Never Run Away

Never Run Away



Ye Siyue had always believed that God would not fail a good person. It turned out she was too naive and God sometimes made mistakes. She had always been a good wife and a good daughter-in-law. Apart from that, she was also a good teacher. But now, her husband cheated on her, her mother-in-law despised her for being infertile, and even her boss fired her, thinking she was mentally ill. She failed her marriage, her family, her job, and now she almost lost her faith in life, until she met Lu Jingqing, the hottest billionaire, as well as a single dad. "My son needs a mom." Lu Jingqing said coldly. Ye Siyue couldn't believe her ears. Before she came to her senses, Lu Jingqing added, "You need revenge, right?" "Deal."
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"Miss, you can't get pregnant naturally. I'd suggest trying an IVF."

"What?" Ye Siyue was stunned on the spot, her heart slowly freezing.

"What? She can't give birth? Does that mean she is infertile?" her mother-in-law roared.

The doctor frowned and said, "Less likely to get pregnant, not completely impossible for her to get pregnant. She and her husband can't have a child from the start of their marriage until now. Therefore, it might not entirely be her problem. I suggest that the husband also come to have a te..."

Before the doctor could finish his words, the mother-in-law shouted.

"My son is always healthy. He needs no test. You doctors just want more money, huh?"

"No, we..." The doctor wanted to explain.

Ye Siyue's mother-in-law pushed her away impatiently and slapped her in the face. "It's all your fault! I was wondering why your family was so nice to sponsor Zhengting a car. It turns out that they want you to marry into the Zhou family. So, your parents already knew that you are infertile?"

"It's a shame that your family is full of intellectual people. Your father is a college professor, but his heart is so vicious! How could he have my dear Zhengting to marry an infertile piece of sh*t? This is obvious that you guys want the Zhou family to not have a new generation!"

"Mom!" Ye Siyue covered her face and burst into tears. "It's not what you think. I really love Zhengting and want to marry him. I don't know that I have this problem..."

"Pft!" Her mother-in-law spat at Ye Siyue with no mercy. She grabbed Ye Siyue's hair and dragged her directly to the corridor, shouting, "Come on, everyone, come and have a look at this vicious woman! This woman said she loves my son, but she can't even give him a child!"

"Our Zhou family is the only descendant of three generations. Now it's about to die in her hands. Now, she's still crying!"

The surrounding people then gossiped about Ye Siyue, naming her a shameful liar.

Hearing their gossip, Ye Siyue felt that her heart had been broken into pieces.

"Look, everyone who is reasonable knows that it's your fault. Today, I will teach you a good lesson in front of everyone!" Ye Siyue's mother-in-law was making everything go to pot.

Seeing that she was about to get physical, the doctors and nurses on the side hurried out to stop her.

Taking advantage of this pause, Ye Siyue hurriedly pushed open the crowd and rushed straight to the roof.

There were no people here. When she could feel the cold rooftop breeze, Ye Siyue took a deep breath, as if she had finally escaped from purgatory and had a second to live.

She took a deep breath and walked to the wall on the top floor.

Suddenly, she stopped and stared at the child sitting on the roof not far away, facing the outside. He looked young, and his parents were not around. Why was he sitting in such a dangerous place?

Was he trying to end his own life?

As soon as this idea came to Ye Siyue's mind, she became so nervous.

Why did such a young kid try to end his life?

She walked slowly and cautiously approached the little kid from behind.

Soon, she was behind the little kid. She hugged his waist.

The little kid immediately screamed and struggled.

Ye Siyue comforted, "Kiddo, baby, if there's anything hard, you can tell me! Don't think about giving up on your life!"

"Look, my mother-in-law hates me and gives me a hard time in front of so many people. I did not even think of dying! As long as we are alive, everything will be fine. You have to believe that there is someone in the world who loves you. Even for them, you have to be brave enough to live!"

After struggling in her arms for a while, the little kid slowly quieted down.

Ye Siyue relieved and hurriedly took the kid down from above. She squatted down and asked him, "Where is your family? How could they allow you to be in such a dangerous place?"

The little kid looked at her emotionlessly. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Was this boy reluctant to talk with me? Or he had some kind of sickness?" Ye Siyue thought.

Ye Siyue frowned and patiently advised, "Baby, that place is very dangerous. You can't be here next time, okay?"

Looking at her, the little kid still didn't respond.

Ye Siyue sighed and changed the subject. "Shall I take you to your family? Can I hold your hand?"

But the little kid didn't respond. He just stood there in a daze, as if Ye Siyue was the only one in his eyes.

"Is he mute?" Ye Siyue thought to herself. "This child is very likely to be an autistic child, or he's freaking out."

She became gentler and squatted down. "You can hold my hand, I will find your family. If you don't want to hold my hands, can you grab the corner of my clothes?"

As she spoke, she dragged the hem of her clothes to him.

The little kid still didn't speak, but his eyes slowly moved to the corner of Ye Siyue's clothes. Only then did she let out a sigh of relief, he had a reaction!

She put the hem of her clothes into the hands of the little kid and took him to the elevator. She was going to go back to the first floor and ask for help from the announcement center.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, she heard a man exclaim, "It's him!"

Then, a tall man suddenly appeared in front of her. The man looked serious and had an extraordinary aura. He looked at her with vigilance in his eyes, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Ziyang." The man reached out and said to the little kid beside her, "Come here."

Ziyang didn't move. Instead, he clenched the hem of Ye Siyue's clothes.

Ye Siyue felt that something was wrong. She was about to ask about the man's identity when Ziyang suddenly released his hand and walked toward the man.

The man picked him up and turned to leave.

Ziyang put his arms around the man's neck and leaned on one side of his shoulder. Looking at Ye Siyue, he opened his mouth and seemed to want to talk, but he couldn't make a sound.

Ye Siyue thought that the boy wanted to thank her, so she comforted him with a smile.

When Ziyang saw her smile, he was slightly stunned. He seemed to be greatly moved. He opened his mouth and tried his best to say, ""

The simple word made the man stop.

The bodyguards in black around the man in the hall were also shocked. This little kid never talked, but today he said 'baby' to a stranger.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Siyue, shock, admiration, and disbelief in their gazes.

Ye Siyue was also surprised at this moment.

It turned out that this little kid...

He was not mute!


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