to him.

Whipping out his golden Parker pen, he signed his name on the contract, thus selling his own daughter.

"I've signed the contract. I hope you keep your word and let my company be."

Head lowered, much like a rooster that lost a fight, Gong Jingxian was far from his usual arrogance, only left with a begrudging submission.

"Rest assured, I'm not like you. Now, get out."

Gong Jingxian slightly shrank back but hurriedly left the spacious room nonetheless.

Lin Kaiou stood by the window, not even sparing the miserably departing man a glance.

The occasional flash of lightning revealed the hatred written all across his handsome face.

If it weren't for this heartless man cheating his father, his family wouldn't have been ruined overnight.

Even now, he could still remember the look in his mother's eyes when she committed suicide out of despair.

His beautiful, delicate mother jumped off a high-rise building with regret and an apology to him after this beast and the others clean out their home.

It was also on a rainy day like this. But he, he just stood on the rooftop and watched his mother, like a graceful butterfly, revealing a tragic beauty on the hard concrete ground.

The depth of his eyes revealed unimaginable pain. Lin Kaiou tightened his thin lips and clenched his fists. What he had retrieved was merely the tip of the iceberg.

He intended to personally take back everything Gong Jingxian had taken from his family, bit by bit!


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