Time-Limited Chase: His Exclusive Love

Time-Limited Chase: His Exclusive Love



One small piece of news lit up the scene, making everyone go abuzz: The prince of the Kirin clan, Ye Qiushao, known for using women as mere outlets for his desires, a man rumored to consider women merely as tools, has unexpectedly leveled the Yanmen for one woman. Everyone was curious, who could this woman be? A rich young miss? A society belle? Why did she manage to obtain the sole affections of the cold-blooded Master Qiushao? Soon, another shocking piece of news was unveiled. The thing that woman loved to do the most recently was to end the life of the unborn child she carried for Qiushao! People were quick to label her ungrateful, not knowing the story behind Master Qiushao's love for this pitiful woman has far deeper intricacies. Tears dried up, heart dead, she endured all the humiliation and embarrassment. With a sardonic laugh she retorted, "What good is it to have my body? You will never win my heart in this life." His laugh was colder, dominating and possessing her voraciously like a wild beast. He whispered in her ear, a curse, as if it were the truth: "Qiushao, stop deceiving yourself. I allow you to admit you have fallen in love with me." Years later, the most secret ledger of Dragon Gate unexpectedly emerged. It marked not the illicit income of Dragon Gate, but the heart-wrenching history of a woman's blood and tears. "Eighteenth of June, the damned pervert went crazy again, five times in one night, a total of a hundred thousand! Freedom...it's not far off!"
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The sky had already darkened, a small diesel boat chug chugged slowly across the sea.

"Qiuqiu, come to the window. The stars outside are so beautiful."

Inside the cabin, there was only one small lamp lit. Jing Lanqiu sat in the dark corner, embracing her knees and remained motionless, seeming not to hear the call of the man next to her.

Could she and Lu Feng really manage to escape successfully? At this time, Ye Sen must have noticed her absence, right? What would his reaction be?

Would he react in anger and send people after her?

Or would he continue to show affection towards his fiancée and ignore her escape?

Ye Sen, known as the "Seventh Young Master" in the underworld, the head of Ye's family, Asia's richest, made her his woman on her eighteenth birthday in a cruel way...

"Qiuqiu..." Lu Feng called for a long time and she didn't respond. He had to walk over to her and hold her.

Gently stroking the strand of hair falling in front of her forehead, he consoled her with a deep voice, "Don't worry, we can definitely escape this time."

"Mm." Jing Lanqiu came back to her senses, looking at her boyfriend whom she had loved for many years, she responded faintly, letting him lead her to the rear deck.

He had her sit in his arms, holding her tight. Besides the chugging of the boat, there was only the sound of the lapping seawater.

"Qiuqiu, I feel so happy right now. What about you... are you happy?" Lu Feng asked, a strange light flashing through his eyes.

Jing Lan Qiu, with her head down, did not notice, she hugged his arm around her waist in silence as a response.

In fact, after escaping, she couldn't say whether she was happy or not. Feelings of internal conflict and unease were her true emotions at the moment.

"Qiuqiu, I love you." Lu Feng kissed her forehead and whispered his heartfelt words, "I only need you in my life, really, so I will do everything in my power to protect you."

"Lu Feng…" Jing Lanqiu looked at him, touched, a glimmer of hope rising in her heart. They can certainly escape if they can!

The sound of speedboats echoed in the distance, initially unnoticed by the duo engrossed in each other's company.

However, the speedboats approached with such ferocity that by the time the pair came to their senses, the small boat was surrounded.

The speedboats, which initially only had a spotlight illuminated, switched on all their high beams all at once, lighting up the boat trapped in the middle as if it were broad daylight.

Rising briskly from the deck, Jing Lanqiu and Lu Feng, barely managing to stabilize themselves, caught sight of the man aboard the opposing speedboat.

His tall stature stood erect like a pine tree, and his handsome face was unparalleled in beauty. Such a man would surely attract a scream of fangirls were he to walk down the street.

However, at this moment, the intense intimidating aura emanating from his deep gaze made it impossible for anyone to be distracted by his looks.

Like a small animal caught in a hunter's net, Jing Lanqiu trembled with fear.

He came, he had come, he had found her!

