Poor Girl Becomes CEO's Darling

Poor Girl Becomes CEO's Darling



【Sweet Romance + Underdog + Slow-Burn Love + Dominant Male Protagonist + Double Happiness + Healing】 Rumor has it, Mr. Fu, who has been out of the closet for many years, was aggressively pursued by a little girl. Everyone collectively mourned for the girl, feeling sorry for her. However, to their surprise, the girl was out and about the very next day. Even more outlandish, she moved in with Mr. Fu brazenly, occupying his house, his bed, and his person... When Mr. Fu emerged with the pregnant Yu Nuan, a hot piece of news spread around the world at lightning speed - Mr. Fu had been converted! Fu Jingchen had always thought he was fostering a timid underdog. Until one day, when he witnessed her fierce brawling, he had a sudden realization. This was no underdog, but a little despot who was baring her teeth and waving her claws!
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After a night of confusion and chaos, Yu Nuan woke up feeling like her whole body was about to fall apart!

Looking at the man sitting by her bed fully dressed, Fu Jingchen? How could it be him!

Yu Nuan stole a glance at the messy bed, her disheveled self, and the scattered clothes on the floor...

Flashbacks of blush-provoking scenes appeared in her mind, recalling how she ripped off his clothes, scratched his back, and pleaded with him to hurry...

She had actually slept with Fu Jingchen, but wasn't he rumored to be...

Yu Nuan uncomfortably glanced at him. Seeing her look, Fu Jingchen furrowed his brows, "What do you want to see?"

"No, no, I'm not looking at anything."

Yu Nuan quickly shook her head, trying her best to look calm, but she couldn't resist pulling the quilt up a bit higher.

However, her attempt to cover herself only served to make her appear even more tempting.

Fu Jingchen’s gaze hardened, he clenched his fist, “Don’t entertain any indecent thoughts about me, and don't think about benefiting from the Fu family. This is your reward for last night.”

After saying that, he tossed a check on the bed and left.

Yu Nuan stared blankly at the check worth a million, her face flushed with humiliation. It was worse than being slapped.

He actually thought she was selling herself?

What upset her even more was when she dragged her exhausted body back home, her so-called father was ready for breakfast, utterly unconcerned about her whereabouts the night before.

As soon as she returned, her stepmother Li Qingxia sarcastically said: "Oh, you went missing the whole night just because you were scolded a bit, didn't even make breakfast, do you not plan on paying for your mother's medical expenses this month?"

Yun Nuan bit her lip hard, wanting to retort, but when she thought of her mother lying in the hospital, she swallowed the bitterness and swallowed her words.

"What else are you going to eat? I'll make it right away."

"Get an egg for you dad and sister each, remember not to overcook the yolk."

Yun Nuan responded and quickly went into the kitchen.

She was Fang Guoxuan's daughter, but with a stepmother came a stepfather, her status in this house was even lower than a servant, their daily care all fell onto her.

Even during the college entrance exam period, she had to get up at five to prepare breakfast for them, in exchange for the monthly hospitalization fees for her mother.

The pan-fried eggs were ready in no time, when Yun Nuan came out with the plate, her half-sister Fang Yunlan, was yawning and coming downstairs.

As soon as they met, Fang Yunlan suddenly screamed, "Ah, Yun Nuan, what's all over you?"

As she spoke, she reached out to tug at Yun Nuan’s clothes.

Yun Nuan couldn't dodge, the varying depth of ambiguous marks were all seen by this family.

"What... what’s going on?" Fang Guoxuan roared.

Yun Nuan pulled her clothes back, casually responding, "Nothing, just mosquito bites."

"I think it’s bites from a man!" Li Qingxia sneered.

Yun Nuan knew she was at fault, so she chose silence. Seeing that the three members of this family were about to blame her in turn, she didn't want to hear a word. She had finished making breakfast anyway, they could do as they wished.

She went straight to the storeroom, her room, and shut the door with a bang, the world finally became quiet.

But Yu Nuan's heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Fu Jingchen, in her heart, was a godlike figure, and yet she had managed to topple this god in just one night, unsettling her deeply.

She shouldn't have drunk alcohol last night, let alone take such a bold step.

But a man like Fu Jingchen, would likely consider their night together as a casual fling, not even remembering her...

In the following period, Yu Nuan didn't dwell on their night together. She was so busy that she forgot about the passing days until she had saved enough for this season's medical expenses, and suddenly realized... her usually regular period had not come yet!

