Why Don't You Love Me

Why Don't You Love Me

Author:Bridget ofotokun



Kara had no other option then to join the sex workers group. She needed money so badly to treat her grandmother and seeing how paid the sluty business was, she agreed with her friends and became one of them. She got hired to a Job in the cinema and met the cold-hearted CEO of whom she Later fell in love with. Kara's friends decided to think of a plan in order for Kara to have a one night stand with the CEO since they knew the burning romance between them and they probably know he would pay an awesome amount of money after the one night stand they will have together. Kara was unaware of their plan, so that night she got drunk accidentally and she had a one night stand with him as she was too drunk to remember everything that had happened that night. Months later, she found out she was pregnant and not knowing the biological father of her unborn child. She decided to abort the baby when her grandmother died of (cerebrovascular disease). It exacerbated everything as she wanted to commit suicide that night when she was saved by her ex boyfriend who later carry the responsibility of the baby until he grow up. Six years had passed and Kara has become more conceited and bossy as she wasn't the same person she was, years ago. She had become furious and heartless. She was told to kill the CEO of a particular company who was said to behind the death of her parents as she shoot him that night before she realizes what she has done It was too late before she figured it out. He was her baby Father. Even though he would recover from the unconsciousness will he still love her back?
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Kara was in the kitchen preparing some meals they will be eating when suddenly, she heard a roaring deafening sound coming from the room and she quickly detected the sound to be her grandmother's voice.. without hesitation...

She slammed the door open and found her grandmother on their small bed holding her chest

"Grandmother! What is it; are you okay? She asks and helps her to sit straight on the bed.

" I'm fine; please help me with some water. Her grandmother requested as she walked to the kitchen and brought out water from the tap as she took it to her.

"Oh grandmother, what is wrong? " Are you sure that you're okay? Kara Asked, touching her face as she nodded her head. " I'm totally fine, don't worry about it. Her grandmother assured as she sighed..

"Okay Then, I will go ahead and continue doing what I was doing. She Utter and sailed out of the room and after a while, she heard a groaning sound again and immediately, she knew it was her grandmother.

What could be wrong with her? She thought as she walked to the room and this time around, she was on the ground holding her chest and breathing helplessly. "Mother, I think we need to go to the hospital.

We have to find out what's wrong with you. "I'm totally fine; You don't have to worry about me.

Her grandmother muttered as she touched her face and it was just so hot.Just then, she fell on the ground.

" Mother! Kara called as she held her hand but didn't hear any response from her and just then, she heard a knock on their door and without hesitation, she walked towards the door and found her EX boyfriend. "Bryson"

"What are you doing here? Did you drive your car? She asked as a smile crept through his lips. " Yeah, I came to see you. "To apologize for everything I have done you wrong and also,on behalf of my family.

"Okay, we will talk about that later, but I need to take my grandmother to the hospital.. What happened to her? Bryson asks in startlation as he follows her to the room and finds her mother.

"Oh my gosh! " Mother! Kara tapped her hand but couldn't hear a word from her as she stood frighteningly, hoping that she hadn't given up the ghost.

They took her to the car hurriedly as Kara sat at the front seat and Bryson zoomed off immediately.

Some minutes later, they arrived at the gargantuan hospital as a stretcher was brought to them immediately as they rolled her grandmother Inside the hospital

Kara ran with the doctor inside the hospital and could see so many throngs. Why does hospital invariably throng with different patients?

Kara was halted by the doctor from entering inside as she sat down with her ex boyfriend in the passenger.

Kara all those while, her mind wasn't at ease as apprehension ran through her face, her Palm sweltering controllably as she could hear her heart beating rapidly.

"Oh kara! Calm down, everything will be fine okay? Bryson confronted seeing how restless she was.

"It can never be Bryson" , didn't you see when her eyes were closed. I think she had been sick for a while now, how come she kept that clandestinely to herself. She could have let me know on time and I could have taken her to the hospital on time.

"Oh! I know but take it easy on her. I redolent to you that nothing will happen to her. "I hope so. Just then, the doctor walked to her. " You can come in now!

Kara walked inside the ward as she found her grandmother lying on the bed with her eyes closed. "Doctor, please tell me what's wrong with her.

" Well! At first, it was very profound for us to find out what was wrong with her, but later, we were able to decrypt it.

Your mother here is having a

cerebrovascular disease

probably known as heart stroke. It has gone too profound to be cured with just drugs.

We have to do mechanical embolectomy surgery for her. The doctor shrugged in as she sighed. "Surgery! But why?

" It's just a heart stroke so why do you need to do surgery on her? She was chaotic by the whole thing and she knew If she was to be operated on, she needs money.

Mechanical embolectomy surgery is the only option we have right now. We can not give her any drugs right now because the sickness has gone too profound as I have stated early. And it can't be cured with just ordinary drugs.

"It's only mechanical embolectomy that can be done on her and during this surgery, the blood clot in the brain is removed using a stent

a tiny wire mesh tube that help prop an artery open

The doctor Rasped in as she sighed. Feeling so frustrated already and thinking about the money itself is just making everything exacerbating to her.

Although she doesn't understand the whole thing the doctor explains, she knows it will take a bunch of money.

"Okay doctor. "No problem! ``Just save my grandmother for me. She Utter glancing at her as the doctor let out a deep breath.

But before we could proceed with the whole operation, you have to pay us the money we would use for things needed for the operation.

"Okay. How much is the whole bill for that? She asked as the doctor brought out a jotter and scrawled down the amount. Her mouth gasped open as she saw the amount. It was


"what? Doctor, but that's impossible. The money is just too much and where do you even want me to find such money?? She asked.

"That's all you have to pay because we also have to purchase some kind of things. The doctor Rasped in and walked out of her. Kara glared at her grandmother as she kissed her cheeks before sailing out of the room.

"How's she doing; how's her body now? Bryson asks Kara as they walk towards the car. " Fine. She muttered but Bryson wasn't still convinced by her reaction. Her countenance explains that something was wrong.

"Come on baby!!" You don't have to pretend to be me! I can help you. " Just tell me what is wrong? Bryson asked as he opened the car door for her and she went inside the car.

"Forget it! "Nothing is wrong. She's fine. Kara Utter as he rode off. After some minutes, they finally reached their destination as Kara came down from the car.


"Thank you very much for your help. Really appreciate it! " Now, you can go home. Go ahead. Kara shrugged at him approaching her door as he rapidly ran to her. "Kara, wait! He called as she turned back to glare at him.

" She's no longer with me. "I've destroyed the engagement contract I signed. "Let's go back to the way things were! "I really love you and I want us to be together. "Kara, please give me a second chance for me to prove my love for you.

"I really want us to be together like the way we have always been. '' Please find a second chance to accept me into your heart ones more again because we are meant to be together. Bryson rasped in as she scoffed. Letting out a mischievous laugh.

*Really! Those promises you always made, which one have you done? "You were there when your parents threw me out of your house. They threw me out and accused me of stealing.

"Do you know how much suffering I've gone through because of your family? They treated me like a trash just because I came from a poor background.

They never like me and they don't want us to be together because they believe you can't date or marry a low class girl like me.

"I'm sorry but it isn't my fault. I aren't gonna go through what I felt back then when I was dating you. " I think we should go back to being normal friends like we 've always been doing recently. Kara explained as he sighted and let go of her hands.

"Okay. I guess I will give you some time to think about it and also, about your grandmother, "do let me know if you need anything. Bryson Utter as he waved at her before hopping in his car.



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