Urban Unique God of Killing

Urban Unique God of Killing


Realistic Urban

He was originally a pampered and wealthy young master, but after his family’s decline, he became like a stray dog, arbitrarily bullied by others. For revenge, he became a legendary killing machine, returning to the city... Alternative translation: In his heyday, he was a spoiled and affluent scion, but with his family's downfall, he was reduced to a pitiable soul, mercilessly tormented. To avenge, he transformed into a fearsome assassin and made his way back to the metropolis...
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"Hey, loser! What are you looking at? Never seen a beauty before?"

In front of Linzhou train station, a stunning and sexy young woman crossed her arms and arrogantly cast a disdainful glance at Chen Aotian.

She then turned around and left, her sudden departure leaving a perplexed Chen Aotian standing on his spot.

"Who did I offend?"

"Did I look that shabby?"

He was left speechless, his gaze unintentionally wandering toward a group of tall buildings in the distance.

Zhong's Corporation.

His face suddenly darkened, and a trace of reminiscence flickered in his eyes.

Years ago, Chen Aotian was the young master of the Chen Corporation of Linzhou. He was affluent, carefree, and enjoying the height of his prestige.

In the entire Linzhou, no one dared to challenge him.

And the Chen family was one of the top class wealthy families in Linzhou, renowned throughout the southern region, so influential that even the governor would treat them with due respect.

But seven years ago, the man most trusted by the head of the Chen family, his adoptive son Zhong Mingfeng, unexpectedly betrayed them. He not only embezzled public funds and leaked company secrets, but also collaborated with outsiders to seize the company’s assets.

In just a week, the Chen family was thoroughly ruined by Zhong Mingfeng.

Enraged, Chen Aotian was ready to risk everything in a fight to the death with Zhong Mingfeng.

But alas, he was just a prodigal son, and once he lost the protection of his family, he was as good as a cripple.

That day, he walked toward the Zhong household, brimming with rage and a murderous intent, knife in hand.

Yet, before he could even step through the entrance, he was brutally subdued and beaten by Zhong Mingfeng's bodyguards.

After the savage beating, Chen Aotian lay with his limbs broken, his body drenched in blood, much like a lifeless corpse.

Seeing him in this state, Zhong Mingfeng assumed his time was near, so ordered his people to dispose of him in the woods by the foot of the Misty Mountain.

His family destroyed, subjected to endless humiliation.

When would he avenge this humiliation of today?

Chen Aotian was running high on intent but short on strength. However, when he was on the edge of despair, a peculiar hermit dressed in Taoist robes happened to pass by the foot of Misty Mountain and saved him.

Later, the old man discovered that Chen Aotian had the Godly Spine, an exceptional qualification for martial arts practice, so he kept him by his side to train.

He trained for seven years.

Now, Chen Aotian was twenty-four years old and his skills were unfathomably profound.

"Zhong Mingfeng, whatever you owe me, I will make you repay it manifold,"

Chen Aotian's eyes narrowed, his handsome face as if layered with frost: "And all those who have hurt the Chen family, I will never let them go!"

His primary goal in returning this time was revenge!

Seven years ago, he was helpless and foolish, bullied and butchered at will, watched his family fall apart, but was powerless to change it.

Seven years later, he returned accomplished, ready to annihilate his enemies, avenge his past, and rebuild his empire!

Just as Chen Aotian was secretly contemplating his grand revenge plan, a fiery red Maserati parked in front of him.

This car is a new model of the top executive series that just came into market recently, with a landed price of around two million.

"Are you Chen Aotian?"

The car window slowly rolled down, and a radiant and charming face came into view.

Chen Aotian was slightly taken aback. Before his family fell into ruin, he had seen many beautiful women, but this was his first time seeing such an exquisite beauty.

Her face was as bright as a silver disc, her eyes as soft as water apricots, and her delicate cherry lips were fresh and juvenile. Her long, wavy hair was as beautiful as water, gently flowing down from the sides of her cheeks and resting on her fair collarbone.

Overall, she radiated a sense of desire yet purity, giving off the allure of an aloof beauty.

