Nuclear Fusion Master: Top Experts Bow to Me

Nuclear Fusion Master: Top Experts Bow to Me


Realistic Urban

Synopsis: [Science and Patriotism Novel] Jiang Fan, to be accepted into Long University of Science and Technology, submitted part of the controllable nuclear fusion formulas and data. The result shocked the entire country's top experts...
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Late Spring, early Summer.

The weather was turning hot and dry.

At the Lingzhou City Secondary School, in Class 3-6, a middle-aged man with glasses was holding the results of the city-wide third baseline exam.

This mock exam was crucial. It could pretty much determine the college entrance examination results in twenty days!

The students all looked nervously at their teacher.

"Chu Ruoxi, total score 710, ranked first in the school!"


The students voiced their surprise and envy.

"Zhang Sanfeng, total score 673, Liu Yihang..."

"Jiang Fan, 300 points, ranked last in the school!"

Upon hearing Jiang Fan's score, the entire class erupted in laughter, and many started to gossip.

"The most hardworking in our class must be Jiang Fan, but he's always last. Even the 'Sleeping King' of our class scores higher than him. The brain really is a wonderful thing!"

"Exactly! Out of a total of 750 points, he only scored 300. We are considered a key high school. This really embarrasses our school!"


On hearing this chatter, the teacher on the podium couldn't help shaking his head. However, a faint smile appeared on the edge of Jiang Fan's lips, and a voice rang out in his mind.

"Ding: The tester has successfully completed the eighth control score test. The completion of the final test will activate the technology system, if failed, the system will automatically disappear."

Yes, Jiang Fan is indeed a reborn individual, reincarnated in a parallel world during his own 17 year old second year of high school!

At the same time, an inactive technology system has appeared in his mind.

In his previous life, Jiang Fan was a scientific researcher. He learned from the system's introduction that it contains the scientific and technological advancements of the planet he resides on within the last 500 years.

As a researcher, what does getting access to such technologies mean?

However, to possess the system, he must complete the tests posed by it.

The mission seems simple at first glance but is in fact, extremely demanding!

The task is during high school, he must complete nine continuous exams with a total score of only 300 each time to activate the system.

Many peers might say, scoring 300 in an exam, isn't that simple?

Surpassing 300 may indeed be simple, but achieving exactly 300 points, exceeding nor lacking, for nine consecutive times, if once the total score is not 300, recalculations must be made, the difficulty of such is self-evident.

In his previous life, Jiang Fan, being a science prodigy, believed there was no difficulty. However, he had overestimated his own abilities!

Initially, his overall test scores would always exceed or lack by 1 or 2 points.

Later, after his continuous efforts studying day and night, revising all the high school knowledge points, did he slowly stabilize the total score at 300.

Now, he has consecutively scored 300 for the eighth time, with only the last test left, he will be able to activate the technology system.

He couldn't help feeling a little excited at the moment.

With only twenty days until the college entrance examination and an additional test in between, this upcoming test would be his last opportunity.

However, Jiang Fan's excitement lasted less than a minute before he heard the head teacher on the podium say:

"There are only twenty days until the college entrance examination, and as per the decision of the Municipal Education Bureau, the test in ten days ...... has been cancelled."

The smile on Jiang Fan's face immediately froze. He was dumbfounded on the spot and it took him several minutes to come to terms with what he had just heard.

He couldn't accept this reality. He had been tormented by the system for a whole year, studying books day and night.

Just when he was one test away from successfully activating the system, the teacher told him that the final exam was cancelled!

Who could accept such a thing?


Jiang Fan, overcome with emotion, stood up and his stool fell over.

"The exam... the exam can't be cancelled!"

With his hands shaking, he shouted at the head teacher, out of breath from the intensity of his emotions.

The teacher was taken aback by Jiang Fan's sudden outburst, then mockingly retorted.

"What, with your score of 300, do you need another exam to prove your intelligence?"

The classmates, as if looking at a fool, burst out laughing.

However, Jiang Fan was already chattering away to himself.

"The Education Bureau... how could... not keep their word, not acceptable, we must have the exam."

The teacher and classmates all look at Jiang Fan with bewilderment.

"Jiang Fan, what's gotten into you? As the last in school's ranking, you have no right to speak."

In Jiang Fan's heart, there was a great sense of unwillingness. He was only one test away from activating the system, a system that contained the science and technology of the next 500 years.

500 years of science and technology!

For a researcher, it signifies the capability to develop many advanced technologies.

Jiang Fan believes that so long as he can obtain the system, he can decidedly propel the progress of science and technology in Long


Country, even the world, single-handedly.

Presently in Long Country, high technology is controlled by Piaoliang

meaning "pretty"

Country. As a patriotic researcher, Jiang Fan is eager to break through this impasse.

He had once imagined that after activating the system, he could lead the researchers in his country to develop super chips, research controlled nuclear fusion, mechas, aircraft carriers, spacecraft, or even more advanced space elevators, and time machines...

However, all of this is about to be ruined due to the Education Bureau's sudden decision to cancel an exam, and he could not tolerate this.

Seeing Jiang Fan's deeply furrowed brows and red eyes, the class teacher's anger flares up, shouting loudly.

"Jiang Fan, sit down!"

But at this moment, Jiang Fan roars like a man possessed.

"Your decision... will destroy... the entire science and technology of Long Country, making... making Long Country forever subservient to Piaoliang Country..."

The student sitting next to Jiang Fan fearfully shifts away.

Everyone thought that Jiang Fan had gone mad.

He couldn't accept that despite his crazy studying for a year, he always ended up last in every test!

Anybody, who studied so relentlessly every day, yet didn't see a raise in their performance, would probably break down internally.

His classmates looked at him pityingly and sighed helplessly!

The homeroom teacher hurriedly called Jiang Fan's parents.

After venting out, seeing all his classmates looking at him strangely, Jiang Fan knew he couldn't change this reality, and all he could do was sit down in a daze.

Chu Ruoxi turned her head, looking at this boy who strived 100 times harder than her. She always felt something was different about him.

She was always curious about Jiang Fan. He never mingled with anyone, didn't listen to teacher's lectures, just sat there reading his own books!

Once, Chu Ruoxi sneakily picked up a math test paper Jiang Fan had completed from the trash can. On the major problems section, there were no steps shown, only answers.

Through calculation, she found that all the answers to the major problems were correct.

Even the additional problems at the end were answered correctly without a doubt.

This made her start paying attention to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan's parents arrived at the school soon after and took him home.

As he left, his gaze was dull as if he had truly gone mad.

In fact, only Jiang Fan knew, it was because he had lost hope.

In his previous life, after graduation, Jiang Fan had researched in nanomaterials for five years. Despite the country investing 3 billion yuan annually, there was no significant breakthrough due to many technological limitations!

So, he clearly knew that to develop a new technology would require an enormous amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources.

If he owned a technology system, it would change everything!


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