Please Return, My Prince

Please Return, My Prince



Introduction: Ning Guzhou placed the sword onto Tang Miaoxin's neck: "Other than concealing the fact that you are carrying my child, what else are you hiding from me?" She took out a pile of tokens: "Mystic Sect, Ghost Doctor Gate, Dark Tiger Den, Wind Listening Tower... That's all!" As soon as the words fell, the imperial seal from the neighboring country fell off her body. He: "......" Her eyes brimmed with tears: "I was forced to inherit all of these by those old folks!" The powerful ones among them: "Stop pretending!"
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"Presumptuous!" Ning Guzhou grabbed the claw reaching toward his abdomen, his entire demeanor cold as frost.

Tang Miaoxin jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar man's voice.

Her sleepiness instantly vanished. She hurriedly opened her eyes, and at first was taken aback, then she was completely astonished:

His facial features were peerlessly handsome, with eyebrows sharp as swords, eyes gleaming like the stars, a nose high and prominent, and lips sensual.

Scenes of what happened between them last night flashed through her mind: it had been so vivid and lively.

Ning Guzhou's eyes were filled with frost: last night, while he was suppressing the poison in his body, this fan-girl had dared to...

How audacious of her!

Tang Miaoxin saw his displeasure and guiltily squeezed out a grin, raising her clawed hand in greeting: "Good morning!"

Ning Guzhou's beautiful face showed no emotion as he lifted his hand and grasped her neck, his voice pleasing to the ear but incredibly cold: "Who are you?"

Tang Miaoxin saw the piercing, knife-like gaze in his eyes and his black hair somehow swaying without any wind.

The aura of dominance emanating from him left her feeling somewhat breathless.

Although this man had also been fierce last night, his aggression now was directed in an entirely different manner, as though he had not been involved in last night's event at all!

She looked him up and down, a trace of contempt in her eyes.

Darn, men!

Seeing the look in her eyes, a murderous intent emerged in Ning Guzhou's starry phoenix-like eyes, his finger tightening on her neck.

Tang Miaoxin was also furious. Men who resort to violence with little provocation weren't good news!

Without hesitation, she reached out to poke his eyes, prompting him to loosen his grip with a terse expression.

Guardedly, she watched him, provoking him with a raised eyebrow, "A beautiful woman here!"

Ning Guzhou's phoenix eyes chilled as he raised his hand to slap her.

She parried his every move, but with growing alarm, she realized this man's martial arts were superior to hers!

For some unknown reason, his strength seemed a bit lacking, but further fighting would put her at a disadvantage.

Tang Miaoxin decided to throw him off balance: “Just because I took a little advantage of you last night, does that justify your virgin martyr's reaction?"

"Technically, I'm the woman, and you're the man. You aren't at a disadvantage! If you're uncomfortable, I can let you take advantage of me another day!"

Ning Guzhou listened to her nonsensical words, not uttering a word. His handsome face colder than glacial ice, he struck out more ruthlessly.

Tang Miaoxin couldn't keep up with his offense, and out of sheer desperation voiced, “Don't you think us fighting like this is so uncouth?”

Only then did Ning Guzhou realize his stark-naked state, and the woman before his eyes wasn't much better:

Her alabaster skin was covered in red marks, hints of their endeavors last night.

"Turn around," he ordered, pulling over the brocade quilt forcefully.

Tang Miaoxin thought his reaction was somewhat amusing. This man was fierce and good-looking, tough to handle, but apparently shy.

She gave him a playful squint, "You're the one who uncovered me and looked at me undressed. You're the real ruffian here."

"You've taken all my advantages. What virtuous character are you pretending to have by asking me to turn around?"

Ning Guzhou: "…"

With a cold huff, he turned his head away, refusing to look at her.

Taking the opportunity when he turned his head, Tang Miaoxin hurriedly looked for her clothes.

Then, to her dismay, she found that she had been too excited last night and had torn her clothes into pieces!

How embarrassing!

Seeing a snow-colored robe beside her, she knew it wasn't hers.

Without any further consideration, she decided to put it on first!