They hadn't used any protection that night, and she forgot the pill. Could she be pregnant?

This being her first encounter with such a situation, she was terrified. She dared not go to a large hospital, and had to opt for a small, secluded private hospital.

When she came out holding the test result, her head was spinning, and she felt lost.

She was pregnant? How could she get pregnant so easily?

Yu Nuan walked aimlessly. When she raised her head again, she was standing in front of a towering skyscraper emblazoned with the shiny golden words 'Lin Feng Group'.

Her heart gave a jolt – Why did she end up at Fu Jingchen's company entrance?

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, she saw Fu Jingchen emerge from the building.

Dressed in a black suit and white shirt, even from a far off distance, she could feel the elegance and nobility in his every move.

Perhaps she should inform him about it...

Before she could decide, her body had acted on its own, stopping Fu Jingchen who was about to get into his car-

"Wait a moment..."

Yu NuanNuan stammered, looking into Fu JingChen's sharp black eyes, her heart pounding wildly. All she could manage to do was hold on tightly to the paper in her hand, wanting to speak yet not daring to do so.

Seeing the girl before him, Fu JingChen recognized her as the woman from that night, his gaze becoming slightly downcast, "You have something to say?"

Yu NuanNuan was at a loss for words, instinctively reached for the corner of the man's shirt, yet catching his warning glare. She finally mustered up the courage,"Mr. F..Fu, I... I think I might be pregnant."

Fu JingChen was taken aback, then sneered at her, "What? The one million isn't enough, are you trying to find new ways to get more money out of me?"

"N..No, I'm not after your money, these are my medical results, you can have a look," Yu NuanNuan quickly shook her head and handed over the paper, staring hopefully at him.

Fu JingChen hesitantly took the report from her, his eyes darkening... two weeks pregnant.

"I'm just... a little scared. I don't know what to do, I..."

The girl gripped the strap of her canvas bag tightly, her face burning red, her voice growing fainter. Her embarrassment and fear were plainly written across her face, making her look like a frightened little rabbit.

For a moment, Fu JingChen's emotions were a mix of complexity, his expression colder than ever. He gave her a quick glance, "Get in the car. Come with me."

Yu NuanNuan didn't understand his intentions and stood rooted to the spot, not daring to move.

"Not getting in?"

Inside the car, Fu JingChen's tone was slightly heavy, a trace of impatience crossed his handsome face.

Yu NuanNuan felt as cold as ice, why could men be so indifferent when it came to matters like this?

She actually wanted to ask, how should she handle this situation, she wanted to find someone to make a decision.

Should she keep the child or not...

At the end of the day, she was at fault, but wasn't he to blame too?

The interior of the car was too quiet. The driver looked straight ahead, Fu Jingchen rested with his eyes closed, lightly tapping on his knee.

The clear and cool scent of the man lingered around Yu Nuan's nose. The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved and scared she became.

Looking at the unfamiliar road ahead, she nervously asked, "Mr. Fu, where are we going?"

"To the hospital."

The two simple words made Yu Nuan's heart tighten instantly, her complexion paling rapidly, "Are we... going to the hospital for surgery?"

Thinking of the surgery, Yu Nuan unconsciously protected her abdomen, her stomach beginning to ache dully.

Who knew, Fu Jingchen laughed coldly, "For things like these check-ups, small clinics easily hand them out. Who knows if yours is legitimate?"

He didn't trust her? So, he wanted to take her for a recheck?

"Mr. Fu, what if I really am pregnant after the reexamination?"

"Then abort it."

The four impatient words directly sentenced the small life to death.

Before Yu Nuan could react, the car stopped in front of Yecheng Yadan - the largest hospital in Country A.

The driver opened the car door, and Fu Jingchen got off first. Yu Nuannuan hesitated, not daring to move, yet her hand was suddenly seized by the man, dragging her towards the hospital.

Upon hearing that Mr. Fu had arrived, the hospital director immediately gathered a team of specialists from all departments to greet him, suspecting that there was some major illness at hand.

Unexpectedly, Fu Jinchen pointed at the nervous Yu Nuannuan beside him and said, "Can you check if she is pregnant?"

Everyone was taken aback. After a moment of surprise, they didn't dare to slack off and immediately sprung into action.

After conducting a series of tests, one thing was quickly established-

Yu Nuannuan was indeed pregnant!


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