


This is a young man, who is advance and not ready to settle down, he still enjoyed partying with his friends and flirting with ladies, he received a call from his mom telling him to get back home that is father is so sick and needed to see him. Getting there his father was strong and healthy, they only wanted him to get married to a local girl from his town since he is not yet ready, will this marriage hold since he doesn't have feelings for her but enjoy his time with his girlfriend Gold and his flirting lifestyle.
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Samson I told you, you won"t hear "Chelsea is the best. "you better go change your club to Chelsea " Jefferson pick his phone laughing

"Please let me hear word" Samson look annoyed and switch off the TV "

"What!!! he is angry"!! You won"t salute me your master " Jefferson kept laughing "4.0".

I feel so corrupt" Samson hit him with his pillow ". come and be going "my wife will soon becoming ".

"So you are sending me away ?" Jefferson asked as he stood up dusting his shirt ".

you see Mr man sit down a bit, let us discuss maturely "when are you going to marry?" Samson asked looking serious.

"Please" yourself can"t say you are happy with the woman you got married to right". Is it not because of her you chasing me home?" Jefferson asked and stood up picking his car key "

you Better go and Marry womanizer "until shalom start calling you uncle". Samson shouted.

"Let her call me "I am not ready Mr man " Jefferson opened the door to leave "

"Jefferson!! Jefferson " Samson spoke after him and watch him starting the car " wait a bit Samson" what about your cook Peace?" I like that lady ass, Jefferson described smiling.

you would never change "Samson turn to leave inside "Mr man am serious please" Jefferson whined up and watch the gateman open hurriedly ...........................

"he pick Sandra in front of the hotel and drove her to his house" Jefferson kept smiling hailing her "Sandra, Sandra "the bone breaker ".

"Stop please "you making me feel shy "Sandra covered her face laughing.

I can"t wait to see you off those clothes you put on" Jefferson touch her breast gently laughing ".

Sandra kept chewing gum " Jefferson stop in front of his gate and kept horning audu rush to open the gate greeting him ".

"Jefferson ignored him and grabbed Sandra waist to the house" Boss will kill himself for woman "Fat, thin "both white, pink, even witch "my boss has f--k them". audu nodded his head and entered his apartment closing the door "....... .......

"Jefferson got to the house and started kissing Sandra " Sir take it easy now. it not a food ". Sandra shouted.

"It's food!! Jefferson loses his button and watches her lead the way to the room hissing and blowing balloon with the chewing gum in her mouth ".

"Jefferson rush to drink at the bar and almost got drunk before joining Sandra in the room "she was nude ".

"Sandra hand him protection "chewing gum.

"hey, I prefer skin to skin now " Jefferson looks disappointed ".

"Try that with your mother". Sandra hiss sitting on the bed.

"hey watch your word " Jefferson almost fell " Sir come let us start " Sandra push him to the bed and position herself on him " Sandra gave him a ride half-naked and noticed the ring on his phone ".

"d--n! Who is this?" Jefferson checks the caller squeezing his face" mum!!! he was surprised and sit up picking it "He stop Sandra and watch her excuse himself to the bathroom ".

"My mother" Jefferson shouted happily".

"My mum reply while sitting on the couch with a cell phone in her left ear, I want you at the village tomorrow morning" your father is very ill.

"What! Mum, can"t I send money?" Jefferson asked.

"It's far worst than that " she hung up without another word ".

"Jefferson fling his phone looking upset "d--n! am not prepared" he noticed Sandra out of the bathroom smoking " she continued with her ride and got him out of his mood with a kiss *****************

"Samson, do you think I have any other Choice" Jefferson placed his luggage inside the booth and put on his speck".

"I don"t have Samson, You know how mum does behave. she won"t take it likely with me".

"Alright I would call you when I got to the village "he hung up and settled inside to drive "audu,audu " he called him loudly yes boss" he rushed out holding his cap ".

"I would be out for 2 to 3days "don"t let anyone in OK".

"Yes boss" audu rush to open the gate and watch him drive out ".

"Audu closed the gate laughing, the boss has traveled. Let me call adija "he dial her number in excitement and kept peeping to see who is at the gate...... .......

Jefferson POV

"Jefferson got to the village and walk into father"s house silently" he rush out and stop the little kid from going near his range over"

he entered the house looking upset "he prostrated on seeing his mum outside and ask for his dad looking worried " he was shocked seeing him eating pounded yam and egusi soup".

"A beautiful lady greeted him kneeling and smiling," she said some word to his father's ear while they both burst into laughter ".

"Jefferson felt angry and sat down staring at everywhere " mum can you please explain what going on?" Jefferson noticed his mum come in holding atinuke.

"Jefferson I know you won"t come, that was why I use my idea". My mom reply.

"You know I don"t like this environment" let go to the city mum and dad " Jefferson reply as he turned to face them one after the other.

"Keep shut!! My mom shouted you have no idea how much we love it here"any way that"s not important why I called you. it all because I got you a wife "seems you want to die single ".

"It's a joke right?" Jefferson asked why laughing.

"shut up!! My mom shouted you are calling this beautiful woman a joke "atinuke stand up let him see you, my dear".

"Goodness! Stop Mum. Jefferson replied holding his mother's hands, it, not even part of my agenda, I can"t even think about it now. No please".

"Leave me!!! My mom shouted What are you saying". see my wife. Don"t mind him that your husband goes and meet him ".

"hey! Don"t come close Jefferson shun her in anger "mum stop all this. You know I can"t marry her.

"says who!! Mom shouted," you better take her home as your wife before we first reach home ".

"What! No mum .dad aren"t you saying anything?" Jefferson asked. Mr. John picks a little broom and removes the meat between his teeth ".

"You should be thanking me and your mother. we have paid her bride price, she can cook, do house chores and am very sure when you have sex with her she is going to give you twins"

"atinuke is just the perfect girl for you ." Mrs. John added looking and patting atinuke shoulder ".

"No!!! Jefferson shouted as he stood up in anger and excuse himself to the room.

"my wife, don't mind him please" I would carry your twins with my hand once is it tomorrow morning go and pack all your stuff " atinuke kept smiling and kneeling to greet Mr/Mrs. John.


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