After putting it on, she let out a soft "Eh" in surprise, finding that the fabric of the robe was as precious as golden silk, inaccessible even with money.

Only those with great power in the capital might have something like this.

Tang Miaoxin gritted her teeth. Could it be that the man she randomly brought from the manor had a distinguished identity?

She stole a glance at Ning Guzhou. With his refined demeanor and handsome appearance, she thought it was probably the truth.

Had she known he would be such a trouble, she would have restrained herself last night, not to be enchanted by his charm, and kept her distance.

After dressing up and hopping off the bed, she found that her legs were unexpectedly weak. She almost fell headfirst onto the ground.

Hearing the noise, he glanced at her coldly from the corner of his eyes.

She glared back, "What are you looking at? It was all your fault!"

Ning Guzhou's face darkened like the sky before a storm, "Vulgar!"

She sneered lightly and rubbed her sore waist, "You didn’t consider me vulgar when you were on top of me last night, did you?"

Ning Guzhou's phoenix eyes narrowed, his gaze sharp as a knife. He wrapped himself in his bedsheet, ready to get up and take action.

Not wanting to fight him again, Tang Miaoxin hurriedly made a stop sign, "If you feel that you were taken advantage of last night, I can compensate you!"

It was her first time last night too! And she felt just as wronged!

But this man was too troublesome, and she figured he wouldn’t leave without getting something in return.

"Compensation? You think you can compensate?" Ning Guzhou sneered.

Just as Tang Miaoxin was about to negotiate with this ancestor, there came a knock at the door outside:

"Second Miss, have you woken up? If you have, come back with this old servant to see the Madam!"

Hearing the knocking sound, Ning Guzhou was filled with displeasure and the room temperature seemed to drop a few degrees.

He recalled one thing. He was hit and stolen away near the Wanhuhou mansion's estate last night.

It is known to all in the capital that the Eldest legitimate daughter of the Wanhuhou Mansion, Huizhilanxin, is intellectually superior.

The Second legitimate daughter, however, was considered unfortunate at birth and was thrown away in a suburban estate, ignored by everyone.

Could she be the second legitimate daughter of the Wanhuhou Mansion?

He glanced sideways at Tang Miaoxin, only to see the sunlight coming through the lattice onto her body. She was elegant and lively, like a fairy who accidentally descended to the human world.

A faint blush spread across her face, and her glances were as stunning as peach blossoms blooming on a mountain. Gorgeous and radiant, her twinkling peach-blossom eyes carried a tinge of merriment.

Ignoring her shocking and outrageous actions, based solely on her appearance, she was far superior to the legitimate eldest daughter of the noble family.

He thought of his engagement with the legitimate eldest daughter of the noble family, his cold phoenix eyes looked at her.

Tang Miaoxin shivered due to the chilly aura that radiated from him, and she made a "wait a moment" gesture.

She indifferently and distantly said to the entrance, "I told you before, I won't go back with you."

"Go back and tell your lady that she is not fit to be a mother. I don't plan to acknowledge her!"

Her mother had a difficult labor when she was born, so she hated her intensely.

Adding to that, her grandfather fell gravely ill and soon passed away when she was born.

Her father sought a royal astrologer to predict her fate, and the result was "Star of Destruction".

Knowing the result, her mother abandoned her in a rural estate, leaving her to fend for herself.

A few days ago, the reigning Emperor decreed her legitimate older sister to be married to Qin Wang, known for his tyrannical bearing. Hence, Nurse Zhang was sent to take her home.

The reason for calling her home at this time was obvious. They certainly wanted her as a replacement bride.

After she explicitly rejected Nurse Zhang last time, Nurse Zhang returned to the house to deliver the message, but unexpectedly, she came again today.

And all these years, before this, not a single person from the noble house had ever visited her!

Nurse Zhang was arrogant in demeanor and her voice was cold, "Nonsense! Your mother gave birth to you, so your life belongs to her."

"Whatever she tells you to do, you must do it. Otherwise, you are unfilial! According to the law, unfilial behavior is punished by submerging in a pig cage!"

"So, for your own good, you have to leave today, whether you want to or not! Second Miss, I'm sorry for the offense!"


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