Stranded on an Island, Surviving with My Goddess

Stranded on an Island, Surviving with My Goddess


Realistic Urban

A plane crash, everything unknown. When Li Chen woke up, he was on a deserted island… With a goddess and two stewardesses, they embarked on a mysterious journey...
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Li Chen considered himself quite lucky this time. As soon as he boarded the plane, he found himself sitting next to a beauty as beautiful as a nymph...

As a tech nerd and homebody, he was somewhat at a loss for words, unsure how to describe the beauty seated next to him.

All in all, the mere whiff of her fragrance brought about an inexplicable flutter in his heart.

Upon further admiration of her charming face, that somewhat resembled the goddess Lin Chi-ling, Li Chen's heart fluttered even more. His pulse quickened unbidden, yet he felt too shy to stare at her.

Despite wanting to strike up a conversation, her icy demeanor left Li Chen slightly apprehensive.

Truth be told, tech nerds generally lack a thick skin.

At times, he might blush as much as a little girl.

But judging from her casual attire, could she be traveling for leisure or vacationing in Northern New Zealand?

Or perhaps she hoped to watch the sunrise there?

As for Li Chen, his current job was the sole reason he managed to get on this flight.

Coming from a technical background, he served as a technician in a large international conglomerate.

This time, the conglomerate sent him to New Zealand to provide technical guidance.

Without work as an excuse, he wouldn't even dare to dream about traveling to places like New Zealand.

Compared to the average homebody, his only advantage was that he managed to become a proud homeowner. He was making payments on an 80-square meter house in a decent location downtown.

But the monthly mortgage payment and other expenses meant that his entire salary was spent each month.

The house might be fully paid for, but there's still no money left for renovations.

For some unknown reason, the beauty beside him suddenly gave him a cold, loathing glare...

She was just short of calling him a pervert.

Li Chen was slightly stupefied, feeling wronged, thinking to himself that he hadn't even been caught staring at the full bosom in front of her, right?

When he realized that he might have accidentally brushed her leg just now, he rushed to apologize with a smile: "I'm sorry, miss! I didn't mean to touch you. I truly am sorry!"

He was better off not apologizing or explaining, but with his apology and explanation, the beauty beside him gave him an even more disgusted glare, and even snorted...

Seeing the beauty's reaction, Li Chen felt somewhat like he had been snubbed. He thought, 'Why is she acting this way?'

But how could he know that she was already irritated as she hadn't managed to book a first-class cabin ticket?

Moreover, his somewhat lecherous gaze kept glancing her way from time to time, certainly enough to make her irritated.

And just now, he had even grazed her leg with his hand.

Of course, she interpreted it as a touch, while in reality, it was just an accidental brush.

Li Chen was somewhat depressed, feeling a bit bored. With no option left, he turned his head to look out of the airplane window, gazing at the cloudscape as the plane pierced the sky...

The vast sea of clouds, ever-changing and diverse in shapes, indeed presented a different kind of scenery.

It's a pity that he couldn't use his phone on the flight, or else, Li Chen really wanted to capture this sight.

However, not long after, Li Chen suddenly noticed what seemed like a thick plume of smoke billowing outside...

Immediately after, the plane jolted violently, followed by a massive tremor...

Startled, Li Chen's heart skipped a beat, his throat suddenly tightening, Damn, what's going on?

Feeling increasingly uneasy, the now startled Li Chen turned his head to look through the window...

With a 'whoosh', a gust of wind blew in, altering Li Chen's face shape with its force...

Below the window, a small translucent hole appeared, which in the blink of an eye, gradually turned into a large puncture...

When all the passengers on the plane finally realized what was happening, accompanied by a lady's terrified scream, Li Chen saw a sophisticated elderly lady weighing almost 150 kilograms being blown out of the plane with his own eyes...



Li Chen was completely panicked, feeling his heartbeat rise to his throat!

Then, the plane was filled with sounds of panic and screams...

"Where's your captain? Can anyone come out and explain what's going on?"

Among them, the wealthy one still believed money can solve everything.

But the flight attendants, in their panic, were busy putting on life jackets, completely ignoring the wealthy man.

At such a time, it's a blessing to survive, who cares about who's the VIP?

The hole blown open by the gust of wind was getting bigger and bigger, the plane continued to shake unsteadily, with various tremors, swaying, and twitching...

Various unidentified objects began to fly chaotically within the airplane, causing a blinding confusion and dizzying rotations…

"Ah—my eyes—"

It seemed a passenger had been hit in the eye by pieces of metal shredded by the gale.

"Ah—good heavens—my…"

An old lady had only half-mumbled her words when her voice stopped. It appeared she had been blown off the plane by the wind.

The gusting wind whistled by one's ear, stirring up a prickling pain on the face and making it hard to keep one's eyes open...

At this moment, Li Chen was also disoriented, panicky, and horrified…

Everyone is afraid of death!

One after another, accompanied by terrified screams of 'Ah', several more people were blown off the plane by the gusting wind.

"Ah—my iPhone—my…"

A young woman was shrieking when her sound ended abruptly too.

"Ah—damn it, my wife… "

A man had only half shouted when he too disappeared mysteriously.

At this moment, all Li Chen could instinctively do was to grip onto the front seat tightly, feeling a twinge of somber despair... I'm still a virgin!

Just as he finished contemplating, who would have thought that the stylish gentleman in the seat in front of him would also be blown away.

Next, the seat was also blown askew.

The very next second, Li Chen's body suddenly jerked sideways; he only felt a wave of confusion before his sight went dark, followed by a rushing wind whistling in his ears. His thin clothes swayed dramatically, and it felt like he was plummeting at high speed...

The rest was left to fate...

That was the fleeting thought that crossed Li Chen's mind.

After a short while, there came a sudden 'plop', followed by a series of 'gurgle' and 'rumble' bubble noises. Those were Li Chen's last memories.

Had he plunged headfirst into a vast sea?

It seemed that a piece of aeroplane metal had also sunk with him into the sea.

He didn't know how much time had passed. When Li Chen unexpectedly opened his eyes, he found the sunlight to be very dazzling, leaving him no choice but to hurriedly close his eyes again.

After a while, he tried to open his eyes slowly, gradually adjusting to the intense light.

When he was slightly conscious, he was shocked to realize that he seemed to be lying on a soft sandy ground...

His clothes were wet all over, soaked to his bones. He shivered involuntarily, getting goosebumps from the cold.

Am I...not dead?


Didn't I fall into the sea?

Who pulled me ashore?

Could it be like a web novel, where I've somehow travelled through time?

Once he regained some conscious awareness, he attempted to slowly sit upright...

However, the moment he sat up, the unexpectedly beautiful scenery that had replaced his previous surroundings left him slightly dazed...

A young girl energetically drew a massive 'SOS' on the beach using a tree branch...

Beyond this, all he could see was a vast ocean, a seemingly boundless deep blue sea!

After a while, the young girl on the beach slightly turned and Li Chen was inwardly startled—

It was the beautiful woman who was sitting next to me on the plane!?

It's her!?

At this moment, although the beauty was despairing, she had no intention of acknowledging Li Chen's presence behind her.

After writing the large 'SOS' on the beach, she was annoyingly flipping her fruit logo cellphone...

It seems like the phone is soaked in water and can't be turned on anymore?


Li Chen made a weak shout...


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