The Luna's Wrath

The Luna's Wrath




He growled at me. He aggressively cupped my cheeks. He pinned me to a wall. I gasped as I felt a hard wall hit my back. His jaws clenched. Veins appeared in his arms and his forehead. I startled him. My wolf—Furnis, was frightened by his Alpha. “ARE YOU MAKING ME JEALOUS?!” He burst out loud. His voice is booming inside the room. I'm scared of him. My tears start falling over my face. He uncapped my cheeks. He suddenly changes his emotion. The untamed Alpha becomes soft and gentle. I look down. I can't look at his eyes. I avoided his gaze. I want to get out of here. Conner touched my face unexpectedly. My butterflies start twirling in my stomach. He moved closer so I could feel the warmth of his body. His scent is so manly I even can't resist it. I want this position. He touched my chin up and slowly turned my face into him. He brushed his finger in my lips. My heart is spinning again inside my rib cage. My whole body betrayed me because of his simple gesture. I froze. As I felt his lips brushed mine. I felt his hand on my head guiding me in his kiss and the other hand, is on my body, holding me tightly. I can't hear anything except the sound of our kiss. My arm hugged him. I felt his tongue slit in my mouth, twirling with my tongue. His kiss was still gentle and passionate. I gasped for air. He continued kissing me. I smiled between our kisses. I blinked severally. I hold my tears to fall as I watched Conner slowly disappeared from my sight. He left me a kiss mark on my neck before abandoning me alone in this dark room. I don't know how I will react? My emotions get a roller coaster ride. My heart fights over my brain, and this stupid me always forgives him. Conner Hunter Gregory— You are always giving me question marks.
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Sylvaine Rose Everleigh


I licked the rusty taste of my blood. My heavy body looks like I'm drowning in a deep sea. I felt deep bruises on every part of my skin and I can't even move my fingers well. My whole body was paralyzed from rough torture. It's dark.

One hard slap turned my eyes half-open. I gasped from the air. It's blurred. I don't know where I am. I'm not familiar with this place. I can't think clearly, I don't know anything. I don't know who they are?

I gulped. I tried to look around and familiarized myself with the place where I am. The room had no furniture, only a dim light in a square corner of the room.

I have a metallic cuff in my hands and feet. This is not an ordinary cuff but it is made to tame a wolf.

I saw a man standing in front of me. He splashed water on me with an ice cube that made me tremble in pain. I tried to scream but my voice was hoarse to get heard.

“S-stop…” I whispered in pain. My throat hurts from dehydration. My injured neck aches whenever I make any movement.

I attempted to move my whole body, but it was painful whenever I moved. I tried to communicate with my wolf, but I didn't receive anything from her. I hope she is still okay from this tortured.

He is standing in front of me and giving me a disgusting look. He devilishly smirked when he laid his eyes in my handcuffs that created my hands and feet bruises. He kneeled down, cupped my face roughly, his face moved closer to me and I closed my eyes as I felt his tongue licked my right cheek. He's disgusting.

My vision slowly became clear. I tried to reach him with my right hand to beg, but he quickly stepped on my hand and made me scream in silence. He smirked at me and stepped more to make me scream so much.

“Please…” I cried in pain as he pressed it even harder. “Aaah!” My right-hand starts to get pale. The room is only occupied by us. I only heard the sound of chains and my screams.

“Every Alpha has a weakness,” His voice screams in authority. He devilishly stared at me. “...and you are his weakness!” He emphasizes the last word.

He let go of my right hand, but he kneeled. He touched my face and slapped me hard, which made me spit blood. He choked my neck and I almost lost my breath. I felt my heart beating slowly. I saw full of anger within his eyes.

He let go of me. I coughed in pain catching my breath.

I closed my eyes and endured the pain. I felt a hard kick in my stomach that made it hard for me to breathe.

My entire body wants to give up in pain. But I need to be strong. I will trust him—my Alpha.

I felt dizzy. I half-open my mouth to help me breathe more. He is not finished yet; he grabs my hair and chokes me until I get my face purple in pain. He let go of me. I fell on the floor while catching my breath. I glared at him.

“W-why... don't.. you fight... fairly?” I told him angrily as I composed myself. I caught my breath in every word I said.

He knows the rules. Every pack knows these rules that everyone needs to follow. He had to beat Alpha in lawful action and be fair.

“Being fair is only for weakness.” His voice was full of authority. A greedy Alpha that only wants power. He wants to expand his territory. To be the most powerful Alpha, he needs to dethrone the Alpha in other packs to get the lead.

“I hope... Moon Goddess will punish you.” I cursed him, he didn't even glitch, and I didn't receive any words from him. He ignores what I said. He just laughed at me like crazy.

“What punishment should I receive then?” I saw amusement on his face. He is making fun of me. I gave him a death glare.

"What do you want from me?” Vexation in my voice.

He stops for a second and looks at my eyes directly. His stares make you shiver that every Alpha has those traits.

I watched him step around. He picked up a whip and stepped again in front of me. I thought he will used it to torture me again.

"To catch prey, you need bait.” He whipped that I almost hit but it landed to my side that made me jump off in shock.

“No…” My voice cracked as I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

“Tomorrow, you will see your Alpha in his biggest downfall, and you are the reason.” He directly stared at me while talking to me full of confidence and pure horror in his voice. I greeted my teeth.

He kneeled down and put a syringe in my wrist. Suddenly, I felt the liquid enter my body. My head began to hurt. Everything gets spinning. I saw him standing in front of me watching me suffering from pain.

My tears started falling again in my eyes. My vision got blurry and turned into black.

My Alpha.


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