Belated Love Surged After She Left

Belated Love Surged After She Left



"Gu Jingshen, I hope I have never loved you." Liang Sheng slapped Gu Jingshen who was tearing her clothes apart. He snorted, "If it weren't for the accident four years ago, do you think I would marry you?" Four years ago, she went to take care of him who was drunk. Unexpectedly, he rudely pressed her under his body and took away her virginity. Four years later, although the two of them were husband and wife, they were always alienated. Gu Jingshen even took his lover to the hospital where Liang Sheng worked for an abortion. Liang Sheng's heart was almost broken into pieces, but as long as she didn't leave him, she could never start a new life. So she vanished from Gu Jingshen's world. Gu Jingshen had never thought that his world would be turned upside down after Liang Sheng left. He finally realized how much he loved her. But it was too late for him to realize...
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"You can't have the baby. Abort the baby!"

When Liang Shengsheng passed by an empty corner, she suddenly heard the man's familiar voice.

At that time, she was wearing a white coat and holding a clipboard to make the rounds of the wards. Her hair was carefully tied behind her head. She knew that as long as she took a step forward, she could see the man she had loved for more than ten years.

Gu Jingshen.

Three years ago, he never came back after he went abroad. She didn't expect to see such a scene when she bumped into him again three years later. 

Liang Shengsheng stopped where she was. She tightened her grip on the book and held her breath.

When it came to eavesdropping, she always despised it the most.

However, she couldn't care less since it was Gu Jingshen. 

"Mr. Gu, please keep the child. The child is innocent..." The woman's suppressed sobs echoed in the corridor.

The man's voice was cold, and his decision was unquestionable. "You'll have many children in the future, but not this one."

Hearing this, Liang Shengsheng's heart abruptly skipped a beat.

Three years was enough to change a lot.

For example, Gu Jingshen, who had always been alone, already had a pregnant lover.

She didn't dare to continue listening, so she ran away.

She went back to the department in a daze and took out her cell phone. Looking at the familiar contact number, she was stunned for a long time, but she did not make a call.

He suddenly returned to the country but did not inform her. He probably did not want her to know.

There was no need for her to make things difficult for him.

By the time she returned to Gu's house, it was already midnight.

She knew that Gu Jingshen would go back to Gu's house after returning to his homeland. To avoid meeting him, she deliberately came back late at night. But as soon as she opened the bedroom door, her slender wrist was grabbed by the man. The next second, she fell into a hot embrace.

The man's kiss fell on her ear and his voice was low. "You're home so late. Don't you want to see me?"

Liang Shengsheng could smell the strong scent of alcohol on his body, and it was the same as that night many years ago.

The story between her and Gu Jingshen was very long, but in fact, it was insignificant. 

They had lived together under the same roof for nineteen years, but they were only strangers whom they were most familiar with.

This kind of strangeness did not refer to the body, but to the heart.

She had been with Gu Jingshen for more than ten years, but she had never been close to his heart. 

The past was insignificant, and it was finally destroyed into ashes, forming a new picture in front of her.

The woman who cried and begged Gu Jingshen to keep her child, as well as Gu Jingshen who refused her indifferently.

Liang Shengsheng took a deep breath and suppressed the dull pain in her heart. She turned around and pushed the man away. "You're drunk."

She had to force herself to push him away. Otherwise, if she was not careful, she would sink into the joy he brought to her.

Gu Jingshen seemed to be irritated by her indifference. He grabbed her chin and said, "We haven't seen each other for three years, but you're much more aloof. In that case, why did you shamelessly climb into my bed at that time?"

As she stopped breathing, the sharp pain in her chest slowly dissipated, as if it was a drop of ink, dissolving in water. 

Although she was used to how he hurt her with his words, her heart still ached...

She knew that he had been complaining about what had happened that year.

When she was young, and because she had a crush on Gu Jingshen, she did not dare to make it public, so she had to record this love in her diary. But when she was eighteen, Gu Jingshen accidentally discovered the secret in her diary.

She always remembered the disgust in Gu Jingshen's eyes at that time.

It was cold, disdainful, and full of sarcasm.

That was the first time she felt that it was so painful to like someone.

He treated her heart as mere nothing as he stepped on it hard.

Her heart was in pain, but he threw her diary away and ran out angrily.

That night, he came back drunk.

Gu Jingshen, who was three years older than her and twenty-one years old, had already grown into an adult. He was drunk and venting anger in the room, smashing his favorite inkstone.

She was worried about him, so she endured the pain and went to knock on the door, but he pulled her into the room...

That chaotic night had caused a lot of suffering.

Most of the time, Liang Shengsheng always thought that if she hadn't knocked on the door that night, would they not be like this today?

She pursed her lips and did not speak, but what she got in silence was the man's more and more vigorous anger.

He pinched the woman's delicate chin hard, and his eyes were full of anger. "You just don't want to see me, do you?"

Liang Shengsheng lowered her eyelashes to hide the sadness in her eyes. "You didn't tell me when you came back."

Gu Jingshen's fingers stiffened, and he said angrily, "If you set your mind on it, how could you not know?"

Yes, as soon as he returned to the country, he took his pregnant lover to the hospital where she worked. After that, the media made a big report about the return of Gu Jingshen, the president of the Gu Group.

If she set her mind on it, how could she not know?

But she had to avoid him because she knew.

The man's patience was exhausted by her silence. He carried her into the bedroom and brutally pressed her against the bed.

His actions were very rough as if he wanted to vent his desire that had been suppressed for many years.

Liang Shengsheng struggled in panic. At the moment when her clothes were torn, she grabbed his hands and said with a trembling voice. "Brother! Don't..."


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