"Aren't you listening? I asked you a question," said the aloof beauty, her pretty face cold and indifferent, apparently growing impatient.

Chen Aotian gave a slight nod, "Yes, that's right. May I ask why you are looking for me?"

The aloof beauty frowned slightly, "What business could I possibly have with you? My grandfather sent me to pick you up. Get in the car."

"Alright," Chen Aotian responded, "May I know your name, please?"

Before he came down the mountain, his master had told him that someone would be driving to pick him up, but he didn't expect that it would be a gorgeous woman.

The aloof beauty disengaged the handbrake, her tone cold, "Xu Yingxia."

Xu... Xu Yingxia?

Chen Aotian was taken aback. Wasn't she the renowned beauty in Linzhou?

Before climbing the mountain, he had played all over Linzhou, often mingling in the circle of elites. Hence, he had heard of Xu Yingxia's name long ago.

Her identity was special, with a substantial background. It was rumored that her grandfather, Xu Bannian, held vast prestige throughout the Jiangnan region. His guests were all auspicious officials and wealthy people with real power.

However, Xu Bannian had retired from the world many years ago and rarely participated in business affairs.

During the heyday of the Chen family, they had sought out Old Xu, wanting to curry some favor, but they were harshly rebuffed, not even qualifying to meet him face-to-face.

Chen Aotian was immensely surprised.

A person whom even the Chen family couldn't meet at their prime, yet his master could easily give orders to, even going so far as to have his granddaughter pick him up.

Apparently, his master's identity was not simple at all.

"Where do you live?"

"I will see you home and then leave."

Xu Yingxia's voice was coolly indifferent, clearly not wanting to stay with him for long.

Chen Aotian inwardly smiled wryly. Given that his current attire was no more than 200 yuan and his face still had a rustic air, it was no surprise this wealthy young lady didn't want to be around him.

"I'm going to the Zhong Corporation," said Chen Aotian, leaning back in his seat.

Xu Yingxia turned her head to look at him, her eyebrows slightly furrowing upon seeing him lazily leaning in his seat.

How rude of this man from the mountains, and he even smelled musty.

She couldn't fathom how her grandfather had come to know his master and even asked her to pick him up.


With a stomp on the accelerator from Xu Yingxia, the Maserati President issued a growl from its V8 engine. Like a wild horse freed from its reins, it charged forward at high speed.

Chen Aotian knew that she had little regard for him. So, he refrained from saying too much, quietly watching as the street scene quickly passed by.

As some café came into his sight, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

His girlfriend - Yuan Qianqian.

Among all the people other than his parents in these seven years, the person he missed the most was certainly Yuan Qianqian.

Even though Chen Aotian loved to fool around before he went bankrupt, he was genuinely good to his girlfriend.

He bustled about east and west for her every day, spending money and exerting effort.

"I wonder how Qianqian is doing now? Is she still waiting for me?"

Chen Aotian gave a faint smile, recalling the happy times of the past.

What he never expected was that Yuan Qianqian was currently in Zhong Group building, holding a wedding with Zhong Mingfeng!

Since the top floor of the Zhong Group Building was a large retro executive apartment, Zhong Mingfeng decided to have the wedding there.

He invited the best host, the best dancers, and a number of big shots from within and outside Linzhou.

More than a hundred tables were scattered elegantly. Thousands of people sat there, conversing and enjoying themselves.

"Zhong surely had some amazing luck over these years. First, he went from being an ordinary little manager to the president, then he made a big fortune, even taking the company public!"

"Old Zhang, President Zhong is doing quite well now, but he used quite a few tactics in his time, all he has, was snatched from the Chen family."

"Old Li is right, President Zhong betrayed the Chen Family in the past, brought down the entire Chen Corporation, and even beat the Chen's young master, Chen Aotian, to death!"

"Hahaha, beat to death? The wife that President Zhong has now, used to be the girlfriend of Chen Aotian!"

"Holy crap, this... this President Zhong is really ruthless. Not only did he kill Chen Aotian, but he also took his wife. Isn't he afraid that Chen Aotian will come looking for him as a ghost?"

