




Young Takashi goes out to get a tattoo and gets caught in the rain. On his way back home, he’s held at gunpoint. That night he meets a man, a man who makes him a proposition to find who killed his parents. Takashi accepts to go infiltrate a rivaling gang, and kill the leader. He might have bitten off more than he could chew. The schemes, blood, violence and death, all too much for him. A death of a partner changes him, and he’s determined more than ever to complete his mission. He does it, and goes back to Takahiro. The gang boss who gave him the assignment. He leaves everyone and everything behind because of guilt. But he soon figures out that one can’t outrun their past. They are survivors from the gang he killed, and they have some truths. And Ta-kashi isn't ready for it.
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Gang violence.

Something you see home and away. A natural phenomenon. Just something that is inevitable. From the most advanced countries to the underdeveloped you'll always see a gangster.

A group whose aim is completely unknown. Maybe just to cause trouble. Maybe they just like the fear and respect. Just to cause destruction, or to deal in drugs, human trafficking and many other things that gangs get into.

It's just best to be on your own and be careful. Avoid them at all costs and stay safe. Do not become their victim.

The TV went off.

The woman sighed and stood up. She was currently the only one home and it was getting really late. Both her sons weren't home yet. She wondered what they were doing.

"Mum I'm home!" her son yelled.

"You're back" she said relieved. She looked round. "Where's Takashi?"

"What?" her son asked confused.

"Yes him".

"I thought he was here already" he said wide eyes.

"No he isn't Lee. You two were meant to be together".

"Mum don't worry. I'm sure he's fine. And you know how good looking Takashi is, so maybe he's at a girl's house".


It was already pouring and he didn't bring an umbrella. He sighed as he tugged his jacket up to his neck and braced himself to face the cold rain. He exited the tattoo parlor.

Well at least it wasn't so heavy.

Those two should be wondering where he was right now. He should have called, but it had slipped his mind. He was busy all that while, and the sound of the needle carving on his skin was still fresh in his mind. He'd be home soon, there was no need to worry about it.

Few minutes into his walk, the rain got harder and it was getting really difficult to walk, and also see. He didn't want to accidentally fall into a sewer.

A limo pulled up, but didn't stop. It kept moving along with him.

"Weird" he commented.

The windows rolled down as he said that shocking him. He still continued walking.

"You" a girl called, her head out of the window.

"Lost or something?" he replied.

"No" she stated.

He continued walking. The girl was weird enough.

"What are you doing out late?" she asked.

"I don't need a ride".

"I wasn't offering' she said. "Get in".

"No" he replied picking up the pace.

"Can you just do it? We just want to talk".

'We?' Takashi thought. There was no way he was getting in with her or whoever was in.

"Just piss off" he brushed her off.


He stood frozen under the rain. He knew what he heard. He had heard something like that, and there was no mistaking. He turned and she had a gun and was no longer smiling.

"I'm done asking nicely" she stated.

He gulped.

"Get in" she said motioning him closer with the weapon.

She drew back and the door opened and he got in reluctantly.

The girl waved at him and looked to her side. He followed her eyes, and he saw a man lounging against the soft cream seats.

He had a small smile on his lips.

"Look at you. You've gotten so big" he said.

"Excuse me?" he asked confused. "Do I know you?" he asked.

"Well you are meant to, but you were so young so I'm not sure you remember me".

"State your business with me!" he snapped.

"Hey" the girl called from her side, and his eyes went to her gun and he composed himself. He really shouldn't let his emotions get the better of him.

"Well I was a friend of your father. I used to come around all the time" he said still with that stupid smile on his face.

"Well I don't remember you" he said observing the car.

He was rich, and he had a body guard holding a gun, and he knew his name, and now they were talking about his father. Either this man was telling the truth or….

"Well I do". "Takashi Fujiwara. You father Dai Fujiwara, and your mother Chiharu Fujiwara".

"Well since you're so well informed, you'll know that my parents are dead".

"Yes I know. So unfortunate, he was a really good friend".

At least he was no longer smiling.

"Why seek me out now?" he asked.

"I need your help" he stated.

"No" he said.

"You didn't hear the offer" he chuckled.

"I don't know you or what you do, but I'm sure I want no part of it" and his hands were already at the handle. The girl raising the gun didn't scare him anymore. He wanted to be as far away as possible.

"Not even if you can find your parents murderers?" he asked.

Takashi's hands stilled and he turned back to the man.

"How do you know they were murdered?" he asked.

"I know a lot of things" he replied relaxed.

"Then if my father was your friend, why didn't you kill them yourself?!" he demanded.

"I can't just walk up and just shoot somebody. It doesn't work that way at all. It'll do more harm than good if I do it".

"Then why me?" he asked.

"I have a hunch that your hands are gifted?"


"You're talented just like your father" he replied simply.

Takashi was silent.

"So do you want to do it?" he asked.

"Like I would do dirty work" he sneered.

"I'll give you time to think about it" he said throwing his head back.

"Jun" he called.

Said girl tossed a card at him.

"When you're ready to talk" the man said.

He looked at it and would have flung it back, but something made him hold onto it.

"Get out" the girl ordered.

He didn't need to be told twice. He opened the door and was out and the car drove away.

Takashi sighed. They didn't offer him a ride after forcing him into the car. Well it was good. It'd be good if they didn't anyway. How would he explain a limo dropping him off?



He knew he had been caught. He turned around to face her.

"Mum" he greeted.

"And where were you?" she asked concerned instead of angry.

"I went out and got caught under the rain. I had to take cover somewhere" he explained and hoped she'd buy it. She always did.

"Aren't you cold?" she asked approaching him and placing a towel on his head.

"I'm cold and tired. I'm going to retire early" he said already moving to his room.

"Without dinner?" she asked.

"I already ate" and he disappeared into his room down the hall.


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