One Night Stand- Who Slept With Javier Anderson

One Night Stand- Who Slept With Javier Anderson

Author:Nuella Emerald



One Night. . . Just One Night changed the entire fate of Javier Anderson and a 'lucky' female superfan. Sparks flew... The Night of Javier Anderson's concert brought about an interesting intimate session between Javier and a certain female fan. . . They were both drunk, treading under the influence of vodka when they collided and got themselves under the sheets proceeding to give each other what their bodies wanted and craved for. By the next morning, the girl had disappearead! Javier off course, had not the slightest idea of who the lady he had made love to through out the night could be, where and how he might be able to locate her. Nevertheless, that night had brought more than just a rash and hasty bedroom story between the two. It wasn't just the pleasurable eruption of moans and sweet kisses. It was far more than those; He felt a connection with her. On his part, he had already formed an unbreakable bond with the mysterious lady and he won't be satisfied until he knows, sees and feels her again... He had to find her! NO MATTER WHAT! But then again, thousand of girls attended the concert that night, it could have been any of them. And this theory brings us to the main question; Who Slept With Javier Anderson?
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Brie's POV:

" . . .And, Gabriella Hernandez scored 93% and is the highest in the test." Mrs. Smith announced and the class applauded slightly as a I released a gloat smile.

Just then, a scrambled note was tossed to my locker. I picked it up and unscrambled it and it read " STUPID NERD." I was a bit offended by the note but quite frankly, I'm used to it; there's no day I'm not picked on at school. Simply because I'm very intelligent and smart but slightly introverted and weird, my course mates tend to bully and discriminate me.

I snickered and scrambled the piece of paper up and threw it away.

" . . .Before I dismiss you guys, It's almost time for your internship program and I hope you guys have started scouting for offices to work in." Mrs. Smith announced and half of the class groaned while the rest weren't even paying attention.

" Class dismissed." Mrs. Smith added and everyone got up from their desks, gathered their things and made their way to the exit. I'm so psyched for internship, I get to work at an office and show off my collective skills. I don't know why most students don't take their internships seriously, I mean it takes a large chunk of your final grade and plus, the experience is also a big gain.

" Not everyone cares about their future." I conclude and chuckle as I put my books into my bag.

" Hey dweeb." A familiar feminine and cocky voice said. Looking away from my bag, I turned sideways to see Madison and her squad staring at me.

" Here's my homework for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday." Madison added and she brought out some papers and flung them at me.

" I want them done by tonight." She added as I picked up the papers.


Definitely not! Tonight is Javier Anderson's concert and I can't miss it for anything in the world! Not even because of Maddie's stupid homework.

. . .She's not worth it!

" But Maddie, I have a concert to attend tonight." I protested and she laughed and her squad giggled mockingly .

" But Maddie ne ne ne ne ne ne ne." She taunted imitating me and her squad's giggle turned into a scornful laughter.

Madison came closer and stared at me, her gaze sending pokes through my skin " These assignments must be done tonight or else. . .you know what will happen." Madison said with a smirk and I yelped; I know what Madison can do and trust me it will be devastating.

" And make sure all the answers are correct, nerd." She added and flicked my forehead then backed away. Her pink pouty lips formed a smug smile as she and her squad left the homeroom.

" Crud!" I cussed hitting my fist on the table. " I hate her so much!" I added as anger filled my throat.

" But I have no choice." I sighed as I placed her homework inside my bag then left homeroom.

Riley's POV: I rolled over soaking in all the juicy comfort my soft bed provided me and my alarm blared. My eyes shot open and I groaned, I can't believe it's time for my shift already. I just returned from lectures and my legs were literally dead and my brain was on shut down mode. I laid down to have some rest and then BOOM!! It's time for work. God! I hate my life sometimes I reached for my alarm clock and checked the time, it was 4:19PM. My shift starts at 6:00PM so that means I can. . .

" Sleep for about an hour then wake up and get ready for work." I said and set my alarm clock to wake me by 5:15pm. Satisfied with the changed time, I gently placed the alarm clock back on my bedside table. As I was about to lay my head on my comfy pillow, my eyes drifted to the large poster of Javier Anderson I had on my wall. Oh he's so hot, I can ogle at him all day.

How I wish I can see his face one day. . . After admiring Javier; one of God's best creations, I laid on my pillow and allowed nature to take me away. There I was in a Versace Tube Gown with Gucci Pumps looking all dolled up performing at the biggest music festival of all time, PALOOZA 2020!!

And oh, I was even performing a hit song with Javier Anderson. . .sweet!! As we were performing the song, suddenly Javier knelt on one knee and reached for something in his pocket. He brought out a small velvet case and I was shocked, he opened it unveiling a diamond crusted ring.

" Will you marry me Riley?" He popped the question and I was dumbstruck! The crowd went wild and started cheering and chanting our names. And just as I was about to say yes, I began to hear someone call my name. It wasn't the crowd's chant and it wasn't Javier either, the voice of the person calling my name was rather distant and so far away.

" RILEY!!" The voice yelled my name again. But this time, the voice was more sharper, clearer and louder hence, jolting me and I jerked up. I looked around and found out I was on my rusty, old but comfortable bed and I was in my boring and uninteresting room.

" It was just a dream." I wondered disappointedly. " I was just about to become Mrs. Javier Anderson and then I'd finally be able to see his wonderful face." I added as I began to fantasize on how handsome his face will look.

" Well, why don't you become Mrs. Get up your lazy butt and get to work." Mother said distracting me from my fantasies.

At first I was clueless on what she had just said but then I remembered


" Holy Cow! I have to get to work." I yelled and sprang out of bed.

I checked my alarm clock and the time read 5:48pm. " Oh My Goodness! My boss is gonna fire my ass!" I freaked out and rushed to my closet ransacking my stupid clothes in a bid of looking for what to wear.

" You're getting really clumsy these days all because of that singer you're obsessed with." Mum chaffed and I groaned because her lectures is one thing I don't hear right now.

" Mum this is not the time to accuse me!" I snap back walking out of the closet with a jean and top I managed to find.

" And besides, I'm not obsessed with him, I'm just an avid fan of his music." I denied and she shot me a knowing smile, I ignored her and changed my clothes.

Agh! I can't even take a shower because I'm super late.

" A fan who has dreams about marrying her idol." Mum teased and I rolled my eyes.

There, she caught me.


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