The Omega's Return

The Omega's Return

Author:Precious Edmund



“I could kill you right now if I want to. Snap your neck and bring an end to your pathetic little life.” He snarled in my face, tightening his hold on my neck. I raised my eyes to meet his own, a smirk on my face as I held his gaze. "But you won't. One might think that you're finally in love with me.” Freya lost it all when her parents were killed in an attack. From the beloved daughter of the alpha, she is turned into an omega by Damien, her foster brother who harbors a deep hatred for her. She thinks life won't get any worse but fate plays a cruel joke on her by pairing her with Damien who rejects her without hesitation, torturing her and leaving her to die in the woods. Years later the long-lost wolf princess is found and Damien goes to ally with her. What would happen when he finds out that Freya is the wolf princess? Would she accept his plea? Or would she want revenge?
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The sound of people’s screams and the smell of smoke fills my senses and I'm thrown into a state of panic

“Mom!" I cry, searching around for the Luna.

What's happening? Why are they attacking us?

I saw the Luna running to me and I ran to meet up with her, running into her arms.

“Freya. Baby… listen to me. You'd have to hide. Hide until I come back to get you. No matter what don't come out until I come to get you,” Luna Adira says, touching my face with her hands.

"But what about you? Let's hide together. You're carrying a cub so you should hide too,” I plead with her but she pushes me towards my room.

"Go. I'd be back. Don't come out. Promise me,” I see the urgency in her eyes and I promise, running into my room and hiding under the bed.

The screams around get louder and I shut my eyes with my hands over my ears.

What if she never comes back? What if they abandoned me just like my real parents did?

I am filled with a sense of panic that takes over my rational side, making me roll out of bed and rush out.

“Mom!" I scream, running past people and out of the house.

Looking around me, I see flames around and people screaming.

Bodies littered on the floor with blood everywhere. The strong sense of blood and death has been doubling over, emptying my stomach's contents on the floor.

“Freya. Why are you here? I told you to hide inside," The Luna rushes to my side immediately after she sees me, scanning my body for any injuries.

“I was scared you would leave me so I came to find you," I tell her, wrapping my arms around her.

She kisses my hair and pulls me to her.

“Let's get out of here,"

Before we could run to hide we were surrounded by rouge wolves, each of them staring at us with bloodlust eyes.

In a bid to save me, the Luna attacks them and pushes me away.

“Run!" She screams at me, killing the rogue that was about to come after me.

“Mom,” I cry out, tears streaming down my face as I watch her take on six men alone.

What can I do!? What should I do?

Panic took over my entire being as I searched around looking for who to help her.

"Freya, get out of here!" The Luna screams at me, taking her eyes off the man she was fighting.

I scream out in shock when her face pales, a wolf's claw sticking out of her chest. She looks at me sorrowfully as blood drips from her lips before she falls dead.

A maddening howl was heard in the distance, a cry by the one who lost his mate.

“Let's go,” Someone grabbed me by my arm, pulling me away from the scene.

“Mom!" I howled in pain as tears dropped from my eyes, stretching my hands to where she lay dead.

I shot up from the bed with a cry on my lips, tears dropping from my eyes.

It was all a dream huh?

Cleaning my eyes, I slowly lowered myself back to my bed, holding my pillow tightly as I cried once more.

It's been six years since I lost my parents and I still remember that night, the night I killed my parents and lost my family.

My alarm beside me rings and reminds me that it is 5 AM and time to get up.

Getting up from my bed, I go into the bathroom and turn on the rusty shower.

Cold water rushes out from the shower head, causing me to shiver due to the cold.

I am still expected to shower with cold water even though it's freezing out there.

Stripping out of my clothes, I shower quickly so I would be able to finish my chores before I start cooking breakfast.

I was halfway done with the chores when Damien requested food, making me leave everything and rush into the kitchen.

Cooking up a quick breakfast for him, I take it to him, placing the plate before him.

The plate clatters as it hits the ground, the meal on it scattering all over.

“What is this? You call this food?” Alpha Damien asks coldly, his eyes holding nothing but hatred for me.

"I am sorry if the food is not to your liking,” I apologize immediately, keeping my gaze on the floor with no emotions on my face.

I was trying hard not to tear up and let them see me as weak. It would only give them more reasons to humiliate me.

Kati my ex-best friend stood by Damien’s side with a mocking smile on her face.

She held onto his arm tightly, staring at me with mockery.

“Get out of here," Alpha Damien orders and I don't hesitate to clean up and leave.

Sniffling, I blinked back the tears in my eyes as I headed to the kitchen. My fellow omegas I had walked passed all looked at me with mockery, their mocking laughter following me as I walked passed.

Ignore them. Ignore them. Ignore them.

I chanted this three times as I dashed into the kitchen, closing the door behind me.

Thinking about how life used to be before the previous Alpha and Luna died brought tears back to my eyes.

Life hasn't always been this hard for me.

I was left at the pack borders by my parents and the previous Alpha picked me up.

The Luna adopted me as her child and raised me just like hers. Everyone treated me like I was the Alpha's daughter, even Damien loved me.

I was happy then, I had a family who loved me and a pack that adored me.

All these came to an end when our pack was raided by rogue wolves, almost wiping the entire pack out.

The Luna had told me to hide somewhere and told me to remain there, promising to come back for me.

But foolish me who had fears of being abandoned again went after them.

We were attacked by wolves and while trying to save me both the Alpha and Luna died.

Ever since that day, Damien who had adored me loathed me, the pack that had loved me so much only had hatred and anger for me.

I had gone from the rank of an alpha’s daughter to an omega.

The lowest of the low.

Kati was my best friend when growing up but when she saw that Damien hated me, she turned her back on me and treated me like trash.

She had wanted Damien to be her mate so badly but was disappointed when she found out that he wasn't.

I wasn't keeping my hopes up but I was waiting for when I'd find my mate, he would love me and take me out of here.

My Eighteenth birthday would be in a few weeks and that would be when I'd find my other half and hopefully my wolf too.

I wiped the tears clean from my eyes, slapping a smile on my face as I went back to my duties.

I had to keep holding on till I would be able to leave here.


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