Recalling his revenge on Lu Feng for their previous escape, she instinctively shielded Lu Feng and started backing away until she was pinned against the boat with no place to hide.

The boat came to a halt at some unknown moment, and with a light tap of his toe, the robust man found himself on the deck of the boat.

Extending his arms towards her, his tone was surprisingly gentle, "My kitty, be good, come here."

The more composed he tried to be, the more frightened Jing Lanqiu got. Her heart pounded vigorously, and her legs trembled so much that it was impossible for her to take a single step forward.

Suddenly, the man's expression darkened, his eyes harboring a chilling coldness. Despite the summer, everyone present felt a chill colder than winter.

Then, all went blurry. The next second, the trembling figure of Jing Lanqiu found itself lodged in a firm embrace that felt all too familiar.


The man lowered his head and pecked a kiss on her cold lips, "Hush... Don't speak, the show is about to begin."

Jing Lanqiu suddenly lifted her head, only to see Lu Feng, who was about to leap into the sea to escape, has already been restrained by his subordinates. A few burly men jumped onto the deck and strode towards him.

What were they planning to do? Beat Lu Feng? Or kill Lu Feng?

"No... Don't kill him..."

She turned her head to plead with the man beside her, a devil known as "Seventh Young Master."

Seventh Young Master curved a smile on his lips, an evil grin. "Why would I kill him? If I kill him, it won't be fun anymore."

Not killing? So, they intended to beat him? Given the Seventh Young Master's furious state, maybe he wouldn't stop until Lu Feng was crippled.

Jing Lanqiu clung to his clothes with both of her small hands. In extreme fear, her body was shaking violently, with her voice trembling, "Seventh Young Master, I beg you, spare Lu Feng. I've learned my lesson, I won't run away anymore. I promise you, I won't run again..."

"Your pleading is useless." Seventh Young Master said, cold and ruthless. "Let him plead with me."

Upon hearing, she was momentarily stiffened. Even women have self-respect, let alone men?

However, Lu Feng, who was pinned down on the ground, seemed to have heard the Seventh Young Master's words and cried out, "Seventh Young Master, please... please spare us."

Jing Lanqiu looked incredulously at Lu Feng. Just a second ago, he was adamant about protecting her, the next second, this man knelt down begging for mercy...

Seventh Young Master scoffed, "You're wrong. It's not about me sparing you guys. It's about pleading to Lanqiu, begging her to dutifully stay by my side, keeping me warm in my bed for the rest of my life."

He deliberately emphasized the words "keeping me warm" in his sentence.

Jing Lanqiu and Lu Feng both jolted, was he hell-bent on driving them to their deaths?

This time, Lu Feng remained silent. He could swallow his pride to beg for mercy from others, but to personally offer the woman he loved the most to this brute, he was incapable of doing such a thing.

"Didn't beg, did you?" An unidentified bodyguard in black clothing swung a punch at Lu Feng. He stumbled and fell clumsily to the ground, a burst of crimson blood gushing out from his mouth and nostrils at once.

Others joined in with their fists and kicks. Jing Lanqiu cried out and moved to stop them, but she was held tightly in Qi Shao's arms, unable to move.

"Stop hitting him, stop it! Qi Shao..." Jing Lanqiu sobbed like rain: "My heart hurts so much... If you have any pity for me, spare him, please... I will be your... your bed warmer, I will warm your bed for a lifetime... I won't run away anymore... Is that okay?"

She clung to his clothes, her small head buried in his chest. She desperately wanted to pound at him in anger, but now she could only cry and beg him.

She knew if she didn't soften her stance, this bloodthirsty demon would only get angrier.

Qi Shao stared coldly at the top of her head, his expression inscrutable, thin lips tightly pressed without a word.

"I beg... I beg..." In the chaos, Lu Feng's pained voice echoed from the surround. Everyone stopped their actions to see Lu Feng, staggering to his feet, blood covering his whole body and face.

He resisted the tears in his eyes, his voice hoarse and trembling: "Lanqiu... I beg you... please go with him, stay by his side forever..."

Her frail body stiffened, sapped of all its strength as if drained by some force. Jing Lanqiu hated herself at this moment for not already being dead. Lu Feng must have been trying not to put her in a difficult position, thus forcing himself to speak out.

