The Despised Man's Life At the Top

The Despised Man's Life At the Top


Realistic Urban

"Elliot, my dear brother, I finally found you!" My family was on the poverty line and I had to work part-time every day just to make ends meet. Even my first love broke up with me because I was poor. She and her friends looked down on me. One day I was hit by a sports car when delivering take-outs, but when I woke up in the hospital, I saw a guy who looked the same as me. The man even claimed that I was his long-lost twin brother. I had believed myself to be an orphan since childhood. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I was the heir of a wealthy family! What the man said even shocked me. "Elliot, I want you to marry my fiancee, the Movie Queen. Besides, I've deposited 2 billion dollars into your account. You will get my luxurious villa, supercars, pretty maids, and everything." Whaaaat?!
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"Elliot, my dear brother, I have finally found you!"

Elliot Ryan saw a man who looked just like him staring back at him with excited eyes the moment he woke up in the hospital bed.

"Do you have any clue about my life for the last two decades? I'm tired of staring at the massive villa spanning tens of thousands of square meters and the hundreds of phony-smiling maids every day. And don't get me started on the wealthy folks who suck up to me or the elders who pressured me into inheriting billions of dollars worth of property!

"Things can't get any worse for me! I've lost count of how many gorgeous women and movie stars I've slept with, but deep down I know they only wanted me for my wealth. Not one of them loved me for who I am.

"Now they want me to be the head of the family and manage hundreds of companies worldwide. I can't take this torment anymore. Why should I suffer alone? I'm already crumbling under the pressure of being the next family head, and now they've arranged my engagement to Georgia Snider in secret. I have to marry her in three years, but we've never even met! I refuse to enter into a loveless marriage, even if it means risking my life."

Elliot was even more perplexed after hearing the never-ending complaint.

He only remembered being hit by a sports car when he was out delivering take-outs.

Before he fainted, he saw someone getting out of the car.

Much to his surprise, upon waking up, the man informed him that they were blood brothers.

The man even said that he was the heir of a billionaire!

After hearing that, Elliot had to pinch his cheeks to ensure he wasn't dreaming.

Only then did he believe that Caleb Ryan, the guy who drove a luxury car and now stood in front of him, was really his twin brother!

Elliot had believed himself to be an orphan since childhood. Had it not been for his adoptive parents taking him in, he would have perished from starvation.

Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he was, in fact, the heir of a wealthy family!

The mere thought of this made him panic.

It was a common plot in TV shows for members of influential families to engage in power struggles.

Was Caleb here to kill him?

Contemplating this, he hastily refuted, "I don't know what you're talking about. I have parents who raised me and provided me with an education. You must have me confused with somebody else!"

As he spoke, he struggled to get up. He wanted to take the opportunity to run away.

"Humph! Do you think you can run away, Elliot?"

Caleb snorted with a grim look on his face.

Elliot could only lament quietly upon hearing that, realizing that playing dumb would be futile.

Caleb must have obtained a sample of Elliot's hair to conduct a DNA test before arriving and proclaiming that they were brothers.

Elliot had to steel himself and let out a yell as he mustered up his courage. "What do you want from me? Don't forget, we're in a hospital!"

As soon as he said that, Caleb's eyes blazed with anger, and he stomped his foot on the edge of Elliot's bed.

Elliot jolted in surprise, his body trembling as he quickly grabbed a pillow to shield himself. "Don't do anything stupid! I'll fight you with everything I've got if you try anything!"

But his resistance crumbled in seconds.

Caleb had whipped out a pistol and pointed it straight at Elliot's forehead, a sneer twisting his face. "Elliot, I don't want to marry Georgia. Just help me, please!"

"Georgia?" Elliot repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

"The Movie Queen from Darwin Arts Academy?"

Elliot was cautious, knowing full well who Georgia was. She was the apple of the richest man in Wrolk's eye, a superstar actress who was worshipped by the nation.

Caleb snarled, "That's the one. I won't marry that ugly woman even if I die. I've had enough. Now it's your turn to suffer this punishment!"

Elliot's mind spun as he tried to comprehend what Caleb was saying.

A life with a luxurious villa, hundreds of maids at his beck and call, and the chance to marry the most popular woman in the country?

How could that be a punishment?

Elliot nervously swallowed before asking, "Um, excuse me, but what exactly do you mean?"

"Elliot, you know what?" Caleb sniffled. "I got into a huge fight with my family over Georgia. They were worried about my mental health, so they gave me three years of freedom to clear my head. But in three years, I still have to marry someone I don't love. I can't do it. I need to run away, far away. And you're going to help me."

Elliot scratched his head, "I don't know if that's such a good idea, Caleb."

"Cut the crap. You can't just run away from your problems. If it weren't for you being sent away years ago, I wouldn't be in so much pain now. You have to help me," Caleb roared.

Elliot was silent, feeling like he was in a dream.

"I know it's not fair to put this burden on you," Caleb said softly, "but I have no other choice. Everyone is selfish. I have to think about my own happiness and dreams. But don't worry, I'll compensate you. I've deposited 2 billion dollars into your account and bought you a luxurious villa in Wrolk. It's No. 8 in Moon Bay. You'll have ten supercars and over 20 maids."

Caleb changed the subject, "Oh, and I've trained an elite special forces team called Black Tiger. There are over 500 members, and the captain is currently protecting me in Wrolk. He'll come to see you later, so make sure you send him away."

Elliot listened as Caleb explained everything in one breath. He felt a bit dizzy after hearing Caleb's plan.

"Elliot, can't you share my pain when I'm in such a pitiful state? How can you be so selfish?" Caleb asked.

"I'll do it!" Elliot quickly agreed.

"That's what I like to hear!" Caleb patted Elliot on the shoulder and apologized. "I'm sorry, my brother. I owe you one. I hope you don't hate me for this."

"Why would I? It's something I should do."

Who wouldn't want to become the heir to billions of dollars worth of property?

He was not an idiot!

Caleb sighed and said, "Elliot, you're the only one who can make me feel like I have a family."

He hugged Elliot before leaving the room without hesitation.

Elliot let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his face, still feeling like he was in a dream.

As he lay back on the bed, the door opened again, and an old man in a suit rushed in.

"What happened to you, Mr. Ryan? I failed to take care of you properly. Please forgive me!" the man exclaimed.

Elliot looked at him confusedly and asked, "Who are you?"


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