Chasing the CEO's Heart

Chasing the CEO's Heart



Sheng Wanyan, in the year 2026, has the same dream every night, in a world engulfed in dreary grays. The streets are filled with emaciated figures clad in ragged clothes, yet their faces shine with unwavering determination. Mudbrick homes are everywhere, and they toil tirelessly in the fields for work points to fill their bellies. Scared, everyone is hastily liquidating their properties and stockpiling, prepared for the worst. "Hey! What is the squad leader doing?" "He's planning to marry you." Gu Tingxiao gazes at the exceptionally beautiful and captivating girl in front of him. His heart, silent for 26 years, begins to uncontrollably flutter. "No! Men will only ruin my enjoyment of watching the opera." "I can hand you the seeds.” "Men are obstacles to my growth and prosperity." "All my wealth can be yours.” Sheng Wanyan, the independent woman of the new era, isn't one to be swayed by sweet talks. Gu Tingxiao removes his military uniform, revealing his strong shoulders and evenly sculpted eight-pack abs. Sheng Wanyan, turning away, gulps unconsciously. Gu Tingxiao had found a way to try and win his beloved over, and he happily continued to tempt her. In this story of a strong, independent woman living in the 70s who isn’t afraid to stand her ground against a loyal, cunning and intelligent leader, ”rational thinking” is the theme.
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Chapter 1: Nightmare

Inside the villa:

A woman on a luxurious bed, sleeping fitfully, her brow furrowed as if entangled in a nightmare.

Sheng Wanyan woke up in a cold sweat and sat up, incredulously rubbing her temples.

She had had a dream, a dream of what seemed like a place from the 70s, with streets full of dust and grime.

People with gaunt, waxen faces from hunger wandering on the streets and an oppressive atmosphere hanging over them.

She's been having this dream for a week in a row, with the dream being the same every night.

But the dream was becoming more vivid by the day. It was the age of science now, and most people wouldn't believe in such bizarre things.

But she did!

It seemed that the words her grandfather had told her before his death were about to come true.

Sheng Wanyan glanced at the phone by her bed. It was already seven in the morning.

Sheng Wanyan lifted the quilt and slipped out of bed, stepping onto the carpet to wash up. After eating the breakfast prepared by the Auntie downstairs, she made her way to the study.

Sheng Wanyan looked at the family portrait of six placed on the desk. Taking the photo in hand, she stared at the people in it, her eyes filled with longing.

"Yan'er, don't be scared. Remember, our family will meet in another world."

"My sweet granddaughter, promise grandma, you must be strong.”

"My precious daughter, you must strive to live on."

"My dear Yan'er, may you have smooth sailing all your life."

"Don't cry, brother doesn't fear death, but there are some regrets."

Sheng Wanyan recalled the last words of all her family members before their departure, her fair hands gently stroking the photos.

"Grandfather, we might really be meeting again soon."

Sheng Wanyan turned the photo face down on the table, pinched her eyebrows, and dialed her secretary's number.

"President Sheng."

"Sell all the properties, stocks, and real estate under my name!"

Her secretary was taken aback upon hearing her words, after all, Sheng Group was a financial behemoth.

Could it be that there was a problem, and they were facing bankruptcy?

But that seemed impossible, who could bring down Sheng Group?

The patriarch and matriarch of Sheng Family started with nothing. The patriarch had remarkable skills in metaphysics.

Relying on this skill, along with the wisdom of the matriarch, they built the empire of the Sheng Family.

Later, they handed over the business to Sheng Yuhua

Sheng Wanyan's father

, who was a born businessman and developed the Sheng family from merely wealthy to a financial powerhouse.

Sheng Yuhua and his wife had grown up together since childhood, and they had two children, a boy, and a girl.

The girl was Sheng Wanyan and the boy was Sheng Wanze.

Both children were smart from an early age, achieving good grades, and were well-behaved and sensible.

Everyone was saying that the Sheng family had worthy successors and they were full of praise.

However, precisely because of this, the Sheng family developed too quickly, and not only outsiders were envious.

Including the family of the elder brother of Old Master Sheng, they were deeply envious too.

It was okay that their status was higher than theirs, but even their children were better than theirs.

Old Master Sheng and Old Madam Sheng died in peace, but they had always cared about Sheng Wanyan before they left.

This girl was the only child in their family, and she had always been the apple of their eyes.

