One-night Stand With My Alpha Boss

One-night Stand With My Alpha Boss

Author:Author Luna Celeste.



Julia Carter, an orphan from the moment she entered this world, found her life ensnared in the nightmare of abandonment. As an adult, she worked hard to build a life and watched as happiness seemed to draw nearer. However, on the day of her career breakthrough, her fiancé presented her with a shocking "gift" ---cheating on her nemesis. On that very same day, she received the devastating news that she could never conceive, a revelation orchestrated by the man she deeply loved. Feeling utterly trapped, Julia sought solace in a bar, attempting to numb herself. Yet, it was on this fateful night that her life took a drastic turn... *** She let him guide them for a few minutes, but the longer his fingers played absentmindedly with her waistline, the more her body begged for more of his touch. Her hands tightened on his neck and she moved closer, close enough that her body was aligned perfectly with his, her chest moving as his moved against hers. This isn't enough! The thought came from nowhere, and Julia found it both scary and thrilling. "Take me home." She whispered to him in her most sultry voice. "What?" The man sounded surprised, so she responded with a bit more gusto. "Take me home! To your bed!" Julia's retort was loud enough. The man was wearing a black button-up shirt, the top two buttons deliberately left open and his sleeves rolled up to his elbow. He looked hot! She must have been out of her mind before to think Adrian was hot. Now that's what I call hot! Julia finally returned her gaze to his eyes, not missing how much darker the green of his eyes became. At a single glance, she was certain: he wants her as well. Before thinking better of it, Julia closed the distance between them and kissed him. She kissed him with everything she had in her, like it would heal the hurt she felt. Khai went still for a few seconds, and she was about to pull away, when she felt his hand cradle her head as he deepened the kiss, a satisfactory moan slipping from her lips. "Don't regret it!!" He commanded, pulling her to the exit.
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At 2 a.m., electronic music conducive to lively dancing filled the air at the Bar. Countless urban elites, having shed their daytime facades, engaged in close, uninhibited dancing and even kisses with strangers on the dance floor, letting themselves go completely.

At the bar, a well-dressed woman with golden hair and green eyes sipped on a Bloody Mary, tilting her head back to pour it into her mouth.

Her hairstyle was impeccably neat, each strand of hair shimmering with a healthy sheen under the light – hardly resembling someone who would indulge in late-night revelry at a bar.

However, her transparent, moist eyes revealed that she was already intoxicated, with a dreamy and enticing gaze.

Julia pushed her empty glass toward the bartender, slurring her words, "Anoth... another one! Dirty martini!"

The bartender looked somewhat uneasy, saying, "Miss, you can't have any more."

This beautiful woman, arriving alone and immediately ordering a bunch of strong drinks without restraint, raised concerns for the bartender. If something happened to her later in the bar, he couldn't bear the responsibility.

Frowning, Julia took a few seconds to register the bartender's words and immediately became upset, "What?! Why can't I drink? Just because men can indulge and casually cheat, women can't?!"

Upon hearing this, the bartender quickly understood; it seemed she had been betrayed by her boyfriend. Having worked in the bar for so long, he had witnessed such situations too many times. He spoke in a comforting tone, "Miss, there are plenty of good men out there! Don't be upset."

Upon hearing those words, Julia tightened her grip on the glass, feeling a fiery pain in her stomach from drinking on an empty one.

Scenes from not long ago kept flashing in her mind, and after a few moments of hesitation, tears welled up in her red eyes.


During this period, Julia had been busy with work, and today she received a reward—she was appointed as the lead for a crucial project!

Despite some conflicts with her long-time workplace rival Jennifer before leaving the office and a few taunts from men who had lost to her, none of it affected her heart as she rushed to be with her fiancé, Adrian.

Swiftly leaving the office, she specifically went to the mall to purchase Adrian's favorite red lace lingerie. Although she usually avoided wearing such sexy attire, when it came to compensating for her fiancé's "long-lasting hunger," she was determined to go all out.

Blushing, she paid for the lingerie, drove home humming a song, and Adrian would surely appreciate her preparations.

Arriving at the apartment entrance, she confidently entered her birthday on the keypad, smiling even more as the door beeped open. Despite being an orphan, she was now loved, and someone had included her in the passcode.

Upon entering, she dropped the items on the dining table but paused when she saw two wine glasses already on the table.

Two wine glasses? She hadn't heard about inviting guests today. Moreover, both glasses were empty, except for the barely visible remnants.

"Did he bring someone home?" Julia thought to herself. "Could they be discussing work at home?"

However, as she got closer to the bedroom, the sounds that shouldn't be there became clearer.

"Ah... so good..."

She halted, waiting a breath, two.

"Awww Chris, give me more!"

There it was again, this time it became even more apparent--the female voice calling out belonged to her fiancé.

Julia felt her heart plummet as she begged silently "No, please no."

But in the very next second, that male voice she knew so well rang out, "Slut! I'll give it all to you!"