He didn't know his words would only make her more grieved.

Still, Qi Shao was unwilling to let Lu Feng off: "Kneel down and beg!"

"No need! No need! I agree! I agree!" Jing Lanqiu cried out urgently, choking on her sobs.

Heartache cut into her like a sharp sword, mercilessly slicing into her, over and over again.

"Kneel!" Master Seven's word was always final, no person was allowed to disobey.

After a moment, Lu Feng finally knelt slowly, his head hanging very low. "Qiu Qiu, I beg you, stay with him for a lifetime."

"Warm his bed!"

Master Seven insisted on adding these words, but Lu Feng clenched his teeth, unable to utter them.

A black-clad bodyguard kicked him. "Master Seven told you to say it, so say it!"

Bang! Jing Lan Qiu couldn't bear it any longer, her legs gave out, and she collapsed onto the ground.

From the sidelines, Lu Feng's pleading voice came through, sobbing: "Qiu Qiu, I beg you... stay with him for a lifetime... warm his... warm his bed."

Jing Lan Qiu had never felt so much pain before, tears flowed unstoppable, rolling down her pale cheeks.

Suddenly she was hoisted up by Master Seven, she thought he was finally going to take her away.

But she didn't know that the worst was still to come. Master Seven, whose heart was filled with rage and jealousy, wouldn't let them go that easily!

Suddenly she felt a chill. It was the large palm of Master Seven that had slipped through her clothes, caressing her and moving downwards.

"Shall I check the goods right here, to see if you're still the sensitive woman I once knew?"

Jing Lan Qiu knew that he was about to humiliate her again, in front of Lu Feng, pushing Lu Feng into a pit of despair. Just like the last time. Or rather, even more excessive than last time, in this way, he could satisfy the beast of anger in his heart.

Her face turned even paler. Could it be that he...

Master Seven, holding her, suddenly retreated, waved his hand, and the lights on their side immediately went out. No one could see the two of them, but they could watch everyone else's every move.

"Master Q, I was wrong, I was wrong, I'll go back with you. I swear to heaven, I'll never run away again." Jing Lanqiu pleaded bitterly, but the irrational man paid her sorrow no mind.

It hurts!

Jing Lanqiu stubbornly bit her lip, refusing to make a sound, because she didn't want Lu Feng to hear. For Lu Feng, what a humiliating moment this must be!

However, Master Q's hand lifted her chin abruptly, forcing her to look forward.

His voice, cold and bloodthirsty, whispered in her ear, "The show is about to begin!"

No sooner had he spoken than some of the nearby lights went out.

Jing Lanqiu's eyes widened in dread.

Although it was somewhat dim in front, and the details were unclear, the mottled shadows danced, and she could perceive what was happening.

Moreover, Lu Feng's low growl, like a wounded beast, was so clear.

For a moment, Jing Lanqiu felt as though her heart was being torn into shreds...

Her hands drooped weakly by her sides, and Jing Lanqiu stood rigid, her eyes hollow, begging unconsciously, "Please, spare him, please..."

Her heartache was so intense that she could no longer feel the pain of her body.

However, the man behind her had gone mad, not noticing her abnormal state, attacking with an unprecedented ferocity, as if to vent all his anger onto her.

All of a sudden, Jing Lanqiu covered her ears with her hands, no longer wanting to hear Lu Feng's agonizing screams.


A heart-wrenching scream pierced through the pitch-black night sky.

"Ah ah ah--"

She was screaming, screaming nonstop, and within an instant, her voice had worn coarse.

What flowed from her eyes was not tears, but blood.

"Autumn..." The Seventh Young Master froze in alarm, and leveraging this brief lapse of attention, she abruptly pushed him aside and ran several steps before jumping--


It was the sound of her diving into the water.

"Autumn---" The Seventh Young Master roared, fear like he had never known instantaneously seeping into his every nerve.

His mind shattered in that fragment of a second, without a second thought, he too jumped into the icy and pitch-black sea!

If possible, he wished time could rewind back to that day. If they had never met that day, would all the love, hatred, and betrayal that unfolded later never have existed...

That day was the eighteenth birthday of Jing Lanqiu.


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