Several bosses were sitting at a corner table, whispering and laughing continuously about this matter.

Obviously, the matter of Chen Aotian has become the joke amongst everyone.

On the other hand, on the high stage.

Dressed in a stylish imported suit, Zhong Mingfeng stood upright, looking proud and grand.

And standing next to him, was a beautiful young girl in a wedding dress.

The young girl has a smile all over her face, looking jubilant, and full of anticipation for the blissful life in the future.

"I now pronounce! The groom, Zhong Mingfeng, and the bride, Yuan Qianqian, are officially married today!"

"Let's all send our sincerest blessings to the newlyweds!"

The host fervently announced with a microphone.

The crowd broke into applause and continuous blessings.

Just then, an untimely voice suddenly came from outside.

"Chen AoTian of the Chen family, here to join the feast!"

The thunderous echo of these words spread through the entire hall, and everyone turned synchronously to the entrance.

They saw a young man in simple clothes slowly walk in. His face was pale, icy as if chiseled from bone, and his eyes sharp as razors.

"Che...Chen AoTian, could it really be him?"

"Holy crap, are we seeing a ghost? Wasn't Chen AoTian killed by people sent by Boss Zhong?"

The few bosses present reacted as if they saw a ghost, their eyes wide, and kept licking their dry lips.

The face of Zhong Mingfeng, standing on the stage, darkened, his eyes instantly turning several times more vicious.

Didn't this trash end up with broken limbs, discarded by me in the Cloud Mist Mountain?

How... how could he have come back alive?

A chill grew in Zhong Mingfeng’s heart - no matter what state Chen AoTian was in, his mere survival and return posed a perpetual threat to him.

"Chen AoTian." His eyelids lowered, he spoke with a cold voice: "Today is the joyous day of my marriage to TianTian. You are not welcome here. Please leave immediately, or I'll have to have you expelled."

No matter what, today was a joyous day. The wedding had to go on.

On hearing these words, murderous intent flashed in Chen AoTian's eyes. He looked at Yuan Qiantian and said, "I thought you would wait for me, but I never thought that you would end up with Zhong Mingfeng."

With these words, his tone sharply increased: "Yuan Qiantian, don’t you know that this Zhong Mingfeng is an enemy of my Chen family?"

"Heh heh."

Compared to the slow and steady Zong Ming Feng, Yuan Qianqian seemed much more relaxed. She looked at Chen Aotian with disdain as if he was a lowly cur, saying: "I know what you're saying? But so what?"

"Whatever grudge exists between Ming Feng and your family has nothing to do with me."

"Besides, I didn't even like you at first. If it hadn't been for your money back then, I would have left with Ming Feng ages ago."

Yuan Qianqian looked down at him with a scornful face.

Chen Aotian squinted his eyes. Yuan Qianqian was the first woman he really loved in his life and the first one he wanted to marry.

But now...

"Get out of here, Chen Aotian!"

"You're not the young master of the Chen Family anymore. If you make a mess here, I'll let Ming Feng teach you a lesson!"

Yuan Qianqian laughed without mercy.


Seeing Yuan Qianqian reacting like this, Zong Ming Feng also dropped his guard and laughed arrogantly, "Chen Aotian, you probably don't know it, but Qianqian and I had been together before you two even met. If she wasn't extracting business intelligence from your family for me, she would have left you a long time ago."

"Ah, Ming Feng, you bad boy, why did you let the cat out of the bag?"

Yuan Qianqian pretended to be weak and playfully slaps his chest.

Upon witnessing this scene, everyone present was shocked.

"Holy cow, Zong is ruthless! He not only took away the Chen family business but also Chen Aotian's wife!"

"Poor Chen Aotian. He lost his fortune, his wife left him, if I were him, I would just kill myself."

Mocking laughter and sarcastic remarks filled the air.

Chen Aotian's rage exploded from within as he roared, "Zong Ming Feng, Yuan Qianqian, you despicable couple, I swear I'll make you regret your actions today!"

The whole room was in an uproar upon hearing his words.


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