


His blue eyes had More darkness in them any eyes she has ever seen.. The first time she'd seen him, he regarded her with a cunning smile.. She couldn't run away from him even if she wanted to.. She's Shy. She's quiet.. She's kind.. She went unheeded. *** He was merciless. He was the Storm.. He was captivating He's cruel and feels nothing for humans.. Alpha Nicklaus a lycanthrope who was cursed by the guardian angel of the terrestrial world to the live without a mate finally found his mate after six thousand years.. What happens when the Alpha's mate has her fate tied to a Demon overlord?
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Years before it all began...

Annah was an adorable 5 years old girl who was going to turn six soon. She was super excited about whatever gift the nuns at St Patrick orphanage had prepared for her.

Her chestnut hair was scattered all over the white pillow as her pinkish lips formed a cute yawn and her eyes fluttered in attempts to fight off the drowsiness.

She really wanted Sister Shannon to read another bedtime story for her, but unfortunately, sleep had gotten the best of her.

The night was so quiet, too silent Which was unusual..

The unusual thick darkness felt like a heavy mist which surrounded Annah. She’d woken up when she felt a cold hand touch her legs. She tried to brush it away and go back to sleep, taking it all as a dream.

However, the hold on her legs tightened up and only after that her eyes flew open. She looked down at her legs, and eyes as red as blood graced her sight..

In an instant, a cold chill started creeping up her body. That ‘thing’ with red eyes was crawling on top of her.

A hollow with sharp teeth replaced its mouth around it.

Its chilly hands were moving from her legs and upwards towards her neck with the intention of strangling her.

His cold breath fanned her face leaving the poor girl petrified.

Annah was so terrified she couldn’t bring herself to breathe properly let alone scream for help, her entire body was trembling uncontrollably.

The air was sucked from her lungs leaving her breathless. She was too young to understand what was happening, yet her body began convulsing, trying to kick this ‘creepy thing’ off.

Just when her vision turned blurry feeling the darkness threatening to pull her in, the door pushed open.

“Stop!” A man with white hair ordered with a pitch gruff voice. And the red eyed creature immediately freed her and jerked away.

Annah took the opportunity to breathe air as her body collapsed to the floor in pain.

“Sister…'' She managed to call out for the nun who was taking care of her.

“Sister..” She called out again while sobbing but her voice was barely a whisper.

Annah raised her head to stare at the man who was standing at the doorstep. He was clad in a long trench coat and a black shirt alongside ripped jeans.

His long white hair was tied at his nape.

His smile was so vicious, showing his elongated canines from his gums.

And this scared the shit outta little Annah. She gasped loudly before bursting into tears. Who were these men? Where was sister Shannon? She was so scared.

“She's dead…” The red haired man took the liberty to inform the little girl of what he'd done to the human…

“No!” Annah screamed out loud and this got the man irritated…

“Shut the f*ck up!” The white haired man snarled, yet it only scared the little girl more outta her wits.

“Sister!” Annah couldn’t stop calling for Shannon, hoping someone could save her.

“SHUT UP!!” The white haired man roared angrily and smashed his hand right into the drawer beside him, shattered into pieces.

Terrified by that, the little girl crawled backwards towards her bed, cowering under the bed fearfully.

At that moment right there before her eyes, the red eyed creature began to transform.

With a grunt, its body shook strangely as its long cold fingers shrunk into a normal human size.

The hollow on his face was replaced with lips that curled into a smirk when he turned in a shirtless human.

The only thing that remained the same was his awfully red eyes.

“Why did you stop me?” The red eyed creature asked as he intentionally sat on the bed and caused a dip down by weight, which made Annah, who was crouching under it, flinch in fear..

“She’s the one with the pure blood.” The red eyed creature said with a smirk.

“How do you know it’s her?” The white haired man asked and narrowed his eyes dangerously at the red-eyed man, who shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

“She’s able to see me when I shift..” The red-eyed man shrugged as he spoke.

The fact was that humans weren't supposed to see shapeshifters in their other form. However, the little girl could see him clearly.

“We need to bring her to the master, Alive.” The white haired man calmly spoke as he stroked his chin.

The red eye creature chuckled eerily and this made the little girl whimper.

“Didn’t you hear me, dead man? I said I’m gonna bring her dead body to the master..” His hand began to shift back with threatening claws at the end of his fingers.

“Lowly shapeshifter.." The white haired man muttered with a voice laced with mockery.

“I found her first and I’m gonna bring her to the master to collect my bounty." The red eye creature had fully shifted when he roared.

“In that case I’m gonna make you taste a second death..”

He lurched forward his nimble body at the white haired man And then the fight began, the creaking of bones and roar were deafening.

Annah pressed her knee onto her chest and wrapped her small hands around them, burying her face on it.

Her body shivered violently and the anguish screams from the red eyes creature didn’t make her feel better.

Finally, after the screams died down, Annah was trying to scurry away. However, the white haired man hoisted her bed with one hand like it weighed nothing.

It seems like the white haired man who looked so much like a fictional character had killed the red eyed creature.

“Come out,come out wherever you're, little one..” Annah felt goosebumps crawling all over her skin when she heard his sinister laughter..

She covered her mouth to hold back her scream when the lifeless body of the creature fell to the tan floor with blood gushing out of his eyes…

It was a gruesome sight for a 5 year old to witness..

“I'm gonna be rewarded generously for presenting such a rare gem..” The white haired man groaned and Annah saw this as an opportunity to run for her life.

Without thinking twice, She charged towards the door after summoning the courage to do so but her feet got caught by the creature on the floor whom Annah thought had been killed..

He pulled her back aggressively and this made the kid scream in fear…

The white haired man who saw that the creature was still alive attempted to take the kid away from the creature but got kicked and thrown outta the window by the angry creature..

Annah was screaming hysterically as the red eyed creature grabbed hold of her by the neck and walked outta the room with her…

“Let me go!” Annah tried to break free from his clutches but of course she was only a child and her strength was no match of that of a beast from hell…

The living room had an eerie feeling and most of the furniture had been ruined..

There was a pool of blood in the middle of the living room and sister Shannon was actually laying down in a pool of her own blood…

Annah was a smart kid who could actually grasp reality… her face had turned pale as all color drained from her face…

At this point she knew there was no way these creatures were gonna let her walk away without killing her… She couldn't help the scary thoughts running through her head… There were thoughts that shouldn't be going through a little girl's mind…

The red eyed creature dragged her out. He completely ignored the screams and cries From the kid as he dragged her almost lifeless body towards the meadow.

Before she knows what’s happening the red eyed creature was suddenly knocked down by the white haired man and the creature ended up losing his hold on the kid and she fell to the ground immediately…

“No one takes the girl but me…” The white haired Smirked proudly as he stood in front of the creature ready to fight his way through and Annah saw it as an opportunity to run..

While the two creatures were occupied, Annah took to her heels immediately..

She ran as fast as she could to make sure she didn't get caught…

“Get back here, little brat!” The white haired man who'd just turned the creature into shreds roared angrily as he chased after her…

Annah knew she couldn’t outrun a grown up man let alone the one with supernatural abilities but she didn't want to let herself get caught.

She instinctively ran towards the road which was pitch darkness, barefoot..

She kept glancing over her shoulders as she ran through the road, hoping for a car to pass by, even though it was nearly impossible for someone to drive through this route.

She whimpered when a shard pierced her feet. This made her fall to the ground in pain and didn’t pay any attention to the incoming car.

“Argh!!!” Annah screamed when a bright light flashed against her face.


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