Don't Forget Me, Alpha Mommy

Don't Forget Me, Alpha Mommy

Author:Selene Souchon



Krystal is the future Alpha of the Diamond Pack. Born powerful, wealthy and blessed with beauty, she has everything that a woman could ask for, except her life is not as perfect as it seems to be. Betrayed by her half-sister, close friend, and ridiculed for her failed marriages, Krystal has become a subject of ridicule and nasty rumors. That is until another Alpha came into her life calling her Kristen and claiming that she had a son with him that she doesn’t know of.
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Pictures flashed around the area, cameras are pointed at every person as the paparazzi tried their best to capture every important moment for their magazines and news covers to earn money by exploiting the rich, famous people invited to this insanely expensive birthday party.

Sports cars and limousines would arrive from time to time as the invited guests flaunt their rich status, wearing their designer dresses, their faces known for their businesses, talents and family background. All the people invited were billionaires, or related to them. All of them are members of the upper high-class society.

One could only assume the grandeur of the party, yet even with the guest's high expectations, the party itself exceeds them all.

The party is for the 70th birthday of an insanely rich mogul, known all around the world for his multi-billion company. The mogul wanted his birthday to be so perfect that he meticulously chose his guests, excluding the Nouveau riche, the millionaires, and those who were not A-list celebrities. He is so important that all his invited guests abandoned their work to attend his party.

Even though only the best people were invited, there were still gaps between the status of the guests. There are still those who were way richer than the other and way more famous than the other and those who were new from being billionaires and newly member of A-list celebrity.

Krystal Fleur, the future Alpha of the Diamond Pack, is invited to the said party. Unlike the others, the mogul even gave her his invitation personally.

Krystal knows the rich mogul very well. In fact, they come long before. Despite the fact that the birthday celebrant owns a multi-billion company, Krystal still has a higher status than him.

Knowing how kind this man was to her, Krystal agreed to go to his party. In fact, Krystal knew him too well that when she arrived at the party, she chose not to enter through the main entrance because she knows that the man would come and greet her personally, giving her a grand entrance.

Krystal doesn't like being overly concerned and attracting too much attention. So she blended in the party quietly and kept a low profile after going in through the back door where all the staffs of the party would come in and out without disturbing the organized event.

Even though she entered the venue in the most secretive way, the crowd still noticed her, for she was the most beautiful woman wearing the most beautiful dress in the crowd.

Crystalline and shimmery, her dress is hand sewn with diamonds. When shone under the light, her dress would dazzle the crowd literally. The dress is not only beautiful, it also represents her pack.

A diamond dress for the future Alpha of the Diamond Pack.

The dress looked perfect on her, it made her waist look more snatched, giving her an hourglass figure. Her breasts are not that big and she also doesn’t have a large booty either. Her body is more on the athletic side. She have the right body proportions enough to pass out as a model. A tall slender figure would describe her the most.

With a proportionate body, her face is highly symmetrical too. She has a heart shaped lips, a quaint nose and soft arched brows. Even without makeup on she can surpass many women’s beauty who were already wearing makeup.

Krystal sat at the closest chair that she could find instead of going straight to the crowd to mingle with the other guests. Krystal has been tired enough after the things she did for the day for her pack that all she wanted to do is rest.

"Who is that woman over there?" With her loud hearing, Krystal heard one of the women in the crowd ask to her group of friends as soon as she sat at the corner of the room.

Krystal noticed how they all turned their heads to look at her, fairly obvious at the fact that they are talking about her.

She sat emotionlessly all by herself even though she is surprise to see her half sister, Giselle talking along with them.

"That woman? That is Krystal Fleur, don't you know her?" Krystal heard Giselle answer.

"Oh that Krystal Fleur? The one who has been engaged three times, but haven't yet married?" One of the girls gushed and the others laughed at her statement.

Krystal froze in her seat. She doesn't know that this is what the public thinks about her now. She thought that the news about her failed marriages would soon die down, but they are still talking about it now.

Krystal had three fiances all in all.

The first one cheated on her with her half-sister.

The second one, the son of the Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack, cheated on her with her maid.

The third one, is the grandson of the Alpha of the Blue Moon Pack. His family planned to marry him off to her as a compensation. She had never met her third fiance before, so she doesn't really know what he looks like. All she knows about him is that he doesn't want to marry her too because he is already in love with someone else.

It shouldn't be a surprise that people thinks like this about her. It's really pathetic that no men wants to marry her.

"Oh come on, it doesn't sound that bad. Krystal is a pretty woman, she would be surely married in no time," Giselle defended Krystal, but her answer lead into someone's question.

"That's the thing I don't understand about her. She's pretty and she's rich like us, how come that men doesn't want to marry her?"

"Plastic surgery is a thing nowadays, all you need is loads of money to look entirely different." The other women chuckled at her words as if they never had any adjustments on their face.

"It's not plastic surgery, she never even underwent the knife," Gisselle interrupted. "Krystal is my half sister, as you can see beauty is in our genes. We don't need a cosmetic surgeon to be beautiful."

"If not cosmetic surgery, then what else?" They asked her.

Giselle maliciosly smiled upon hearing their question as if she's been waiting for them to ask her. "My husband once told me something suspicious about her before," she started, none of the girls even brought up the fact that Giselle's husband was Krystal's first fiance, that she opened her legs on Tristan that is why she ended up with him.

Giselle leaned towards her friends to whisper her answer and Krystal heightened her hearing senses to hear what she's going to say.

"Tristan told me that Krystal had no interest at him at all," she whispered and Krystal clenched her fists at her lies.

The woman gasped at her words. "What does that mean?"

"What else?" Giselle asked her back and her friend gasped again.

"Don't tell me that she has problems about her sexuality." Krystal burned in anger upon hearing that ignorant answer, to remain calm she picked on her nails, a habit she had formed whenever she feels tense.

As her anger rises within her, she did not stop until her newly painted nails were chipped off.

"I don't know what else to think of it," Giselle replied with a concern voice. She is acting like she truly cared about her when in fact, she is starting another false rumor about her.

Gisselle and her friends continued to gossip about her, until the rich mogul they were trying to impress walked by surprising everyone.

He immediately came forward to personally greet Krystal and the people who were talking about her were all surprised and embarassed.


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