Peerless Celestial Master

Peerless Celestial Master



He is the last celestial master in the world, the celestial master descends the mountain, leisurely wandering in the city! "I move with the swift wind, trailing a streak of shooting stars behind me, my destiny is determined by myself, not by the heavens!"
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Xujiahui, the busiest district of Huhai City.

A young man dressed in a grey cloth gown is plodding along, a green bundle on his back and a monkey perched on his shoulder.

A giant screen on the street is broadcasting today's news headline: "Today's Headline: Mysterious man annihilates pirates, rescues China's richest man Wang Dabiao!"

Casting a casual glimpse at it, Luo Nan cracked a slight smile, "Who would've thought that obliterating a group of pirates would make the headlines..."

After Luo Nan rescued China's richest man, he received a reward of two hundred million yuan, as well as a villa.

The fee for hiring the "God of Death", a famous figure in the underworld, was just a discount at two hundred million yuan.

This time, Luo Nan came back to China with two missions.

The first, revenge.

The second, to find a wife.

Before he left, Zhang Jiuyan personally handed him a letter of betrothal, earnestly stating that the woman was stunningly beautiful and that he would want to carry her into the bridal chamber the moment he saw her. He'd want to be the groom, every single day...

Normally, for Luo Nan, the presence of beautiful women is dispensable. If he could woo them, fine; if not, it didn’t matter.

The girl might be gorgeous, but Luo Nan wasn't the kind of man who would be rendered immobile at the sight of beauty.

Having mingled in the underworld for years, had he ever rejected any type of beauty?

However, this time it was different.

For his revenge, he had to win this girl's heart.

Before leaving, Old Master Zhang had said, "With your ability, seeking revenge in this lifetime is impossible. Even if you cultivate for another decade, it won't be enough. Revenge necessitates a wife..."

For a chance at revenge, Luo Nan endured for a full ten years.

As for how having a wife fits into revenge, he asked Old Master Zhang countless times, only to receive a chuckle in return. He didn’t know much about the man who had adopted him, but one thing was certain: the Old Master was remarkably superior...


Stopping in front of a luxurious office building, Luo Nan walked through the entrance of Xueyue Corporation.

"Good day, sir, can I assist you in any way?"

The receptionist looked at him with a puzzled expression, evaluating him up and down.

He was unusual.

He was dressed in a gray hemp robe.

A favorite among the children of the capital city a century ago, now it has become the standard outfit for wanderer sorcerers. Throw on a pair of sunglasses and play an erhu, and you could make a decent living.

He wore black cloth shoes on his feet, a pair of meticulously crafted thousand-layer cloth shoes, carrying a bluish bundle on his back.

In the city of Shanghai, this outfit was considered 'too countryside', but on him, it had a unique charm.

A bit like the masters of martial arts during the Republic of China era. In those days, Chinese martial arts legends like Huo Yuanjia and Ip Man dressed like this. Even the blind erhu player under the sky bridge would look like a nobody compared to him.

And on his shoulder was a monkey. This monkey had golden fur all over it, and a tuft of white hair on its forehead, giving off a naturally heroic aura.

"Hello, gorgeous. I’m here to find my wife. Is there a girl named Mi Xue here?"

Luo Nan looked serious.

"You... say that again!"

"I am looking for my wife, her name is Mi Xue."

The receptionist barely held it in.

There's only one lady in the whole company named Mi Xue...

She is the president of Xue Yue Group...

Thinking of the thugs who had come looking for trouble a while ago, plus Luo Nan's peculiar appearance...

This guy is definitely no good!

Without hesitating, the lady at the reception desk hit the alarm button.

In no time, a few burly security guards showed up.

"Where did this stinky kid come from, daring to make a scene here! Oh my gosh, who told you to bring a monkey in with you!"

The security head, Brother White Bear, a nearly 300-pound fat guy known for his foul temper, barked menacingly at Luo Nan.

"Brother White, he claimed that Sister Mi Xue is his wife, how shameless!"

The receptionist added fuel to the fire.

"Just look at his uncouth demeanor, how can he be a match for President Mi? A toad lusting after a swan, he's overestimating his own capabilities!"

Polar Bear pushed out his big belly, opening his mouth to curse.

"Get him out immediately. The monkey isn't leashed, what if it defecates anywhere? That would be the end!" The receptionist voiced out with disgust.

