Reborn Wife Is So Charming

Reborn Wife Is So Charming



In her past life, she devoted herself to loving one man, only to be brutally murdered and her organs forcibly donated; a cruel fate executed by the hands of her fiancé. Thankfully, heavens were kind - allowing her to be reborn. With her beautiful face and gifted knowledge in pharmacology, those who harmed her were bound to face retribution. The only problem was, she could not seem to let go of her ex-fiancé from whom she fled in her previous life. "Ming, why don't you like me despite my fair skin, good looks, kindness and charisma? Could it be that you're... incapable in that certain aspect?" A sweet and seductive smile played on her lips, her eyes gleaming enticingly. "Don't lay that scheme on me. As long as the woman is to my liking, I'm perfectly capable," a certain man huffed, leaning over her.
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Within the hospital of Country T filled with the smell of disinfectant, a bloodied Shen Yilin was pushed into the operating room. The double doors were tightly shut, and the principal doctor, Ling Yunsheng, the man she loved most, also her fiancé, stood inside.

"Yunsheng..." her voice weak, "First save my father, his wounds are serious."

Ling Yunsheng disdainfully shook off Shen Yilin, took a disinfectant cloth and scrubbed his hands mercilessly. His gaze was cold as he watched the gushing blood and a sardonic smile stretched across his face. "No," he stated flatly, shattering her pleas.

Shen Yilin looked at him in disbelief, "Yun... Sheng, what's wrong with you?"

"Shen... Yi... Lin, I'm sick and tired of you. Do you think I appreciate the small favours you provide in daily life? If it weren't for your ‘lovely’ father, I wouldn't be an orphan! Your father deserves to die, and so do you."

Donned in a white coat, Ling Yunsheng's eyes beamed with madness. "What are you talking about?" Shen Yilin asked, bewildered.

Shen Yilin's hands and feet were held down by Ling Yunsheng with brute force and tied to the operating table. "Thirty-four years ago, your precious father killed my parents in a car accident. How could I possibly love you, marry you, rescue you? I hate your wealth and influence. I resent your phony charity. What goes around, comes around. Your father's dead, and soon, you will be too. I'll be the rightful General Manager of Zhong-Mei Pharmaceutical. Your houses, properties, and companies will all belong to me, Ling Yunsheng."

"No! Yunsheng, there must be a misunderstanding! How could my father have run over your parents? He's so kind-hearted, he even donated several Hope Primary Schools..."

Ling Yunsheng suddenly broke into a fit of laughter, only to stop abruptly to seize Shen Yilin's throat. His crazy face twitching, eyes glaring. "He's a hypocrite! If my parents hadn't shielded me, I would've died as well. In the end, your father only let the insurance company pay some compensation. Two lives worth only two hundred thousand. I used to have a happy family, but I became an orphan, all because of you."

A flow of memories hit Shen Yilin like a truck. She suddenly remembered when she was eight years old, her father came back from a business trip and hit a tricycle. The tricycle was driving against the traffic, costing two lives and harming a child, yet her dad was guilt-ridden and devastated.

“You were that little boy…”

“Yes, that was me."

"But Dad, I send you money every month—cough, cough—"

Ling Yunsheng tightened his grip, Shen Yilin struggled to breathe, his face flushed, "That measly sum can't make up for what I've lost, I hate you!"

A choking sensation overwhelmed him. Shen Yilin writhed and his wound started spewing fresh blood, staining the pristine surgical table.

"Ah, Yun, let go," a familiar voice rang out. Ling Yunsheng let go of his hand. Opening his eyes, Shen Yilin found Shen Xinjia, his half-sister from a different mother, dressed in a crimson dress.

"Xinjia, please save Papa—"

Shen Xinjia gave a dismissive glance at Shen Yilin. With a seductive sway, she walked over to Ling Yunsheng's left, planted her lips on his, broadcasting a passionate kiss for Shen Yilin's viewing.

"You, you two—"

"I love Yunsheng, and Yunsheng loves me."

Shen Xinjia, panting and smirking, looked triumphantly at Shen Yilin. Ling Yunsheng, brazenly fondling her chest, showed no restraint.

The two of them stopped after a while, both of them looking at Shen Yilin.

"Shen Zhishan is not my father, I won't save him—"

"How is he not your father, your name is Shen too, his blood runs through your veins—"

"Scoff, my father is Shen Zhiwen, our day will only come when your dad dies. To tell you the truth, we planned this car accident."

"My dad was so good to you, you ungrateful wretch, your mother is a cheap..."

Enraged, Shen Yilin spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Yun, my aunt's wife needs two kidneys because of uremia, my third aunt next door has liver disease and lacks a good liver, and my heart has angina. Can we use hers?"

"Okay, let's use hers," in the closed operating room, Ling Yunsheng picked up the syringe.

Shen Xinjia held Ling Yunsheng's hand, "Anesthesia will affect the organs, just directly harvest them."

"You dare, this is murder," Shen Yilin struggled violently. Nonetheless, her hands and feet were bound, she couldn't break free, she could only watch with her eyes wide open as Ling Yunsheng held the surgical knife and walked towards her. She raved, "I have already signed the organ donation papers for your fiance. I don't love you at all, the only person I love is Xinjia. Enjoy the experience of what feels like life and death."

"Yes, Shen Yilin. I will make good use of your heart for my love to Yunsheng. Your liver and kidneys can still sell for some money. Go and accompany your despicable parents in hell."

Hatred...She was full of hatred...

Shen Yilin shook violently, fresh blood kept gushing out. The scalpel cut through her flesh, one cut after another lacerating her lean body, blood splashing out in waves, splattering onto the cold tiles.

She was in so much pain, every part of her hurt.

When her kidney was removed, Shen Yilin went unconscious from the pain, woke up from the pain when her liver was taken, and when her heart was taken, she couldn't stand the pain and twitched once on the operating table, dying.

Her broken body was soaked in blood in the resuscitation room filled with disinfectant water, her eyeballs were burst out.

Hatred...she was full of hatred...

If there is a next life, everything will definitely be repaid...


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