Unique Stealth System

Unique Stealth System



After being rejected six times, Li Feng accidentally acquires a Hidden Resilience System. With explosive physical strength, he dominates over the top ten warriors in the Divine Ranking, looking down on the world! He possesses overwhelming charm, attracting beautiful women one after another; holding peerless luck, even a randomly dug pit can reveal ancient treasures! This describes the most domineering, brilliant life of a demonic figure, and the growth story of a king of the world.
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In the city of Changjing, outside Jingyun University, under a shady ancient tree.

"I'm sorry, Li Feng. You truly are a good person, but we are not a fit."

Li Feng had meticulously prepared for eight days to confess his feelings to Mu Bailan, the goddess of Jingyun University, only to be cruelly handed a "nice guy card."

Gazing at her gorgeous figure retreating in the distance, Li Feng let out an exasperated sigh.

This was the sixth time he confessed his feelings to Mu Bailan, and it resulted in him receiving the sixth "nice guy card."

"How could a goddess like Mu Bailan ever be interested in a loser like me? It's about time I woke up from this foolish daydream."

Li Feng had finally come to grips with the harsh reality.

He and Mu Bailan were university classmates. In fact, he had already knew her back in high school.

Back then, because of her beautiful face and outstanding figure, better than any model, Mu Bailan was already an internet sensation with over three million fans on Weibo.

During their first year in university, he and Mu Bailan were assigned to the same class. He was over the moon and quickly started pursuing Mu Bailan.

However, reality gave him a hard slap in the face. Six failed confessions and six merciless "nice guy cards" - his spirit was completely crushed.

As it turned out, a goddess falling for a loser only happens in fairy tales.

"Ding Dong! Ding Dong!"

Just as Li Feng was feeling down, his phone suddenly rang in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw a pop-up window on the screen.

The window presented a multiple-choice question.

"How would you react if you were being blackmailed or robbed?"

A: Swallow your anger

B: Retaliate immediately

C: Seek covert revenge

"What the hell, is my phone infected?"

Li Feng was utterly confused. He tapped to return to the home screen but it was unresponsive, the lock button, and the drop-down menu also had no response.

This question remained displayed on the screen.

Li Feng randomly chose option A, only for the screen to switch to yet another new question.

"How would you react if you were misunderstood by others?"

A: Swallow your anger

B: Retaliate immediately

C: Seek covert revenge

Li Feng was instantly speechless, too lazy to even read what the question was, he just directly chose A.

Then the screen switched to yet another multiple-choice question.

"Is there ever an end?"

Next, with every decision he makes, a new option would pop up, with the answer choices always being to endure in silence, counterattack immediately, or seek revenge secretly.

No matter the question, he frantically clicked on option A.

After frenziedly tapping option A dozens of times, just as Li Feng's patience was wearing thin and he was about to reboot his phone, a new window suddenly popped up on the screen.

"Congratulations! As the most enduring person in the world, you have obtained the omnipotent Endurance System!"

"Endurance System? What kind of strange tiny ad is this?" Li Feng narrowed his eyes in confusion.

The next moment, a mechanical sound echoed in his mind.

"Endurance System: Elevate the endurance value to 100 points, and you can unlock a grand reward package."

"When you are treated with negative attitudes such as mockery, misunderstanding, derision, disregard, sarcasm, contempt, or scorn, silently start enduring to increase your endurance value."

Li Feng's eyes widened slightly, the voice that echoed in his mind was definitely not a mere ad.

Could this be a serendipitous opportunity he'd stumbled upon?

"What is my current endurance value?" Li Feng tentatively asked.

A line of text appeared – Current Endurance Value: 0 points

Then, he saw an attribute panel.

Name: Li Feng

Combat Power: 8 points

Luck Value: 0 points

Charm Value: 0 points

Active Skills: None

Passive Skills: None

Talent Skills: None

A surge of excitement welled up in Li Feng's heart, this hidden endurance system seemed rather impressive. He wondered what kind of reward pack would there be when the hidden endurance value reached 100 points.

He walked towards the school full of anticipation, prepared to give this hidden endurance system a little test run.

At this moment, a few familiar faces were walking towards him from not far away.

