The Soldier King With Divine Sight

The Soldier King With Divine Sight



The peerless soldier king, with the power of clairvoyance, appears in the city. With his insight into everything and the unparalleled martial arts, he speaks out against the injustices of the world. Enjoy the story of this great warlord, protecting his beauty, and presenting you a saga filled with romance under picturesque scenes. Can you guess what happens next?
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"Lin Hai, you've been late twenty-eight times in just a month of work. You don't look like an employee at all..."

Jinsha Group's beautiful CEO, Xia Youyou, stared at a young man not far away, his legs crossed, her tone growing stern, "If you continue to slack off like this, I will have no choice but to fire you..."

At the end of the month, when she checked the attendance report, Xia Youyou found her company had an oddball who was late 100% of the time since he started working.

She called Lin Hai, from the security department, to her office and earnestly persuaded him for a long time.

Lin Hai turned a deaf ear to her advice, maintaining the same indifferent attitude as he had when he first started working.

Xia Youyou was furious, her phoenix eyes wide and slightly frightening.

Lin Hai, however, wore a relaxed expression, looking at the woman in front of him dressed in a black office lady suit, her curves perfectly forming an S-shape, with big eyes.

"Youyou, or—rather, Miss. You wouldn't dare fire me," Lin Hai confidently stated.

"Lin Hai, don't push your luck."

Xia Youyou started working at Jinsha Group after receiving her grandfather's call and arranging Lin Hai's position.

Perhaps thinking he had this connection, Lin Hai was extremely lazy in his daily work. He always behaved in a disrespectful way before her, causing Xia Youyou to decide to give Lin Hai a piece of her mind.

"Lin Hai, as a retired soldier without any education or special skills, it's not only difficult for you to get into a big company like Jinsha Group, but it's also hard for you to find even a basic job in this city..." Xia Youyou reasoned with forceful words.

"Who said I don't have any special skills? I was known as a true pig raising model in the military. As for each pig I’ve raised, they were all much whiter and fatter than you are. You, on the other hand, look malnourished except for the slightly fat chest and buttocks..."

Xia Youyou held her breath in.

This Lin Hai was really a weirdo, even comparing her, a woman of exceptional beauty, with the pigs in the military, and belittling her nearly perfect figure so rudely.

Her chest and hips were full and curvaceous, the rest of her body exquisitely slim. Weren't these the most eye-catching aspects of a girl's physique?

Suddenly, in Lin Hai's view, she appeared to be malnourished.

Summer started to feel a little self-conscious.

Apparently, in Lin Hai's eyes, a woman's beauty was defined by her fair and plump figure. Was his aesthetic judgment warped?

"Lin Hai, don't bring up your past accomplishments anymore. Hai City may lack many things but a pig farm isn't one of them. Your special skills are bound to be useless in this city…"

"Seeing that you were once Grandpa's soldier, I made an exception and arranged a job for you. I don't expect you to excel at your work, but you cannot be late every single day of the month…”

Lin Hai disagreed, saying, “I only showed up late twenty-eight times in a month, so it's not like I'm late every day…”

"You were late twenty-eight times in a month, and disappeared altogether for the other two days… Listen here, Lin Hai, there will come a time when all the favors are used up, and then don't blame me for not considering Grandpa's connection…”

While scolding Lin Hai harshly, Summer saw Lin Hai's flippant and cheerful face without any bit of remorse, finally understanding why Grandpa had said this man would have a hard time finding a job.

Lack of education or technical skills was one thing, but to lack even the basic enthusiasm for work, it would be strange if such a man could find a company willing to hire him.

Seeing Summer turn red with anger, her breathing becoming somewhat rapid, Lin Hai's eyes unconsciously fell on her.

"Lin Hai, what are you staring at?”

"I'm just looking very seriously…”

"Don't you look—" Summer's delicate face turned even redder.

"You are one hundred percent natural, without any surgeries or enhancements, why are you afraid to be seen?”

"Lin Hai, don't push my patience... " Xia Youyou was even more angry. It is true that she's genuinely pure and natural, but does it mean people can stare at her freely?

Looking at Xia Youyou, whose charming face turned blush almost dripping blood, Lin Hai's mind was filled with past memories.

In his young age, Xia Youyou's grandfather participated in the great Anti-Japanese War, one of the founding generals of China, and has always been Lin Hai's idol at heart.

As the old man grew older and stepped down from the leadership position, some of the past enemies began to stir. Within a year, Xia Youyou suffered several assassination attempts.

Lin Hai, as the old man's soldier, naturally could not remain indifferent to the granddaughter in crisis.

He decisively left the army and entered the Kinsa Group, becoming an ordinary security guard.

Xia Youyou only knew that Lin Hai, who had been working for a month, was late for twenty-eight days and disappeared for two days.

But she was unaware that in this one month, he had foiled three assassinations targeted at Xia Youyou and disrupted seven incidents intended for the young girl.

Xia Youyou had a different perspective, she was angry at Lin Hai for his perpetual disregard of his duties and his continuous mistakes, despite multiple corrections.

Since Lin Hai started work, he has not only been a constant nuisance, either being late or disappearing, but now he also spoke such unseemly words that made one blush and heart throb.

The Kinsa Group had thousands of employees, and if everyone were like Lin Hai, she as the president would have been unable to manage anymore.

"Lin Hai, I am officially firing you..."

“Youyou, I got this job through the old man's connections, if the old man finds out you fired me, he might even disown you out of anger…” As Lin Hai spoke, he casually picked up his water cup from his desk and took a sip.

A hint of exotic fragrance filled the air.

A puzzled expression appeared on Lin Hai's face, why would there be a faint fragrance in the water?

Indeed — this was Xia Youyou's personal water cup.

No wonder as soon as he took a sip, he could taste a delightful scent.

Did the aroma on the cup come from this young girl's fragrant lips or the rich sweet smell emitted from her hands?

While Xia Youyou was disappointed with Lin Hai's lack of ambition, she still decided to forgive him as long as he admitted his mistakes.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hai brought up the fact that he was hired by Gold Sand Corporation not based on merit but through relations. Instead of feeling ashamed, he seemed proud.

What's more infuriating was that Lin Hai drank from her cup without asking for her permission.

Xia Youyou's anger finally erupted uncontrollably.

"Lin Hai, you're no longer an employee of this company. Get out of my sight right now..." Xia Youyou broke her usual composed facade and shrieked unlike the icy goddess she usually was.

Xia Youyou's attitude was resolute, giving Lin Hai no chance to speak. He had no option but to leave helplessly.

Seeing Lin Hai's crestfallen silhouette as he left caused an inexplicable stir in Xia Youyou's emotions.

This man didn't have any applicable skills; having left the Gold Sand Corporation, he might end up homeless due to his inability to secure another job. Had she been too harsh on him?

Xia Youyou then thought, Lin Hai is a capable adult man, he can't depend on others forever. If she distanced him, this might possibly spur him to strive diligently in the future.

After a long day at work, an exhausted Xia Youyou planned to drive home.

"Ah, you—"

As she opened the door to her car, she was surprised to find someone sitting inside. Immediately, her color drained and she let out a gasp.


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