Top Practitioner with X-ray Eyes

Top Practitioner with X-ray Eyes



The gifted one got injured, but he awakened an clairvoyant eye that could level up. From that moment, his life took off, soaring to the skies! Gambling stones, appraising treasures - those are trivial matters. If we're going to play, let's turn to treasure hunting in tombs, to going to international auctions, snatching rare ancient artifacts from museums. If they belong to my China, we'll take them back. If not, we'll still seize them all. Can't beat others? Hmph, I am the number one martial artist from ancient times, and besides, I have countless organizations protecting me. Healing beautiful women, intimate massages, those are old news. What we're having is beautiful women willingly chase after us. However, I prefer frolicking on the green grass of the campus - such wonderful moments! Ha-ha, I am quite naughty, Chen Bo winked at another girl as he continued his teachings!
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Huaxia, Sky City, a first-class international metropolis comparable to a capital royal city.

Chen Bo lives in this city, accustomed to its hustle and bustle, pavilions, and terraces.

At five or six o'clock in the morning, Chen Bo has already come to the nearby park for a morning jog. The park with few people around is as usual. But just now, a girl and an old man passed by and ripped Chen Bo's worldview to shreds.

Chen Bo was taken aback; he couldn't believe that these two people were not wearing clothes so early in the morning.

The early morning of Sky City at half past five still has a hint of thin fog. It's October, very cold, and the morning breeze makes the ears slightly red.

How bizarre! How could something like this happen?

Rubbing his slightly chilly hands, Chen Bo looked up to find the fog in front of him quickly disappearing. Looking around, the thin fog was also torn apart;

Interestingly, wherever his gaze fell, the fog was stripped away bit by bit. The feeling of the fog being torn apart under the control of his eyes, Chen Bo found it fascinating.

Wait, wait.

Abnormal things often indicate trouble. The truth of the matter was not that they were naked, but rather: was there something wrong with his own eyes, stripping people's clothes off?

Chen Bo enjoys reading novels. The numerous stored x-ray themed novels made him realize that he might have just had an x-ray vision. But how could he have such a high-tech ability?

Could it be a result of the fight years ago where he took on ten people?

Although he eventually knocked down the opponents in that fight, his eye was injured and he had to stay in the hospital for half a month.

But the medical staff didn't mention any after-effects at the time, and the recovery went well.

The incident is a bit distant, so Chen Bo can't confirm whether his x-ray vision is a result of that fight, but he quickly accepts the fact that he has x-ray vision.

Moreover, he had already thought about testing this special ability.

To be honest, Chen Bo had been stifled for the past two decades. When he was admitted to college, he was the pride of his rural parents. He thought that after graduating from his major in cultural relic appraisal, his professional skills would enable him to have a bright future. But he discovered that even graduates from Qinghua University might end up selling pork, let alone a child graduated from a second-tier university like him.

After graduation last year, he interned at two antique shops, but he never stayed for more than two months. Chen Bo knew his temper was too straightforward; he wouldn't hesitate to quarrel over disagreements. This reaffirmed the village elder's words: "Chen Bo, you're fit to be a leader."

Back then, Chen Bo was quite happy about that comment, but looking back now, it was all sarcasm. Who exactly was he leading? His parents even phoned him last year suggesting that if things didn't work out, he might come home and raise pigs. At that time, Chen Bo laughed—was he destined to lead only pigs in this life?

Damn it, I must make a name for myself; otherwise, I am not going home!

Chen Bo made a solemn vow that if he couldn't make money, he would not go home. So this year, Chen Bo resigned from the antique shop and found a new job that made money faster - a model.

However, ever since Chen Bo entered this industry, he has been looked down upon. Although he was earning more than before, the competition in this industry is fierce. Every time he attended a fashion show, all models would fight tooth and nail. Some male models would even have inappropriate relationships with their female bosses. This made Chen Bo feel even more fed up.

Having been unsuccessful in the modelling industry, and now possessing the power of X-ray vision, Chen Bo wasn't sure if this was a reward for his diligence. With this ability, Chen Bo instantly thought of a quick way to make money - buying lottery tickets.

The lottery betting station near where he lived was run by Sister Xu. Seeing that it was closer, Chen Bo rushed over without hesitation.

Sister Xu's shop opened very early every day. The owner, Xu Hui, was an unmarried woman in her late thirties. She was quite attractive, with a height of 165 cm, ear-length short hair, and long phoenix-like eyes that carried an electrifying gaze when she looked at people. Since they were both single, Chen Bo always teased her whenever he visited her shop.

On his arrival, he happened to catch Sister Xu opening her shop, and Chen Bo walked over.

"Sister Xu!" Chen Bo called out to Xu Hui warmly.

"Oh, it's you, Chen Bo." Xu Hui was thirty years old and ripe with charm. It could not be denied that Xu Hui's figure could inspire fantasies in men. Seeing her unable to lift the rolling gate, Chen Bo stepped in to help, holding it up with one hand.

Seeing the rolling shutter being lifted by Chen Bo single-handedly, Xu Hui turned around and smiled, "Thank you, Chen Bo."

As she was talking, the heel of her shoe unexpectedly twisted, causing her to stagger. Chen Bo immediately caught her around the waist, cautioning, "Be careful."

Chen Bo put his arm around Xu Hui's waist, after helping her up, he quickly pulled his hand back.

"Hehe, thanks. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have fallen on the ground."

"No problem." Chen Bo was clearly happy to help.

"Wait a minute? Chen Bo, are you buying lottery tickets again?"


"You're betting on the Chinese football team losing to which team?" Xu Hui laughed slightly.

Chen Bo shook his head. "Not this time."

"Oh, you mean you are buying for a Chinese team's victory, then you have to be careful."

"Do you think I am that foolish? Xu Hui, this time I'm buying the instant kind."

Xu Hui grinned. "Oh, you mean the scratch cards, yes, they are in the white box on the counter. Two types of boxes: the small box has five yuan per piece, and the big one is twenty yuan each. You can choose, and I can give you a half price."

"No need for a discount." Chen Bo moved to the counter. "Xu Hui, I will take the twenty yuan ones, here is a hundred yuan."

If he hadn’t been out for morning exercises, Chen Bo would have only brought a little over a hundred yuan, the moment then, Chen Bo clearly invested more than a hundred cost.

Chen Bo cast the money to Xu Hui, who caught it, and softly said, "Choose whichever you like, I'll give you a few extras."

Just now, Chen Bo had been suppressing his through-vision power, fearing that overuse would render it useless. Now, standing in front of the lottery tickets, Chen Bo reactivated it.

The abnormality he felt this time was more pronounced, controlling his eyes with his consciousness, when a wave of energy flowed into his pupils, his eyes feeling like they were spinning. And then, a stroke of red light shot out from his pupils; the red light directly contacted the scratch lottery ticket, then reflected onto the silver coating...

The red light's penetrative power was very strong. The next second, the words on the scratch cards in the box like 'Thank you for your participation,' 'Prize Amount,' etc., all appeared clearly.

He could really see through it!


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