Leading them was a blond hoodlum, followed by five lackeys, all swaggering, cockeyed fellows, headed straight in Li Feng's direction.

Li Feng felt slightly uneasy inside.

These all were good-for-nothing troublemakers, considered minor gang bosses in this small area of Jing Yun University. They had extorted him several times before.

In particular, this blond hoodlum named Shan Hao, notorious for his ruthless and malicious behavior, had been to the police station several times already.

"Isn't this Li Feng? Come here, let me take a closer look at you. Haven't seen you for weeks, and you've turned into such a wimp?"

Shan Hao, upon spotting Li Feng from a distance, sneered sinisterly, "Did you bring any money today?"

This bastard is trying to extort me again.

Li Feng muttered to himself in secret, thinking it was a perfect opportunity to test how powerful the Endurance System truly was.

He did not answer Shan Hao's question, but instead started to invoke Endurance silently in his mind.

Current Endurance Points: 0.

Shan Hao saw that Li Feng remained silent, his brows furrowed immediately, and he cursed, "I'm asking you, have you got any money on you?"

Li Feng still didn’t respond to him. His eyes shifted slightly noticing his Endurance Points had increased.

His Endurance Points had risen from 0 to 8!

So, no matter how negatively others treat me, as long as I endure without acting out, my Endurance Points will rise.

"Is he deaf or mute? Did you not hear me when I asked you?"

Shan Hao swore, delivering a vicious slap to Li Feng's head, making him stagger and almost fall to the ground.

All Li Feng could feel was a wave of dizziness and a hot, stinging pain in his ear.

Several thugs surrounded him, shoving and kicking him, brazenly bullying him.

"Bro Hao, this guy's turning pale. Is he scared stupid or what?"

"He's as meek as a grandson, he doesn't even dare to defend himself."

"Hahaha, look at this pathetic weakling."

The thugs had cornered him against a wall, laughing and mocking him.

They loved bullying the likes of Li Feng, someone who wouldn't fight back or retort, and was too scared to call the police - a classic pushover.

Li Feng was holding back his anger. As Shan Hao berated him, his resilience level instantly jumped to 29 points.

The abuses of the other thugs also caused his resilience level to soar.

Current resilience level: 35 points, 42 points, 51 points, 60 points…

"Quickly rise to 100 points and let me see what the reward package is all about," Li Feng murmured in his heart.

Seeing that Li Feng remained silent, Shan Hao became a little impatient, revealing a sinister look in his eyes.

"Kid, don't dawdle, hand over your money, or my knife isn't picky about where it lands."

Shan Hao took out a butterfly knife and slapped it a few times on Li Feng's face. The blade was chilled to the bone, and would certainly gouge a bloody hole if it pierced into the body.

"The money is in my pocket; you guys can take it."

Li Feng raised his hands, continuing his experiment.

There were many ways to endure; to remain silent was one, to comply with bullying was another. The second kind was certainly harder.

"Weren't you supposed to behave like this from the beginning? What a dim-witted fool, wasting my precious time."

Shan Hao, cursing under his breath, put away the butterfly knife and ordered, with a sidelong glance, "Search his pockets and take all the cash."

Upon hearing the order, the thugs began to rummage through Li Feng's pockets, taking out his wallet, phone, keys, and other items, while concurrently mocking him.

"You're so poor, is this all you have?"

At this moment, just as Li Feng had anticipated, his submissive behavior towards bullying led to a skyrocketing rise in his tolerance level. It surged instantly from 73 points straight to a full score of 100!

"Ding dong! Congratulations on accomplishing your first instance of tolerance, as a reward, you've received a double bonus gift pack."

A gift pack materialized, making Li Feng show a surprised expression as he clicked on the gift pack with some excitement.

"Congratulations on receiving 6 Battle Points!"

"Congratulations on receiving 4 Luck Points!"

"Congratulations on receiving 4 Charm Points!"

"Congratulations on receiving an additional 60 Battle Points."

"Congratulations on receiving the Passive Skill: Level 60 Free Fighting Specialization."

"Ding dong! Friendly reminder: Your rewards will take effect immediately. When one can bear no more, there's no need to further bear. Unleash your anger and your microcosm!"


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