From the moment Sheng Wanyan was born, Old Master Sheng decided she would study metaphysics with him.

Before Old Master Sheng left, he gave Sheng Wanyan the jade pendant he had worn all his life.

"Do not cry, Wanyan. Grandfather is going to arrange a new home for you."

"Wanyan, you must take good care of the jade pendant and don't give it to anyone..."

"As long as you take good care of the pendant, we... can reunite very soon."

Sheng Wanyan was kneeling by his bedside, tightly holding onto his aged hand, unable to stop her tears from falling.

"Grandfather... I'll remember. I definitely won't give it to anyone else."

Old Master Sheng used the last of his strength to lift his hand and, just like when she was a child, gently knocked on her head. With no regrets or worries left in his heart, he closed his eyes.

Not long after Old Master Sheng's passing, the old madam of the Sheng family followed him into the afterlife.

Upon Old Master Sheng's death, Sheng Yuhua noticed that his own eldest uncle didn't consider family ties at all.

While they hadn't even finished observing the hundred days mourning period for their father, his uncle was already covertly colluding with the shareholders in the corporation, aiming to pull him down from his position.

Sheng Yuhua, who had managed to drive the economic development of the Shengshi Corporation, certainly had the ability to make these people leave Shengshi Corporation.

But precisely because of this, his eldest uncle's whole family hated Sheng Yuhua to their core.

Sheng Yuhua banished them from the Sheng family; faced with his grown elder nephew, his aged father, Sheng's great uncle, was at a complete loss for what to do.

He passed away not long after, churned up by anger.

After a number of years, Sheng Yuhua and his wife went on their honeymoon, and their son, Sheng Wanzhe, went to pick up his parents.

On their way home, a car accident took away the lives of the three family members. On that day, Sheng Wanyan lost the last three members of her family.

The burden of the Sheng Corporation fell onto her, who at that time, was only 23 years old.

But the family of Sheng's great uncle kept suppressing her, repeatedly arguing that she was merely a girl, unqualified to hold the position of president in Sheng Corporation.

But Sheng Wanyan was never one to be easily controlled, regardless of the difficulties she faced.

She always faced challenges head-on, and over time, her strength was recognized by all. The Sheng Corporation couldn't function without her.

The entire family of Sheng family's eldest uncle was like clay bricks that couldn't be adhered to the wall, every single one of them masters of indulging themselves in food, drink, and play.

Just like that, she faced the cunning foxes and fierce tigers alone for a full 7 years, sending each and every one of her enemies into prison.

Now at the age of 30, even if her worth was in hundreds of billions.

But she was alone, behind her there was no longer anyone who could back her up.

Sheng Wanyan looked around the study room, collected all the family portraits in the house.

She went downstairs, found a few aunties in the house, gave each of them 100,000 Yuan, and asked them to leave the Sheng house.

As soon as the people left, the vast old Sheng mansion was left with only Sheng Wanyan.

In her mind, she silently muttered the words "Enter", and in the next second, Sheng Wanyan was standing on a piece of grassland.

This jade pendant was given to her by old Master Sheng, and it was the biggest secret of the Sheng family.

The jade pendant could only be passed on to Sheng family girls. Even if old Master Sheng had the jade pendant before, he couldn't open the space.

The moment Sheng Wanyan was born, old Master Sheng knew that the jade pendant had found its owner.

She opened the space two years ago, when she accidentally cut her finger breaking a glass.

The jade pendant touched her injured finger, and then the jade pendant melted into her body.

That very moment, she understood why her grandfather had given her the jade pendant.

Everyone was investigating the mystery of the Sheng family, it turned out it was this jade pendant, and she was the owner of the jade pendant.

Sheng Wanyan stepped onto the soft earth, gazing out at the boundless space in front of her. Initially, this place was nothing but barren land.

Over the course of two years, she tirelessly planted and stocked up resources, turning this place into a veritable utopia, a paradise away from the world.

Everything here could be controlled with her thoughts, making it extremely convenient.

She had planted an assortment of fruit trees, vegetables, medicinal herbs, and had reared chickens, ducks, fish, rabbits, cattle, sheep, and other eatable meats.

Peach blossom trees, cherry blossom trees, plum blossom trees, seeds of all kinds of flowers, and medicinal herbs, she had bought them all to plant here.


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