Perfect Goddess: Pretty Tenant

Perfect Goddess: Pretty Tenant



"Did you take off my clothes, and were you the one who smeared blood on the bed?" "Miss, I indeed took off your clothes, and smeared blood on the bed, but all of this was to save you..." ... The former military king, Xiaofeng, returns to the city, where he encounters the charming and lovely landlady. A series of breathtaking and beautiful stories unfold. He enjoys the best the city has to offer, embraces beautiful women, and holds power over the world.
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"Liu Xiaotian!"

Looking at this name on the cold gravestone, Xiao Feng's heart was like being cut by a knife, swearing silently in his heart: "Brother, rest assured, I will take care of your sister for you, and won't let her suffer any grievances..."

As the captain of the Wolftooth Special Forces team of the Chinese Special Forces, two days ago, Xiao Feng led the team to arrest the leader of a foreign smuggling group. During the operation, they were ambushed by the opponents. Liu Xiaotian took a fatal bullet for Xiao Feng. Before passing away, Liu Xiaotian entrusted his sister, Liu Yingying, to Xiao Feng.

A close comrade, a beloved brother died for him, this would forever be a knot in Xiao Feng's heart. To better fulfill his brother's last wish, he decisively chose to retire. Today was also the day he left the army.

Although he was reluctant, he had to do so for the heavy responsibilities in his heart.

After bowing deeply in front of Liu Xiaotian's grave, Xiao Feng left the Martyrs Cemetery and boarded a train heading for Jiangling City.

According to Liu Xiaotian, Liu Yingying was attending college in Jiangling City.

After a journey of more than ten hours, Xiao Feng reached Jiangling City. However, when he rushed to Jiangling University, he found out that Liu Yingying had suddenly left the school half a year ago. Xiao Feng then found the place where Liu Yingying lived and discovered it under demolition, with only ruins left.

Looking at the ruins in front of him, Xiao Feng fell into deep thought.

A girl, where could she go?

He hoped that nothing bad had happened to her, otherwise, how could he face the deceased Liu Xiaotian?

As the sun tilted to the west, the sky began to darken.

How difficult it was to find a person in such a large city? Especially when Xiao Feng, being new to this city, knowing no one, looking for someone seemed like finding a needle in the swath of ocean.

This was not something that could be rushed, so the urgent task was to find a place to stay.

Having made up his mind, Xiao Feng began to look for a place to stay. As he reached an alley, his eyes lit up when he saw a beautiful woman with long hair flowing over her shoulders walk into the Cozy Bar across the street.

"Liu Yingying!"

"What a coincidence, the stunning girl stepping into the intimate bar is actually Liu Yingying."

In fact, Xiao Feng had never met Liu Yingying prior to this event. All he knew about her was from a photograph he saw at Liu Xiaotian's place. The girl who just entered the bar looked strikingly similar to the girl in the picture.

"Iron shoes, worn out in fruitless searching, are forgotten when the object is found without looking." Seeing the beauty walk into the bar, Xiao Feng couldn't help but feel overjoyed; he quickly followed her in.

The business at this bar was booming. It had just past eight o'clock, yet it was already crowded. With the blast of DJ music, shouts of the good boys and girls followed. They were letting loose, waving their arms and shaking their heads as if they were mad, releasing an overload of hormones.

Upon entering the bar, Xiao Feng quickly located Liu Yingying. The woman was sitting in a corner booth, chugging her drink, clearly in a bad mood. Across from her sat a young man in his twenties.

The young man was chattering about something. Due to the noise in the bar, it was impossible to hear clearly.

Xiao Feng found a relatively secluded spot and sat down, watching Liu Yingying's every move. He wasn't sure at this point if this woman was indeed the Liu Yingying he was looking for.

Just as Xiao Feng was engrossed in observing her, a familiar flirty female voice came from behind, "Young man, I'd advise you to stay clear. That woman has caught Jian's eye. Don't court death."

Turning his head, he saw a flashy, voluptuous mature woman holding a glass of red wine, leaning on the table, putting on a bold show.

Xiao Feng slightly furrowed his brows, and attempted to ask, "By the sound of it, you seem to know that man?"

"Of course." The voluptuous woman took a sip of her wine, and said, "His name's Zeng Jian, he's Long's subordinate. He often acts as Long's food taster, any woman he has an interest in ends up in Long's bed sooner or later. So..."


"Long is the boss here. He runs this place. I was forced to become Long's woman in the past." The voluptuous woman bit her lip resentfully, her expression showing a hint of pain.

Xiao Feng joked with a smile, "If you're Long's woman, daring to flirt with me, aren't you afraid Long will give you a hard time?"

"You little rascal, who's flirting with you? I just feared you'd offend Zeng Jian and provoke Brother Long, risking your life. I'm just kindly reminding you, don't be ungrateful!" she chided.


They were still conversing and laughing when they noticed that Liu Yingying got up and headed to the restroom.

The beauty had just left when the man called Zeng Jian took out a small black pill from his pocket and quietly dropped it into the tall beauty's wine glass. He then filled up the glass with red wine. With a little swirl, the tiny pill quickly dissolved into the wine.

"These are all common tricks they use. My elder sister was a victim too..." The voluptuous mature woman wasn't surprised when she saw it. By the sound of it, she seemed to be speaking from experience.

"Wait here, I'll go over there."

A glint of coldness flashed in Xiao Feng's eyes as he abruptly stood up and prepared to confront the man called Zeng Jian.

Seeing injustice on the road and drawing his sword to help, right now, the tall beauty could be the only sister of Liu Xiaotian, the person he had sworn to care for.

"Don't! You absolutely mustn't act impulsively!" The woman put down her wine glass and grabbed Xiao Feng's arm, advising, "Everyone in the bar is Brother Long's men. It's equivalent to seeking death if you go over now."

Seeking death?

Given the group of small-time thugs in the bar, Xiao Feng didn't consider them a threat. However, he was somewhat touched by the fact that the woman he just met was concerned for his safety.

At that very moment, a roaring shout came from behind, "You damned woman! I can't believe you have the audacity to flirt with a gigolo behind my back!"


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