My Reborn Kickass Lady

My Reborn Kickass Lady



Miranda had been doted on by her whole family, yet she was willing to spend the rest of her life in jail for what her fiance had promised. What she didn't expect is that her fiance had already cheated on her, and even killed her parents and brother! She was beyond regretful when she found out the truth. Luckily, the god has such a discerning eye that she was reborn to be 19 years old. She had her second chance! This time, Miranda was determined to change her fate and make those who hurt her pay. But... why does her ex-fiance's powerful uncle, Sebastian, always back her up? Could it be that he knew how she wanted to become her ex-fiance's aunt?
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The rain poured down in torrents.

The July rain just kept coming down.

Yun Meng-ge was covered in blood and bruises, lying limp in the muddy water.

In front of her, a ferocious woman was stepping on her hand with her foot, mocking her word by word: "Yun Meng-ge, Yun Meng-ge, aren't you the one who claims to be extraordinary, never willing to bow your head?"

As she finished speaking, the woman gave a glance, and the two men standing behind her immediately took action.

Poor Yun Meng-ge was already hanging by a thread, and now she was just holding on with her last shred of pride.

Even so, she still stubbornly raised her head and glared fiercely at this coldhearted and vicious woman before her.

She was covered in blood, but her eyes, clearly black and white, were filled with boundless hatred and murderous intent.

On this cold and eerie rainy night, it was especially terrifying.

The woman was caught off guard and frightened, but she quickly regained her ferocity: "Why are you two just standing there? Hurry up and deal with her, I want to see if she can still glare at me like that when she's dead!"

The two men obsequiously responded: "Yes, yes."

Then they picked up Yun Meng-ge and threw her into the moat.

Insignificant, like a piece of driftwood in the river.

Yun Meng-ge knew that today was her death day.

She ended up in this miserable state because she was foolish and misjudged people!

But she would not die with her eyes closed!

Her consciousness was slowly fading away, and all the scenes from her past flashed by like a movie playing rapidly.

Back then, she was the beloved daughter of the Yun family, adored by all.

She regretted only that she had loved the wrong man, spending six years in prison for his promise of marriage, cutting off contact with her family for his sake, ultimately causing her father to suffer a fatal heart attack, her mother to commit suicide by self-immolation due to the pressure, and her younger brother to be poisoned and left in a vegetative state, paralyzed for life!

And in the end, that heartless bastard just told her: "Get lost!

Roll away?

It's utterly pitiful!

Waves of agony surged towards her like tides, but at the end of her life, Yunmengge felt no fear, only a sense of unwillingness - unwillingness to accept her lowly and foolish life!

At this moment, the woman standing not far away continued her assault, exuding the arrogant joy of a victor.

"Oh, you didn't know, did you? It was me who switched your father's medicine, and it was me who poured gasoline on your mother and burned her alive. The poison that killed your brother... that was me too. Even the man you truly loved and were engaged to marry, he's been sleeping with me for a long time..."

"You have only yourselves to blame for being so stupid and giving me the chance. Hahaha......"

The utterly despondent Yunmengge trembled all over upon learning the truth. In an instant, her eyes were bloodshot, and a painful scream erupted from her throat —

"Xie Shanshan, I'll make you pay with your life!"

However, after uttering that last sentence, her body had already gone completely cold, her pupils dilated, until she lost consciousness entirely.

The dust settled.

Only a lingering resentment remained, encircling the mortal realm, unable to dissipate or fade away.


Rumble —

Another bolt of lightning tore through the sky.

Yunmengge's eyes shot open in horror.

Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled spots on her face.

As her gaze shifted, she found herself lying in a muddy wasteland, filthy all over, with a foul stench in the air.

This scene...

Yunmengge froze in bewilderment.

Where exactly was she now? In heaven or hell?

Why does everything before her eyes look so similar to her nineteenth birthday?

Cloud Dream Song had a deep impression. On her nineteenth birthday, she had arranged a camping trip with a group of classmates and friends, and specifically prepared to confess to her fiancé, Lin Zimu.

At that time, Lin Zimu completely disregarded her feelings and coldly and heartlessly said to her: "Cloud Dream Song, do you think you deserve me? In my eyes, you are just an ugly duckling that can never become a white swan. I would never like you even if I died."

Those ruthless and humiliating words pierced her heart like needles at the time.

In a fit of anger, she ran away, got lost, and eventually fell down a hill slope.

Thinking back to the past, Cloud Dream Song wanted to beat herself up.

She was really so timid and pathetic.

But as she raised her hand, she noticed that her hands were pristine and clean, without any dirt or scars.


Didn't she die on that cold rainy night?

Could it be...?

Cloud Dream Song was secretly excited and slapped herself hard!

It stung fiercely.

She had been reborn, and moreover, she had returned to this very day of her nineteenth birthday.

"Heaven has eyes, and the Cloud family ancestors have blessed me!"

Cloud Dream Song suddenly smiled with tears.

She recorded every grudge meticulously in her heart!

In her previous life, she had a love-struck brain and allowed the venomous big sister-in-law's family to deceive her, which gave her cousin Xie Shanshan the opportunity to harm her.

People's desires are endless, like a snake swallowing an elephant. She now understood this lesson.

Fortunately, Heaven had eyes. At this moment, the tragedy of the Yun family had not happened yet, and she still had a chance to change things!

A gentleman takes revenge in no more than ten years. In this lifetime, she would make her enemies pay with their blood for their debts!

Yun Mengge wiped her tears away, about to return, when her phone in her pocket rang.

It was Lin Zimo calling her.

Their arranged marriage was decided years ago when Lin's grandfather fell ill, to celebrate the occasion. Lin Zimo had never been satisfied with this arranged marriage, and had always treated her with cold sarcasm over the years.

But Yun Mengge was willing to love him wholeheartedly.

However, Lin Zimo suddenly changed his attitude later and decided to marry her, but on the condition that she take the blame for his beloved woman and suffer four years in prison.

She agreed.

For this, she didn't hesitate to confront her parents, eventually driving her father to a desperate situation. As a result, the Yun family was besieged on all sides and completely bankrupt, earning her only a 'Get lost!'

Recalling her previous life, Yun Mengge smiled bitterly and casually swiped to answer the call.

Lin Zimo's commanding, dog-like voice immediately came through the phone:

'Yun Mengge, can't you stop being so thin-skinned? I've already told you I don't like you, so who are you giving that sullen look to now?'

A dog really can't stop eating shit.

Even through the phone screen, Yun Mengge wanted to rip that ugly man's dog head off and kick it around like a ball.

Yun Mengge tilted her head.

How did she respond to him in her previous life?

Meekly lowering to the dust: ['Whether you love me or not doesn't matter, as long as I can stay by your side, I'll be content...']

Oh my~

Yun Mengge curled her lip and replied in an utterly displeased tone:

'Go fuck yourself, you bastard.'


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