President, Kneel and Talk to Me

President, Kneel and Talk to Me



Wen Qin only has less than a year left to live, But even so, she still has to serve as that woman's blood vessel. In despair, she plunges herself into the sea. "Huo JingShen, the thing I regret the most in this life is falling in love with you!" ... When they meet again, Huo JingShen is red-eyed. "Wen Qin, who allowed you to run away?" She smiles faintly, her eyes filled with cool indifference, "Sir, you've mistaken me for someone else."
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Wen Qin stared blankly at the medical report in her hand.

"Late-stage cancer," the four big characters were unbearably glaring.

With thin fingers subconsciously clenched around the report, she realized she had less than a year left.

The doctor beside her sighed, looking at her with a hint of pity. "Miss Wen, your constitution is very weak, and you have undergone two abortions. This has led to..."

His implication was clear without having to finish the sentence.

Wen Qin lowered her head, her thick lashes hiding all emotions. "Doctor, please do not tell anyone."

Tearing the medical report bit by bit and throwing it into the trash, she turned and left.

Outside the door, a few burly men lined the corridor. Seeing her emerge, they frowned. "Miss Wen, you're taking too long."

All of them were dispatched by her husband, Huo JingShen, but their mission was not to protect her, but to keep watch over her like a prisoner.

Despite being Mrs. Huo, she had never been recognized by Huo JingShen.

Thus, these people saw no need to show her any respect.

Wen Qin returned home in complete silence.

Only when she saw the time on her phone did she realize that today marked exactly two years since her marriage to Huo JingShen.

Upon realizing this, she subconsciously dialed his number.

As always, there was no answer.

She had known all along, so why did she insist on humiliating herself?

Moreover, for Huo Jingshen, today held greater significance—it was her birthday.

He obviously wasn't going to come back.

Just as Wen Qin was feeling disheartened, and about to hang up the call, a frigid male voice came through the phone: "If you need money, contact the butler directly, don't bother me."

"Jingshen, it has been two months since we last saw each other, I miss you..."

"Wen Qin, recognize your place and stop daydreaming."

Even though he wasn't in front of her, she could visualize him frowning, the look of deep disgust on his face.

"Come back, let's discuss..." She sighed heavily, stressing her next words: "About the divorce."

There was a long silence before he hung up the phone.

Wen Qin curled up on the sofa, her gaze drifting aimlessly in the air.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, as though someone was throwing one punch after another at her.

A low, torturous moan slipped from her lips. She clutched her abdomen tightly, trying to alleviate the pain, only to feel an even deeper torment.

Seven hours later, right after midnight, the door opened. Huo Jingshen stood gloomily by the doorway: "So, what stunt are you pulling this time?"

"Divorce, is it so hard to understand?"

Wen Qin rose, silently staring at him.

"Alright, tell me, how much money will satisfy you?"

Wen Qin suddenly broke into a smile. "Money? Do you always think that whatever I do, it's just for money?"

"Otherwise? Are you implying it's because of love?"

Huo Jing Shen leaned down, their breaths intertwining. Despite the intimate posture, the temperature plummeted to freezing point.

In his eyes was unfathomable disgust. "Your so-called love, it sickens me. You have no right to bring up that word."

Wen Qin stiffened, an unspeakable bitterness welling up in her eyes.

Struggling to maintain her composure, she uttered word by word, "Announce my identity to the public. Let them know I'm Mrs. Huo. After two months, I am willing to divorce you."

Huo Jing Shen's gaze was as frigid as ice. "Impossible!"

"I am the legitimate Mrs. Huo, why can't I?" Wen Qin's hand, hanging by her side, clenched tightly, her nails digging into her flesh, yet she seemed to be oblivious of the pain.

"Do you forget how you became Mrs. Huo?"

Suddenly, a smirk emerged on Huo Jing Shen's face, his gaze softened slightly. "FeiFei is pregnant. I won't let her suffer any grievances."


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