Polar Bear gestured, and several security guards were ready to kick Luo Nan out.

Luo Nan helplessly explained, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mi Xue is indeed my wife. This monkey, it knows manners, absolutely won't defecate anywhere..."

The next moment, Luo Nan found himself speechless.


The monkey chuckled at him, clung onto Polar Bear's trouser leg, and took a steaming piss...

Now things had hit the fan.

"You! Nasty little brat, I'm going to butcher you!"

Polar Bear lord swung his fist, viciously aiming for Luo Nan!

Nearly 300 pounds of fat man, with one punch going down, it was enough to send him to the hospital for at least half a year.

The wind whistled approaching!

Several receptionists couldn't bear to look straight, turning their heads away.


A muffled sound reverberated.

When the crowd regained their wits, they were stunned to discover that it was Bai Xiong, the head of the security team, who was rolling about on the ground moaning.

While Luo Nan still had a smile on his face as if he hadn't moved at all.

"Hmph, so this little punk knows martial arts... Call my boys over. I refuse to believe that we can't take him down!"

Bai Xiong staggered up from the ground, huffily commanding.

Luo Nan shrugged with a wry smile: "Here's a piece of advice for you, don’t agitate me!"

"Finally scared, are you?"

"You misunderstood. What I mean is, if I get angry, it won't bode well for any of you..."

Bai Xiong frowned: "What do you mean?"

"When I get angry, you get beat up, wiped out. And I don’t know my own strength. In case someone breaks an arm or loses a leg, you'd regret for the rest of your lives..."

Luo Nan earnestly stated.

Wipe them out?

Such arrogant words!

If they allow this youngster to swagger in, would these security guards still have their jobs?

Today, I must take this guy down!

"Kid, are you here just to make us laugh? There are over ten of us beating you, guaranteed to leave you bruised and beaten!"

"That little bastard is pretty cocky, isn’t he overdue for a lesson!"

"Right! Brother Bear, let's kick his ass!"

Cursing non-stop, a dozen or so security guards armed with rubber hoses surrounded Luo Nan.

Luo Nan sighed, "If we fight, I'm afraid you'll be the ones at disadvantage..."

Even if it was several dozen professional mercenaries, they wouldn't be sufficient for his warm-up.

The title "God of Death" in the underworld wasn't merely a nickname, behind it lay countless chilling skeletons, and countless governments fearing the "God of Death"...

"I won't stop until I send you running back to your grandmother's house, otherwise I'll take your surname!" Bear growled.

It seems like I have no choice but to fight.

Luo Nan smiled and shook his head.

"Dear sir, no offense intended, please forgive me..."

Before Luo Nan even finished his speech, he preemptively attacked, lunging towards Bear.

Like a bolt of lightning, too quick to react!


Blood spurted out of the nose elegantly.

Never in a million years did they expect this kid to strike first!

The White Bear looked at the ceiling, and felt himself floating...

In his ten years traversing the underground world abroad, Luo Nan realized a principle.

Either, don't strike.

Or, strike first!


"What time is it already, and not a single bodyguard who has applied for the job has come?"

Michelle leaned heavily on the large sofa, her brows furrowed, her face bearing the weight of a heavy heart.

A while ago, hooligans hired by competing companies were making trouble at her doorstep, happening several times in succession, each time quite unsettling yet fortunately uneventful.

So, she decided to hire a personal bodyguard.

But she had been waiting for an hour now, and not a single applicant had showed up.

Michelle, twenty-one years old.

Ever since grade school, she had always been the most beautiful girl in school.

Combining beauty and innocence in one, she is the ideal woman of every man's dreams.

She graduated from Stanford with a degree in Economics, holds two master's degrees, and is now the president of Snow Moon Corporation.

To say that she is a favored daughter of heaven wouldn't be an exaggeration.

"Everyone is an hour late, and not a single one has showed up. Tell them, each and every one of them are disqualified!"

Mi Xue shoved the resumes on the table to the floor, huffily leaning back on the sofa.

"President, there is someone outside looking for you..." An assistant said in a low voice from outside the door.

Before she could respond, the door had already been pushed open.

A young man wearing a grey cloth robe, with slick-back hair, a blue cloth bundle on his back, and a monkey on his shoulder, walked in with a swagger and a smile on his face.

"Darling, I've finally found you..."


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