The Cunning God-like Man is Unrestrained

The Cunning God-like Man is Unrestrained



Chu Qianxun regretted not acting sooner, failing to understand earlier that impulse is a devil. To exact revenge on the man who cheated on her, she sought the company of a scoundrel, who happened to be her uncle, with the show of love. Initially, she just intended to vent her anger with the help of his elder status and then leave. Yet, she's stopped by her domineering uncle. "You are mine now," he said. Caught in danger, she tries to skedaddle. Her carefully devised plan seemed to be working, yet she found herself being brought back to the overbearing man: "Mr. Emperor, we've found the Lady who ran away from home." Like a bolt out of the blue, a severe admonition, Mr. Emperor of Jiang City has himself entangled with her. Could it be that this dominant man is the primary heir of Country A? No, no, this man is toxic, she couldn't marry him. Chu Qianxun was sincere. "Why don't we have a heart-to-heart conversation? Be honest, what exactly do you like about me? I can change, really." Without agreeing, the handsome God smirked crookedly, his stunning hand yanking at his tie: "That's something I really can't change. Every part of you is something I love." Tossing and turning all night, Chu Qianxun watched the dawn with teary eyes. Mr. Emperor's love, it's truly bone-deep.
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A gentle breeze and the bright moon, their pure reflections almost felt surreal against this beautiful night. Outside the suite of the President's Mansion...

"Chu Qianxun, I know you're inside. Get out of here now!"

The piercing roar accompanied the furious pounding on the door, the bangs ringing out.

Inside the suite, the room was littered with clothes, an ambiguous atmosphere lingering.

"This is bad, caught cheating in the act." Chu Qianxun calmly sat up from the half-naked man, flashing her eyes at the strikingly handsome man, "Judging from the voice, it seems to be your nephew Jiang Dongyang, who cheated with me first. I'm so scared, uncle, you'll protect me, right?"

In playing a role, you must go all out.

Chu Qianxun wrinkled her face into a big walnut, pitifully gnawing at her finger.

She does not believe that this act of being cute is not effective on men. No matter if he is a rich tycoon who holds all of the city's life in his hands, making all women lose their minds over him. In the end, he is still just a man.

To get revenge against Jiang Dongyang, who slept with her sister, she had to bed his uncle and become his aunt-in-law. With her status as an elder, the shameless man would have to hang his head in shame in front of her.

"Did you inform him?" Jiang Zhongzhi raised the corner of his mouth coldly with a hint of mockery, his fingers pinching her chin forward, "You've got some nerve."

His gaze was sharp, and his eyes filled with frost, causing Chu Qianxun to shiver involuntarily.

Yet the suddenly narrowed distance and the hot breath of a man spraying on her face made her numb, feeling both icy and fiery at the same time, which stirred her heart and made her purse her lips and chuckle, "Uncle, I don't just have a big nerve."

"And, of course..." Jiang Zhongzhi said, giving a saucy review, "You're the real deal..."

Chu Qianxun shuddered all over, inwardly cursing that the man was simply a beast.

Damn it!

"What I mean is courage and bravery!"

Jiang Zhongzhi's phoenix-like gaze pierced through with a hint of color splashed across, "If you want to be my, Jiang Zhongzhi's wife, this little bit of courage won't do."

"Chu Qianxun, if you don't come out at once, I'll kick the door down!"

The knocking at the door was as urgent as rain beating against the ground, the shouting outside was high-pitched. Jiang Dongyang had evidently run out of patience.

Footsteps were approaching rapidly, as if somebody was about to kick down the door.

"If Uncle Jiang wants to test my bravery, I will give it my best performance. Let's see if you will be satisfied," Chu Qianxun, frail and delicate, slid off the bed, walking towards the door while removing her hair tie. Her long flowing hair, like seaweed, cascaded down her fair shoulders, emitting a sweet fruity scent.

Still not enough, she pinched her arm fiercely at the moment she opened the door, causing a layer of mist to form in her large and spirited eyes. Her lashes were wet with tears, making her pathetically cute.

As the door opened, the first sight that hit Jiang Dongyang was her blush-kissed cheeks, her eyes filled with shy anger and affection, a woman of sophisticated allure, beckoning him with her charms.

A warmth surged from his heart, and immediately gave rise to a hidden desire. However, when his gaze drifted down and noticed the ambiguous red marks on her body, he burst out with rage, "Chu Qianxun, you cheap woman, how dare you cuckold me."

"I'm not taking the blame for this," Chu Qianxun ran her fingers through her hair and sneered, "You were the one who cheated first with Chu Moyao, we are nothing to each other anymore. What I’m doing now is sharing a bed with my husband, not cuckolding you."

Jiang Dongyang's gaze flickered, he hadn't expected that Chu Qianxun would know about his affair with Chu Moyao. But what difference does it make if a man sleeps with a few women? It was her own fault always claiming to be pure before marriage and refusing to sleep with him.

If anyone is to blame, it should be herself.


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