CEO Wife of the Mercenary

CEO Wife of the Mercenary


Realistic Urban

Once the young master of the Dragon Scion, now the leader of the internationally unrivaled mercenary organization, Hades' Hall, he is tasked to return to the city, tying the knot with a beautiful yet disdainful CEO. No matter if his wife finds him distasteful, there are plenty of others knocking at his door – a spicy police officer, a seductive director, a tsundere loli, and a sweet college student. With more women comes more trouble, but, it’s not an issue. He has an ace up his sleeve - the ability to deal with all kinds of trouble.
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Zhonghai City International Airport.

Wearing casual clothing, Fang Hao, with a cigarette in his mouth and hands in his pockets, walked out of the airport with a hint of helplessness.

After sweeping his gaze over the airport, he blew out a large ring of smoke, somewhat disgruntled. Mumbling to himself, he said, "I don't understand what the old man is thinking. Why does he insist on having me come back for a wedding? Judging from his demeanor, it doesn't seem like he's in a rush for grandchildren. Could he have borrowed money and now wants to use me to repay his debts? If that's the case, I am at a severe loss."

After muttering to himself, Fang Hao threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. As he crushed it under his foot, his expression hardened, and he muttered aggressively, "No, I need to be cautious, especially when I meet that woman Yun Fei Fei. If she is not as beautiful as the old man claimed, I would be better off leaving sooner."

With his mind made up, Fang Hao didn't hesitate any further. He hailed a cab and headed straight toward the Ding Hong Building, where the Yun Group was located.

Fang Hao, the founder, and main figure of the renowned international mercenary organization - Underworld Palace. His fame is widespread in the global mercenary community.

Three days ago, Fang Hao was in Africa, where he led the members of Underworld Palace to upheave the political landscape of a certain African country. Right after he had settled the African affairs and was about to lead his team into the South American mercenary market, he was found by the elusive old man who raised him.

"You're not getting any younger, always embroiled in fights and bloodshed. One day, you might just end up dead. I've found a bride for you. Your main job from now on is to protect her, lay her! Stay by her side until your child is born. The bride I've picked for you is very pretty, and she's the CEO of a large company, more than worthy of you."

This was the only thing the old man said to Fang Hao when he found him. After saying this, the old man gave Fang Hao the phone number of the bride's father and disappeared once again.

And so, Fang Hao, who was indebted to the old man for raising him, returned home reluctantly but willingly, to save the old man from worrying about him.

Yun Group's location, Ding Hong Building.

As Fang Hao got out of the taxi, he was stopped by two security guards on duty.

"Sorry, sir, we can't let you in unless you have an appointment."

"Yeah, brother, it's not that we want to give you a hard time. Ever since I've been on duty, there have been at least eighty, if not a hundred, men hoping to meet our Boss Yun. Just like you, they are attracted by her reputation and wish to catch a glimpse of her. We've seen numerous cases like this."

Getting stopped by two security guards on duty, Fang Hao furrowed his brows. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but feel somewhat reassured.

After all, based on the comments made by these two security guards, Fang Hao could roughly judge that the wife his father set him up with, Yun Fei Fei, whom he had never met, ought to be presentable. Otherwise, she wouldn't attract so many men who were there just to admire her.

Feeling relieved, Fang Hao gave up on his plan to forcibly enter. He casually took out his cell phone and called Yun Fei Fei's father, Yun Tian Hong, "Uncle Yun, it's me, it's Xiao Hao. Yes, I am already at the Ding Hong Building. But the security guards at the entrance don't recognize me, and I can't get in. What should I--"

"You can't get in? That's impossible, I've already told Fei Fei that you'd be coming back to the country today. Xiao Hao, wait a moment, I'll ask Fei Fei what's going on."

After Yun Tian Hong hung up, he didn't keep Fang Hao waiting too long. A young lady about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, with a beautiful face and exquisite figure, walked out of the Ding Hong Building.

"Hello, Secretary Liu."

"Hello, Secretary Liu."

Seeing this attractive young lady coming out, the two security guards who had originally been on duty at the entrance immediately straightened up and greeted her.

Liu Xuan, Yun Fei Fei's personal secretary, is considered the most influential person around Yun Fei Fei. Even some middle-level managers in Yun’s Group had to greet her with a smile when they see her.

Ignoring the greetings from the two security guards, Liu Xuan's pretty eyes were fixed on Fang Hao, "Are you Fang Hao?"

"Beautiful, you got a good eye. I am Fang Hao. It's quite amazing that among so many men, you picked me out in an instant. I'm willing to give you a chance to date me. Fortunately, I'm free tonight. Make sure you seize the opportunity, beautiful."

"You-- Hmph! Smooth talker. No wonder Boss Yun explicitly instructed me not to be too polite to you. Follow me in!" Giving Fang Hao a sideways glance, she turned and walked into the Ding Hong Building.

Watching Liu Xuan walk into the building, the two security guards looked at Fang Hao with a blend of respect and sympathy. They murmured, “Bro, Secretary Liu is a favored one in Boss Yun's eyes. Even daring to flirt with Secretary Liu… you'd better pray for yourself."

As the two security guards were speaking and before Fang Hao could respond, his phone started to ring.

Seeing that it was Yun Tianhong who called, Fang Hao casually picked up the phone.

"Little Hao, I've already called Feifei. I've told her about your situation and she agrees to arrange a position for you in the company. Just stay at ease in the company. When I come back in a few days, you and Feifei will get your marriage certificate. By that time, we will be one family."

"Uncle Yun, about the marriage certificate--"

"Why are you still calling me Uncle Yun? You should call me dad now. Okay, I have some other stuff to handle, so I won't talk with you for now. You go and talk to Feifei."

After the words fell, Yun Tianhong on the other end of the phone simply hung up.

Listening to the dial tone coming from the phone, Fang Hao helplessly shook his head. Not bothering to think too much, he simply stepped forward to catch up with Liu Xuan.


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