The Return Of The Weak Rejected Luna

The Return Of The Weak Rejected Luna

Author:Butterfly Rey



Though the daughter of Alpha, Lexi had never got respect in her pack. Due to her wolfless, she was seen as trash. While her twin sister enjoyed a cozy life, she had to live like a maid. She was forced to be the replacement when her spoiled sister refused to marry the cruel King of Northlands. However, Alpha Jackson found her a weak white wolf at the mating ritual and rejected her without hesitation. In a rage, her father banished her to the Dark Mountains. It was the worst place to stay as a weak wolf, especially when their devil Alpha was a monster. Life had a lot of surprises for Lexi and she wasn't ready for half of it.
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Lexi's POV

I walked slowly down the decorated pathway, feeling the prickly air on my skin. The exquisite dress framed my curves, making me like a qualified bride.

However, if you could catch the disgust that flashed the servants' eyes, you could tell I was not a pleasing presence.

As the worthless daughter of a powerful alpha, being used as a peace offering was my destiny.

Suddenly, a figure stood before me, blocking my path. It was Naya, my twin sister, her flawless features twisted into a triumphant smirk.

“Looking quite the part, little sis," Naya jeered, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Of course, none of it would have been possible without my generosity, wouldn't you agree?"

My jaw clenched. It should have been Naya gracing Alpha Jackson’s arms, but his reputation frightened her a little too much one would say…so of course I was the best substitute.

Naya and I were twin sisters, but I was born with no talent. I wasn't strong, not in the way Naya was. I lacked the ferocious hunting skills, the booming voice of command, the relentless confidence that marked a true alpha's daughter. In my father's eyes, I was a failure, a wolfless pup and a constant reminder of a worthless thing he couldn't control.

My father hated to admit me as his own. And the pack mirrored his disdain. Every missed target during training, every fumbled attempt at wielding a sword, was met with jeers and taunts all because I was wolfless.

“Father, I’m sorry. Father please forgive me.” I cried shamelessly, apologizing for something I couldn’t control.

“Why can’t you be more like your twin sister!” He would yell at me and go on to caress Naya’s soft hair.

"Useless girl," some our pack members would snarl. "A waste of space." Their words chipped away at my already fragile self-esteem.

When everybody had cleared the area, Naya knelt beside a weeping me, her eyes filled with an emotion I couldn't decipher. Was it concern? Pity? Or perhaps something akin to… guilt? She helped me to my feet.

"You need to be stronger, Lexi," she said. "For your own sake."

Then, as quickly as she appeared, she was gone, leaving me to wonder if the act of consoling me had been a moment of genuine sisterly concern or a calculated move to maintain the illusion of a perfect wolf.

The years of bullying were etched into my memory like a cruel tattoo. Now, years later, here I stood before Naya, as the worthless daughter being bartered away for peace.

Leaning in close, Naya said to me, her voice dripping with a fake sympathy. "Don't worry, Lexi-poo. I'm sure Alpha Jackson won't be too rough on a weak wolfless girl like you."

Fear gripped me. Everyone knew the whispers about Alpha Jackson – his cruelty, his sadistic ways of torture in bed, particularly towards his females. Naya's words were a stark reminder of the fate that awaited me.

“Three days, Lexi," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "That's all you'll last in that monster's clutches. Three days of torture before he gets bored and…" She trailed off, a cruel smile twisting her lips.

"Let's just say your screams won't be the only thing echoing through the Shadow Pack territory." She added with a cruel chuckle, before skipping off.

The sting of her words was nothing new. Naya had perfected the art of cruelty, twisting the knife in my already wounded self-esteem. But today, it felt sharper, more intolerable than ever before.

The realization that even in this moment, with my future hanging by a thread, Naya couldn't resist flaunting her supposed superiority, fueled a little determination within me.

My heart hammered against my ribs. Fear, thick and suffocating, clogged my throat, making it difficult to swallow. Every instinct in my being screamed at me to turn and run, to disappear into the vast forest that bordered our territory.

But escape was a fantasy. The imposing figure of my father, stood guard at the entrance, his gaze fixed on me. His booming voice, laced with disdain, shattered the fragile calm within me.

"Don't even think about it, Lexi," he growled, the words a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine. "You will and cannot not ruin this ceremony."

My lips trembled, the carefully practiced smile I'd been rehearsing all morning failing miserably. "But Father," I whispered, my voice barely audible, "I… I can't do this."

His eyes narrowed. "You will," he snarled, his voice far from any paternal warmth. "This pact with Alpha Jackson is vital for the future of our pack. You have a duty to fulfill."

Duty. That was the word they kept throwing around like a bone to a starving dog. My duty, apparently, was to become a pawn in his political game, a sacrifice offered to appease a ruthless alpha with a reputation for cruelty.

"But what about Alpha Jackson?" I stammered. “The stories about him– his temper, his brutality, the torture towards women. The thought of becoming his mate, of being at his mercy, fills me with a terror so profound it feels paralyzing father.”

A sneer twisted my father's features. "What about it?" he scoffed. "He gets a beautiful, obedient mate. And we get a secure peace, and a hefty sum of gold. It's a win-win situation, Lexi. Don't be ridiculous."

I gasped out of disbelief. How could he say such? “But Father," I pleaded, desperation lacing my voice. "What if the rumors are true? What if he… what if he hurts me?"

His laughter echoed through the hall, a harsh, humorless sound that sent fear coursing through me. "Hurt you? Don't be such a fool, Lexi. There’s nothing he could do to inflict any harm more than you’ve received for you are harm yourself.”

Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Taking a deep breath, I forced the tears back. I tried to harden my voice just so I wouldn’t sound weak.

"If I have no choice in this," I said, my voice surprisingly steady, "then at least let me know what I'm facing. Tell me about Alpha Jackson. What kind of man is he?"

Surprised crossed my fathers features. After a moment of hesitation, he sighed. “Alpha Jackson is… complex," he admitted, his voice losing its harsh tone. "He's a formidable warrior, a skilled leader, and ruthless when crossed. Since you’re powerless, you’re perfect.”

His words did little to comfort me. These were not qualities I looked for in a mate.

“And what about me?" I whispered, my voice barely above a whisper. "What does he expect from me?" I asked.

My father hesitated once more, then said, "He expects a loyal, obedient and submissive mate. He has no interest in what good you have to offer. It’s all about him.”

“Like I said, if you dare ruin this ceremony, Lexi," he continued, his voice low and menacing, "if you embarrass me in front of Alpha Jackson and his pack, I will not hesitate to end you myself. Do you understand?" He asked me.

I swallowed hard as I nodded.


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