If the female voice was only somewhat familiar, her fiancé's voice was etched into her mind. Now, Julia was completely frozen in place, losing any chance for self-deception.

She was abandoned once again.

Abandoned by her parents from birth, labeled as bastard by others. She thought Adrian was her savior, that she would finally have a happy family. But now, everything shattered.

The usually assertive woman in the workplace was now utterly lost. What should she do?!

Yet, the two people in the room showed no sign of acknowledging her presence. The voices continued, "Not enough, Chris! You have no idea! That bitch bullied me today!"

Julia felt cold enveloping her as she heard those words, because there was no mistaking it. She heard that voice almost every day!

Just a few hours ago, she had a heated argument with her – Jennifer! Her biggest rival in the workplace!

Earlier, Jennifer had made ominous remarks, stating that their rivalry would never end. Now Julia understood the true meaning behind those words.

It felt like she had just gotten her rug snagged from underneath her feet and now all that was left was the cold hard floor, slamming against her flesh, scratching her body and causing bruises as her heart got ripped open.

Their groans got louder too and Julia muffled a sob as she snapped out of her dazed state and moved closer to the bedroom.

Adrian's throaty groans rang out as he spoke, "It's okay baby, ignore her. Let my big dick comfort you!"

Jennifer's annoying laughter traveled with the sounds of Adrian's betrayal, "Yes, that's it, baby! Oh, she was just showing off to me, that idiot thought she beat me! Harder Adrian!"

Julia felt her heart shriveling up again. She was indeed the biggest idiot in this world!

"Fuck, you're such a good slut." Adrian praised, tilting Jennifer's neck backward and planting kisses down her neck.

Jennifer moaned in response, "Ah! Your semen is so hot!"

The two reached their climax at the same time. They still hugged each other tightly and twitched to recall the beauty just now.

If one of them turned right now, just a peek in her direction… they would see her standing there, her mascara forming a halo around her eyes, the collar of her shirt drenched in sweat and tears.

They would save her the trauma of having to watch this.

Julia's blood flamed as the sorrow she felt rose to a deathly point, threatening to boil over and consume her and everything close by.

No! She wasn't just a woman who would hide away and cry! She had to make them pay!

She fisted her hands and stormed past her spot beside the wall when Jennifer's voice spoke again in petulance, "Why did you shoot in me, Adrian?! You can be such a nuisance!"

Adrian's response was soft as he chuckled and leaned into Jennifer's touch, "Because I want you to get pregnant for me, baby."

"Don't say that!" Jennifer whined, continuing, "You should let your dear MATE get pregnant for you, future Mr. Gamma!"

Adrian, embracing Jennifer, tightened his hold and lowered his head to kiss her hair, snorting coldly, as he replied, "She will never be pregnant."

What?! Why would he say that?!

Julia halted in her tracks, demanding an explanation. She didn't even notice the words they used that were out of place in the human world.

Jennifer seemed to share the same question. She sat up from Adrian's embrace, her face alight with surprise as she asked him, "How can you be so sure?"

Adrian, with a smile in his eyes, explained to her, "I've been replacing her vitamins with hormone pills. She takes them every day and will never ovulate again."

Julia, leaning against the wall, clenched her fists tightly. She shook her head lightly, trying to deny everything, whispering to herself, "This can't be true, this isn't real."

Despite her verbal denials and inner refutations, her tears uncontrollably streamed down.

Inside, however, the two individuals in the bedroom seemed to be celebrating this 'great news'.

Adrian's words were reassuring as he chuckled again, the sound of hungry kissing emanating from the room as he spoke, "Don't worry! No human doctor can cure her!"

This realization struck Julia outside the door. Yes! A doctor!

With that thought, Julia immediately stood up straight, wiped away her tears, took off her engagement ring, and rushed to the hospital.

There must be a way!

After rushing to the hospital and undergoing all the examinations last night, the doctor delivered her "death sentence," saying, "I'm sorry, Miss Elyot. You have no viable eggs left. It's indeed very difficult for you to conceive."

End of Flashback

In the bar, Julia clutched the glass, remembering all this, and her world collapsed once again.

How ironic! The love was fake. The vows were fake. The vitamins were fake. Everything between her and Adrian was a sham!

Yet this one thing turned out to be true – she really could no longer have her own children. She would never experience the warmth of a family.

She had never met her parents, and the longer she stayed in the orphanage, the more worthless she felt realizing that maybe the other kids were right and her parents did abandon her because no one wanted her.

She had worked so hard despite all the insults thrown at her at the orphanage, despite the whispers, despite Jennifer telling her she was foolish to compete against the men at the office, she had kept fighting, but what did she get after working so many years to prove herself?

She followed all the rules in this world, but what did she gain in return?

Suddenly, Julia lifted her head, squinted at the bartender, and nodded slightly, saying, "You're right, there are plenty of men!"

With that, she stood up, turned, and walked toward the dance floor.

She refused to believe that without that jerk, she couldn't find another man!


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