Time-Travel Mom of Triplets Strikes Gold

Time-Travel Mom of Triplets Strikes Gold



"Warning, imminent time-travel to the 1970s is about to occur!" "What? I better stockpile resources quickly then!" Before the time-travel sequence initiated, Emily activated her 'golden finger', hoarding a wealth of resources she had accumulated over several lifetimes. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself reincarnated as a destitute village girl, abandoned by a good-for-nothing man in the 1970s. She chuckled derisively, "Don't worry, I'll rewrite your destiny!" After giving the good-for-nothing man a sound thrashing, avenging the original owner of the body, she brought out her stored supplies. "Cough, cough, cough, it seems like my opportunity to become the wealthiest has arrived!" The zenith of her life was beckoning her.
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"Ding~ Congratulations, host, you've successfully bonded with the system!"

A mechanical voice echoed in the ears of a young woman named Emily Thompson. She shook her head, frowning in the confusion.

What the heck? System?

"Who's talking?" Emily looked around, but there was no one in sight. She cautiously picked up her smartphone--

"Dear host, you've successfully connected with the Invincible System. From now on, I, System 250, will be at your service."

The voice was mechanical, devoid of any human emotion.

For a moment, Emily wondered if she had overworked herself, staying up until the early hours to complete a report, and her body simply couldn't take it anymore, leading to her untimely demise.

After all, in her world, concepts like rebirth and time travel were only found in novels.

"Dear host, friendly reminder, the space you're in will collapse in a month. As a high-quality genetic seed, the system will accompany you into battle before the space is rebuilt..."

Once System 250 started speaking, it was like a floodgate had been opened and it just kept going on and on, non-stop.

Emily hadn't even had time to process the existence of the System 250, and then it informed her about an impending space collapse?

What about her hard-fought achievements over more than two decades? Winning numerous awards and agricultural technology patents at the age of 18, continuously being accepted for master and doctoral programs, and then successfully joining the prestigious research institute—was all this about to vanish?

"I might as well give up!"

She collapsed on the coach in exasperation.

"Dear host, as a high-quality human genetic seed, the invincible system will escort you, and you will be transported to the alternate space, know as X1, in a month..."

"The system has bestowed upon you infinite storage, filling your spiritual home with abundant supplies, ensuring your passage through time. Additionally, to ensure the host has ample funds, 1 million dollars has been deposited in your account."


Emily picked up her phone, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

She placed an online order without a second thought, for one hundred solar photovoltaic panels...

Payment was successful!

Not only that, when she wanted to explore further what System 250 referred to as the "Storage Space”, a familiar voice echoed in her ears once more, "Your current location is a virtual farmland, where you can freely adjust the seasons, temperature, and humidity."

Streams of golden light flowed before her, sparkling like the Milky Way.

Emily knew this was undoubtedly the system's essential initial resource—the Universal Spirit Spring! It could be used for farming or breeding, and it could also be used for human healing. Its multitude of uses was virtually limitless.

A smile gradually appeared on her face. She thought—this system isn't half bad!

After all, with her laboratory's current resources and global technology, it was impossible to adjust the climate and temperature without affecting human life.

The only thorny issue was that she needed to procure the supplies herself!

"The system offers a friendly alert to the host. According to a Big Data analysis assessment, your current behavior pattern has a five-star danger level. Your massive stockpile of solar panels could draw the attention of relevant authorities."

As System 250's voice trailed off, Emily received a phone call.

The caller was an online shop seller. First, they confirmed her address and then patiently asked if she had placed the order herself with full knowledge...

Emily, fearing an investigation, could only explain, "I'm sorry, I accidentally placed the order while I was sleeping. I will cancel it now!"

The seller was quite understanding and quickly agreed to her cancellation request.

Thus, this nonsensical incident had passed.

However... the most knotty problem had arisen again.

She was not able to spend all the money in her account!

It had never occurred to Emily that spending money could become a distress in her life.

The supplies she needed in X1 space had to be purchased by herself! System 250 said, "The space can reference the 1970s era where the host is located. However, the space differs a bit, and does not follow the exact history inside the host's present space."

After careful thinking, Emily began to prepare for the procurement of supplies.

For this, she specifically asked her superiors for a long vacation under the pretext of being seriously ill.

Her boss wished for her to rush home and take a nice, long break. Whenever Emily was around...

Even a mouse that passes by the research lab dared not breathe heavily!

Since the first day she began working, Emily dedicated herself fully to her role, sometimes only going home once every ten days or half a month.

The whole research lab was astonished, the renowned scientist was actually willing to take a vacation!

As they were still immersed in the joy of finally being able to set their fear aside and not bear the brunt of high-pressure work...


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